ORLD 480 SENIOR THESIS 11 (3) This final portion of the Senior Thesis gives the student opportunity to present a written document derailing the conclusions and recommendations to include an oral pre sentation ro the facu lty member and students. English Language Institute Directo r: SungW. Lee, Ed.D.
changes in financial position and ratio analys is. Emphasis is on reading and understanding accounting documents rather than upo n th eir preparation. ORLD 410 BIBLICAL CONCEPTS SEMINAR 111 (1) The role of special revelation formulat ing ethical values with focus on biblical prin ciples with rel evance for o rgani zations. An exan1ination of fundamental moral princi ples and their cul rural expression as well as the biblical bas is for values and morali ty. ORLD 420 SYMPOSIUM Ill (1) Case studi es in the meaning of God, man and life with relevance ro ethical choic es in our professional and personal li ves . ORLD 430 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (3) Students will explo re the key cl ements of the human resource management function from personn el planning and fo recasting through the search and selection process, compensation, o ri entati on, perfo rmance evaluati on, training and degree, corrective acti on programs and termination . Specific attention will be given as to how biblical principles impacting relationships with peo ple should be interwoven throughout the human resource management process. ORLD 440 PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION (4) Students will study the nature of man agement principles and their applica ti o n through the use of biblical concepts. Motivational theory and applicati o n, lead ership qualiti es and styles and nego tiation will receive special attention. ORLD 450 ORGANIZATIONAL ETHICS (3) The capstone course in whi ch the stu dent formulates a phil osophy o f li fe, pro viding the base for such concerns as ethi cs in organizati ons, accountabili ty in govern ment, respect for human rights, and a respons ibl e lifestyle in our contemporary world. Ethi cal theories and personal values are exami ned through readings, analysis of the workplace and classroom di scussion. ORLD 470 SENIOR THESIS I (2) 1l1e student is assisted in selecting a topic, the use of a computerized data base, research techniques and writing. The Bible is a prima ry resource in the research which is related to a specifi c issue, problem o r opportunity.
340 GROUP AND ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (3) Thi s modul e is a study of group behavio r and how groups function effectively. CHRISTIAN LIFE (3) A considerati on of God 's Person, exist ing as one God, yet manifested in three Persons, Father, Son and H o ly Spirit and the believds responsibili ty to the Church , Christ's body, as well as to the world at large as an agent of reconciliation in God's broad er kingdom program in the end times. ORLD Emphasis is placed on decision making and resolving conflict in groups. Students develop strategics for effi cient and productive group management and determine which tasks are handled bygroups o r individual s. The Senior Thesis is begun in week three of th.is module.
FACULTY: Assistant Professors: Cole, Taskesen
OBJECTIVES The English Language Insti tute (ELI ) is des igned to develo p students' proficiency in English and to be tter prepare them to achieve th eir degree at Bio la. All no n native speaker Christian students are invit ed to participate in thi s intensive English program at Biola University. ADMISSION All no n-nati ve speaker students who pursue a degree at Biola must take the Biola English Placement Exam (BEPE) . Based upo n the result o f the test, stud ents will be placed into either the English Language Institute o r the English as a Second Language sequence o f courses. Students whose test scores are in the lower levels will rake Engli sh classes on ly in ELI, but th ey may move to hi gher levels afte r achi eving satisfactory competence in the English language as demo nstrated by successful compl etion of Bi o la Engli sh Placement Exam. Students who are placed in middle o r hi gher levels may rake other degree courses along with the English courses with permission of th e Director of ELI program and Dean of schoo l. After sa ti sfac to ril y completing a pro gran1 of study in ELI , students can contin ue pursuing a Biola University degree with out raking the TOEFL exam. ACADEMIC PROGRESS The academi c standard fo r making good progress in the ELI program is a "C" (2.0) grade po int average. Those sn,dents who fal l below this standard will be placed on probation and given two semesters to repeat coursework and resolve their academic problem according to normal university po li cy. Students not resolving their academic . problems in two semesters, shall become academically di squalifi ed from continuing in the ELI and any other university coursework. ll1ose students given permission to take coursework outside the ELI program while emoUed in ELI, must, in this coursework,
360 STATISTICAL METHODS AND RESEARCH (3) Prob lem analysis and evaluation tech niques arc p resented. Students are shown meth ods for defining, researching, anal yz ing, and evaluating a problem they would solve in their work or avoca ti o nal environ ment. Specific statistical informati o n cov ered in the course includes id entifying and measuring o bj ectives, coll ecting data, Students examin e the fo rmal and infor mal functi o ns of organizations and anal yze an age ncy or organi zation based on a sys tems model. Students will also analyze and solve organi za tio nal problems using a step-by-s tep approach. This analysis will be applied to student's Senior Thesis. ORLD working with sign ificance levels, anal yzing variance, and constructing ques ti o nna ires.
COMMUNICATION (3) This mod ul e investi gates communi ca ti on and relati o nships in creating a productive work environment. Effective ness in personal and social relationships is also covered through read ings and exercis es concerning non-verbal feedback, dealing with anger, and reso lvi ng con flict. Students develop a model for effective relationships .
ACCOUNTING (3) An overview o f fin ancial tools avai lab le to th e manager in d ecision-making. Includes a study o f income statements, balance sheets, cash flow, budgets,
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