King's Business - 1941-07

JULY 1941 " 10 CENTS


M embers o f the Class o f 1 941 , Th e Bible Institute o f Los Angeles

Photo by Witzel

S PIRITUAL Defense ofthe Nation

FROM SCHOOL TO COLLEGE I N JUNE nearly th irty h oys w ere g ra d u ­ ated at S ton y B rook School. A s they le ft the cam pus m ost o f them w ere headed tow ard colleg e, and a fte r college, business and the p rofession s— the m inistry, m ed­ icine, engin eerin g, teach in g, the arm y, and the navy. A C hristian sch ool must n ot on ly lay a stro n g acad em ic fou ndation, but it must also leave its m ark on the b oy him self. These b oy s o f the class o f 1941 are from N ew Y ork, P enn sylvania, G eorgia, C on­ necticut, N orth C arolina, O regon, China, and E gypt. A m on g their parents are b u s­ iness executives, m inisters, m issionaries, engineers, a dentist, a lieu ten an t colonel in the United States A ir Corps, a florist, a banker, and a law yer. W ho W ill Take Their Place in Stony Brook Life? A p p lication s fo r adm ission to Stony B rook n ext fa ll are alread y bein g made. F rien ds o f S ton y B rook w h o fo r nearly tw o decades have been recom m en d in g the sch ool to relatives and acqu aintan ces are a sk in g that ca ta log u e and v iew b o o k s be sent to fam ilies w h ose boys are now ready fo r p rep aratory school. Y ou m ay have in m ind a b oy o f you r ow n or one you k n ow—a boy w ith an e x ­ cellen t m ind, capable o f better than av er­ age accom p lishm en t in sch ool and college —one w h o needs all the op p ortu n ity that a good b oa rd in g sch ool can g iv e him. W hy not s u g g e s t Stony Brook to hint or to his par­ ent«? A catalogue and view book will be sent on request. tonyJirookJchool FRANK E. GAEBELEIN, Litt. D., Headmaster Stony Brook, Long Island, New York Please Mention King's Business

calls for more pur­ pose and power and success in your Sun­ day School. These happy results will accompany the use o f the L BIBLE DED SERIES of

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SundaySchool Lessons CLARENCE H. BENSON, EdItor-in-Chief

Spiritual Defense calls for success in yOL'R Sunday School, beginning NOWl Dr. Daniel K. Bartlett o f England sums it up this way: “ Bible teaching, pure and simple, is the secret o f Sunday School success. The lack of Bible teaching, pure and simple, isthe cause of Sunday School decline. No modern methods, however clever and up-to-date, no philosophic thought, can take the Bible’s place. Sim­ ply because the Bible is not of man but of God. And God in His condescending love has made the Bible achildren’sbook. Children love it and believe it. And the Spirit of God uses it as His chief instru­ ment in imparting to them an experi­ mental knowledge o f Jesus as Savior for time and eternity.” Graded by Departm en ts Mail coupon for FREE, full informa­ tion. Learn how other schools have been transformed—yours may also be. Covers every age group, Beginners through T eacher Training. Practical, Economical.

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The ideal combination o f a rich spiritual program in a restful, health­ ful atmosphere is found in all four. C e d a r L a k e , Indiana, Radio Rally Week, with WMBI talent, July 6-13. Montrose, Pennsylvania, Minis­ terial Institute, from July 14-24. ■Mara.natha,near Muskegon,Mich., Conference, from July 14-20. ColoradoSprings, Colorado, fea­ turing Irwin Moon with scientific demonstrations, August 19-24. For further information write Extension Dept. K-744

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July, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The King s Business The True-to-the-Bible Family Magazine The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. LOUIS T. TALBOT £ MILDRED M. CODE Editor-In-Chief Managing Editor

“Next Fall May Be Too Late” • In the welter of a world gone mad, of nation rising against nation, of the terror that stalks in the night, of the arrow that flieth by day, of pestilence, of destruction, of the elements in commotion, is there not a warning in the stark realism of these few sentences taken from a letter re­ cently sent us: “ 1 was going to send the money this fall; but the Lord said, Send it now; next fall may be too late. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if He came this Feast of the Trumpets, the ingathering of the Harvest I God does all things in order.” • And here is something for the earnest child of God to t h i n k about. Wh&t and if He should come at the time of the blowing of the trumpets on the first day of the Month Tishri? What and if you w^re then suddenly caught up to be with Him? Do you not think it would please Him wonderfully that you should now have yomr part in a testimony that warns Israel of the wrath to come? And do you know a better way to please Him than to snatch a few brands from the burning, a few Jewish souls that will be your trophies when at last you lay your burden down and meet Him face to face? • The time is short. That is why we keep reminding you of the privilege of sharing with Him in His yearning over the lost sheep of the House of Israel; and that is why so many of the Lord’s choicest saints are counting it a joy to fellowship with us in our God-given task of these last days. Perhaps if you will make it a mat­ ter of earnest prayer, He will lead you also to become a burden bear­ er with us; and from experience we can assure you it will be a happy day for you. AMERICA« BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEWS, INC. 81 Throop Avenue, Brooklyn, N. I . Dear Friends: Gladly do I enclose $...........•••••.•• my gift for Israel’s salvation, ’Tie- fore it Is too late.”

Motto : “ Unto him that loved us, and washed us fiiom our sins in his own blood*' (Rev. 1:5).

Volume XXXII

July, 1941

Number 7


Ransom D. Marvin,-' Staff Artist Around the King’s Table— Editorial ..........------ -------------------------------- 251 Significance of the News— Dan Gilbert ---------------- ..........— .....— .— 252 Evangelism in War Time— Herbert Lockyer ........................................... 253 God-Touched Lives —Paul W . Rood ..................................................... .... 254 The Church That God Built.................... ................-.................. ......... . 256 Progressive Sanctification Through the Holy Spirit— Ruth Paxson.... 259 Junior King’s Business— Martha S, Hooker ..... ....................................... 261 Bible Institute Family Circle..................................................... .................. 263 International Lesson Commentary-.-...«........................— ........... ......... 264 Notes on Christian Endeavor— Jane S, Goodner, Carolyn L. Canfield, Carlton C. Buck, and Lyman A. Wendt ............— ......... .— ............... 275 Daily Devotional Readings................................. ......... .......... ............ ....... 280 School Section .......— .....-----..........— — ............................................ 284 SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: “The K ing’s Business’1 is published monthly. $1.00—one year; $1.50—tw o years; 50 cents—six m onths; 10 cents—single copy. Clubs- o f five or more at special rates; w rite for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. # It requires one month for a change o f address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCE! —Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express or post office money order payable to ‘The K in g’s Business." Date of expiration w ill show plainly each month on outside w rapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING—F or inform ation . w ith reference to advertising •in “ The K in g’s Business,’’ address the A dvertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif., or our eastern representative, R eligious Press Association, 1601 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS —“ The K ing’s Business" cannot accept responsibility for, loss or damage to 'manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, i 938, at the post office at Dos Angeles California, under the A ct o f March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of >»stage provided for in the A ct of February 28, 1925, em ­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. THE KING’S BUSINESS S58 South Hope Street • Los Angeles, California INFORMATION FOR SUBSCRIBERS

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Next Month*« Magazine

€CI Feel Twenty Years Younger!” • "I have received T he K ing ’ s B usiness ,” writes a minister in Houston, Texas, “ and I feel twenty years younger, having this fresh informa­ tion to read! May God bless your good work.”

praise to God for this ministry of the printed page.

• If T he K ing ’ s B usiness is proving to be so great a blessing in the lives of many readers, surely others should have it, too. In the next few months, the following articles are scheduled to appear— each one strong and satisfying in the treatment of the subject concerned:

• .This is a spontaneous and happy testimony, un­ mistakably. It is one of many letters, variously expressed, which accentuate the same note of

Surprising Results from Simple Concentration


Getting the Best of Loneliness


The Jews’ Darkest Hour—-and the Dawn


The Christian and the "Food” Problem


Answering the Missionary’s Critic


• To help some one “ feel twenty years younger” (perhaps you yourself), take advantage of the Summer-time Special:

Three Monthly Issues for Just 25 Cents Specify whether the subscription is to begin with the July or August number. (One-year price is $1.00 in U. S.| 25 cents addi­ tional for Canadian and foreign subscriptions). Address: T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s , 558 Sou t h Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1941

Around the King's Table LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-fe-Chief

of the Spirit in hand, there need be no surrender and no shame. —Keith L. Brooks.

Castle Courage “ They shall not be ashamed in the evil time” l(Psa. 37:19). * No one doubts that we are heading into troublous and perilous times. The Christian, earnestly seeking to do the will of God in this world, should not reckon on immunity from these burdens and calamities. As members of a sinful race, living in a world that is rushing on to judgment, we who are Christians must expect to take our share of trouble in this p r e s e n t life. But resting in the promises of God, con­ scious that, whatever may befall us, we have an inheritance laid up and 'an op­ portunity to glorify God in the midst of adversities, we can go forward un­ afraid. “The evil time” has a very different effect upon the unregenerate of the world. “Man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them” (Eccl. 9:12). Men are utterly confounded and often give vent to their feelings by cursing God. But the Christian is exhorted: “Take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Eph. 6:13). There is reason to believe that this passage has special reference to “THE evil time” of the end days—days^when “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being de­ ceived.” We are fast coming into that evil time when all hell is to be let loose in the world. Are we standing up to the evil days which we are now seeing ? Are we standing our ground, saying: “The Lord God will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed” (Isa. 50:7) ? Said a general once to a king: “We may as well surrender. The enemy has taken Castle No. 1, Castle No. 2, and Castle No. 3.” The king replied: “One castle they have not taken,” and, striking his breast, he added: “That is Castle Courage!” Brethren, “be ye steadfast, immov­ able, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” Whatever castles may be thrown down, cling to Castle Courage. With Christ indwelling- and the Sword

Education That Is Christian

The Bible for the Enlisted Man The “national emergency,” which al­ ready has calléd more than one and a half million men into the armed forces of the United States with othér thou­ sands to be added to the number soon, has presented likewise an unforeseen opportunity for the presentation of the gospel to great masses of American citizens. Recently, Time magazine es­ timated that forty-five per cent of these individuals are without church affilia­ tion or religious convictions. Much might be said—and truly—con­ cerning the inadequacy of the methods being employed for the meeting of the spiritual needs of this great company. But true it is also that increasing ef­ fort is being put forth by various agen­ cies to supply the Word of God—and with it the truth of the grace of God in Christ—to enlisted men. Obviously, it is impossible to mention all the agencies at work along this line, but the follow­ ing facts will indicate that encouraging progress is being made, and will, we trust, call forth prayer for God’s bless­ ing on all the distribution of His Word. Both governmental and private agencies have their respective functions in this work. All chaplains on active duty received, a few weeks ago, a letter from William R. Arnold, Chief of Chaplains, which placed emphasis upon the importance of the Word of God to the man in mili- tarv service. Referring to the great fact of the resurrection of “Christ, Son of God and Son of Man,” the writer went on to say: “The world has never been the same since. Men and nations and governments have been made aware of a force that cannot be conquered and will not be denied its purpose. Acquiescence or resistance alike prove the declaration [of Jesus Christ], ‘All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.’ . . . "Daily, it is your responsibility and task to open the Scriptures to the minds of men !for their under­ standing until their hearts bum within them. These are dark and fearsome days, and men are yearn­ ing to hear the voice of God and to feel the strength and comfort of His power.

The real distinction between sub­ jects, secular and Christian; is not de­ termined by the field of investigation, but rather by the approach, procedure, and conclusions. The study of chem­ istry, embryology, history, or philos­ ophy may be Christian or definitely antichristian. In Christian Education the Bible Is given opportunity to speak ex cath­ edra (with final authority on subjects with which it deals). In Christian Education there is a 'desire and program for the develop­ ment of the spiritual as well as the physical, mental, and moral nature of man. In Christian Education, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” It is possible to study volumes con­ cerning atomic interactions and yet not to know the Creator and Preserver of every atom. It is possible to be a lifelong stu­ dent of cell'structure without believing that biological miracle, the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is possible to master the history of many nations and not appropriate the blessing of the central event of all history, the Incarnation of the Son of God, that He might die for the sin of the world; History may be seen as only a struggle from savagery to civilization by virtue of resident forces, or thé hand of God may be seen guiding the destinies of nations in keeping with eternal principles of government. Philosophy, an attempted explana­ tion of things, may have a universe with no God but chance, or a personal, all-wise, all-powerful Creator outwork­ ing His design. It is possible to be a student of many philosophical systems and yet never accept the Bible as the final revelation of God to a lost world. Education that is Christian is one of the greatest needs of America. — KENNETH M. MONROE, Dean, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles.


TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1941

"You speak to' soldiers tinder arms facing, the might of worldly power and spiritual evil. . ■. By word _nd example you must show forth the living Christ.. . . Worthy soldiers of Christ are valiant defenders of . home and country.” With a realization of the vastness of the opportunity that is offered, the in­ ternational organization of Gideons has undertaken to supply “thé armed forces of the United States with copies of the New Testament and Psalms.” Leaders of the forty-second annual convention of Gideons, which is to be held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 23 to 27, have announced that the slogan for the con­ vention is to be “Arm Them with the Gospel, Too.” Led by their president, R. ;G. LeTourneau, the Gideons are in­ creasing their prayer and effort toward the achievement of this aim. The Uni­ ted States Army and Navy, with the authority of President Roosevelt, «have called upon the Gideons to furnish over five million New Testaments (with Psalms) for the men in uniform, within the next four years. The Army and Navy departments have requested the delivery of 1,300,000 Testaments this year, and the Gideons have placed ap­ proximately 10,000 of these Testaments to date. Endeavoring to enlist, in the .next several months, 100,000 men in the day- by-day study of the Word o f God, Milo F. Jamison, Director of the Bible Fel­ lowship, points out that “there are, without doubt, two or three hundred thousand men in the service” who are either Christians themselves or “who have some Christian parent or friend who . . . will recommend the Bible Fel­ lowship plan to them.” Today, with camps closed to miscellaneous religious meetings and evangelistic effort, help by mall is one of the most effective ways, Mr. Jamison feels, for the reach­ ing of men in service. He makes plain that “the first essential in building a strong spiritual defense against temp­ tation and sin is by thé establishment of certain vitally important habits of daily Bible study, prayer, and a stabi­ lized consistent Christian life. . . . It is an axiomatic truth that a strong at­ tack is the best defense, and this is true in the spiritual realm; therefore, the Fellowship’s emphasis is upon evan­ gelistic effort in the winning of others to Christ, as the best means of sus­ taining a man’s own morale." The significant slogan, “Bombing United States Training Camps,” has been used by Carleton E. Null in ad­ vancing a plan whereby specially selected gospel tracts, wrapped in bright cellophane, “making irresistible and ac­ ceptable rolls called ‘Gospel Bombs’,” . can be distributed among the men in training. The rolls contain also busi­ ness reply cards which, when properly

filled out, entitle a man to other litera­ ture and a Bible. Writes Mr. Null: “If you could see the cards in one mail from soldiers designating that they accepted Christ as Saviour be­ cause they had been reached through the Gospel Bomb3, you would join in praising the Lord. , . One chap­ lain told me this method would permit him to effectively evangelize

both the officers and enlisted men of his regiment.” As the Word of God, in one form or another, is being distributed among more than a million men, how reassuring it is to know that the promise of God (Isa. 55:11) may have a fresh fulfill­ ment: “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not re­ turn unto me void, but it shall accom­ plish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto»! sent it” !

Significance of the News By DAN GILBERT Washington, D. C , and San Diego, California

GODLESS EDUCATION NOT THE AMERICAN SYSTEM: • Secular — or Bibleless, Christless — education is not the American system. It was imported from abroad. In the beginning, American education was of­ ficially and thoroughly religious. The secularizing of American education was an alien process. After the evolutionary philosophy swept the schools of Ger­ many, it became a popular procedure for American educators to go to German universities for “advanced work,” The greatest asset a teacher might possess, before the first World War, was a degree from a German university. Most of the American scholars who went abroad came back creedless end godless, committed to the philosophy of materialism. They came back as disease- bearers and spreaders of the contagious isms of foreign agitators against God and democracy. They shifted American education from a Bible basis to an anti- Bible basis. So effective has their propa­ ganda against Christianity been, that to­ day many deluded people actually, believe that the Bible has no place in our schools, that the “separation of Church and State” necessarily means the separ­ ation of religion from education. This is historically and practically untrue. The Christian church was the tap­ root, the vital source, out of which early American education grew. The signers of the Declaration of Independence and the framers of the Constitution were men who, almost without exception, had been trained in schools controlled and carried on by the church. Religious readers, Bible stories, Scripture memo­ rizing—these formed the core of early American education. Officially, the gov-

emment itself put the stamp and seal of its approval upon Christian education. In the celebrated Article of the North­ west Ordinance, enacted in 1787, it was declared: “Religion, morality, and knowl­ edge being necessary to good gov­ ernment and the happiness of man­ kind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encour­ aged.” In every one of the original colonies, schools were founded for a religious objective. Practical Christianity ex­ pressed itself in. the founding of schools; and schools functioned for the purpose of spreading Christian truth. • While the so-called “liberals” con­ tinue to wield great power in education, it is becoming evident that there is à growing and spreading “return to funda­ mental principles in education.” Many of our leading educators are confessing the failure of the so-called “progressive” system, 'which leaves out God and treats the Individual as though he were a highly nervous and wellrdeveloped ani­ mal. Over the din of the propaganda for Sovietized education, there is being sounded a clear call for a return to the “essentials”—to reading, writing, arith­ metic, and religion..Educators who be­ lieve in stressing "essentials” in educa­ tion are being classified as “essential- ists” or “conservatives.” To be fruitful, however, the return to conservative principles in education must be all-embracing and complete. It cant not compromise. It cannot go just half­ way. What is the purpose of education? This great question cannot be answered until another question is taken care-of: What is the purpose of the lives which are subjected to a process of education ? Education is supposed to prepare the [Continued w té ft 258] THE RETURN TO CONSERVATISM IN EDUCATION:


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1941

Evangelism in War Time

W i/.'.y


Illustrated by Robert G. Doares

G ONE are the days when churches in warring nations can carry on a formal routine. From this the disruption London churches are ex­ periencing as the result of devastating raids. But with remarkable courage church leaders are forging fresh chan­ nels of opportunity. An example is the work of W. E. Sangster, the well-known Methodist minister who is successor to the late Dinsdale T. Young at West­ minster Central Hall, London. “ Shelter Evangelism’’ is the name Dr. Sangster gives to his great undertaking. Hun­ dreds of people flock nightly to the large basement of the Central Hall for safety. Dr. and Mrs. Sangster have moved into the building to act as host and hostess to crowds who gather for shelter. Their own home was destroyed. “My whole life has been changed since Hitler be­ gan in earnest his blitzkrieg against L o n d o n last September,” writes Dr. Sangster. He continues: “We provide cups of tea for the shelterers; friendly contacts are made; a sort of family life has de­ veloped among the homeless people who gather. Evening prayers were introduced by the voice of a tough old man who shouted, ‘Parson, do your stuff.’ It was oddly expressed, but that night family prayers were commenced and have been held every night since. It is the most moving time of the day. We let the people choose their own hymns, and we sing such well-known ones as ‘Hock of Ages,’ ‘Abide with Me,’ and ‘Jesus, Lover of My Soul.’ The other night some one asked for ‘Peace, Perfect Peace.’ It was stir­ ring to hear these brave souls sing­ ing:

authorities asked the warden in charge to canvass the shelterers, and to discover their wishes. The vot­ ing showed 398 in favor of continu­ ing the services, and o n l y two against! And now the two objec­ tors are as keen as the rest.” Geoffrey King, the pastor of East London Tabernacle, is another leader in thil “Shelter Evangelism.” He has stirred his own pebple with enthusiasm for this enterprising form of Christian witness, and is endeavoring to link the churches and missions of the district in a united effort. Some of the shelters within easy reach provide nightly ac­ commodations for 1,000 people each. What an open door for the message of the cross! A special advantage in these present circumstances is the fact that the ministers and the people they serve are being brought into unusually close contact with each other. Besides “Shelter Evangelism,” other terms one meets with in correspondence from Britain are “Doorstep Evangelism” and “Patrol Evangelism.” The recent Fire-Watchers Order will have the ef­ fect of throwing the Lord’s people into fresh contacts with unconverted neigh­ bors and fellow employees for periods of two, three, or more hours of patrol duty. And already these vigils are be­ ing taken as opportunities to speak of thè Lord Jesus as Saviour. Realizing that death is ever near, courageous Christians are alert for openings that present themselves for a witness t to Christ. Customary services are almost impos­ sible. But fresh avenues of service have opened, and it would seem that the war has made it possible for sincere Chris­ tian workers to reach a greater number of unconverted people than ever before. [ Continued on Page 273]

“ ‘Peace, perfect peace, death shadowing us and ours? Jesus has vanquished death and all its powers.’1 “During these ‘Siren %Services,’ personal work is going on all the time, and many souls have been won for the Saviour.” Dr. Sangster goes on to relate how “Shelter Evangelism” is gripping all denominational leaders: “ So far as can be traced, the work in East London began with a London. City Missionary. He was invited into a shelter to have pray­ er with a woman who had been bombed out of her home. Finding many people present, the missionary lifted up his voice so that all could hear his prayer. He was gratified by the result of the meeting, and the following evening he went along to the same, shelter with a quantity of Sankey’s hymn books. That night,\they had a good ‘sing,’ using well-known hymns. “On several occasions he repeated this, and then he received a great encouragement. This shelter, which houses several hundred people, is divided into galleries. So far, he had restricted his visits to one of these g a l l e r i e s . But a request reached him from the other galler­ ies for similar ‘community singing’ to be arranged for them. So now he moves from p o i n t to point through this underground refuge, conducting the singing, reading the Scriptures, leading in prayer, and passing on a brief, bright gospel message. “ One day the adversary'got busy. A complaint was lodged ¿gainst the missionary: He was disturbing peo­ ple who wanted to sleep. So the

distance it is impossible to appreciate

July, 1941

TH E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S



Putnam Studios

By PAUL W. ROOD God-Touched Lives

streams of blessing shall flow from the life of every born-again child of God, and His glorious plan for the individual is.Hindered only by the lack of yielded- ness in that life, to Him. The Need for God-Touched Lives There never has been a day when God- touched lives were needed more than in our day. Some one has said, “The out­ standing characteristic of this age is its lost God-consciousness.” There was a time when America was far more God-conscious than she is today. Our churches, or at least very many of them, were filled with a sense of the divine presence as real as was the Shekinah


"There went with him a band of men, whose hearts God had touched” (1 Sam. 10:26). WORDS of the text, which apply historically to the band of men who accompanied Saul, are not confined to the Old Testament. They bring to mind vividly the many other individuals—fn ancient and in modem times & whose lives have been God- touched. That we may be challenged, inspired, urged forward in holy living, let us consider the characteristics of some of these lives. For example, when the Lord Jesua Christ was here on earth, "there went with him a band of men, whose hearts


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1941

an estimated million souls to the Sav­ iour. There come before my vision now other lives that I have known who are God-touched. Some are evangelists, some pastors, some missionaries, some prayer warriors, some obscure saints of whom the world knows nothing. But in every case, the influence of their lives has .extended far beyond their immediate circle and has made the name of Jesus Christ real and precious to others, They have lived for eternity, not merely for time, and their reward will be given at the judgment seat of Christ. Will you, my dear young fellow Chris­ tians, be among their number ? Will 1? For Glory and For Beauty Exodus 28 By ANNA GERTRUDE PARKER Costly and beautiful the robes they wore— God's priests of long ago; Of linen fine they were, and broidered well, And hung with many a tiny golden bell, With colors glorified, enriched with gems— For God commanded so. ’Twas this same God who strewed the earth with flowers, Made stately palms and pines; He stretched the heavens, a canvas broad and fair On which to paint, in colors wondrous rare, His glorious designs— Sunsets and rainbows, shapes of fleecy cloud, Aurora’s banners bright. He set its jewels, sun and stars and moon— Tints of the morning, splendors of the noon Are daily His delight. All lovely things that ever were or are, The story tell abroad— Of how He cares for music and sweet sound, Coler and grace and fragrance, where’er found— Our glorious King and God. What precious lessons He would have us learn From Aaron’s priestly dress— The beauty of Christ’s perfect holiness, The wonder of His grace! And He would have us bring Him, day by day, Fruit of the Spirit—ripening alway— And praise, like golden bells.

glory, and the atmosphere of the sanc­ tuary was charged with the power of God. Men and women would weep over their sins and would cry out, “What must I do to be saved?” In those days, preachers believed toe whole Word of God and proclaimed fearlessly^ “Thus. saith the Lord.” They preached on sin, righteousness, j u d g m e n t , and hell, scorning the cautious and fearful man­ ner of those who would say: “You must repent as it were, and be converted in a measure, or you will be damned to some ’ extent.” Our schools have been affected also by the modem trend. Some of us remember when there was not only a Bible on the teacher’s desk in the classroom, but when the teacher also would read from it daily, and would lead in prayer, and would have us boys and girls join in the Lord’s Prayer and the singing of one of the great hymns of the church. Now, instead of the reading of the Word of God, there is the teaching of the anti- biblical and antichristian theory of evo­ lution in many tax-supported schools, and the puritanic standards of living are held up to ridicule. There was a time when men who be­ came leaders in the affairs oft state were God-fearing, praying men. There are still some of that caliber, thank God. But the public official with convictions of this kind is now the exception rather than the rule. As a nation we have for­ gotten God, and judgment is inevitable unless we repent and turn to Him. But how can a nation possess or re­ store God-consciousness ? It .w i 11 be readily agreed that this condition can be brought about only through indi­ vidual lives that are God-touched. A community or a nation becomes God­ conscious when its citizens awaken to their personal need of Him — and not before. May God stir every believer to a realization of his or her individual responsibility to others in this regard! The Means by Which God Touches Lives How can we have God-touched lives? First of all, the miracle of regeneration gives us a touch from God, and one that can come to us in no other way. Ac­ cepting the truth that “Christ died for our sins,” we are baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ. We be­ come new creatures in Christ Jesus. We receive eternal life through faith in Him. For us is fulfilled the scripture: • “The Spirit himself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are children of God” (Rom. 8:16, R .V .). We have a heart­ warming experience when we come to Jesus Christ as lost sinners and accept Him as our personal Saviour. Oh, let us rejoice forever in this gracious touch of God upon our lives! Furthermore, the touch of God upon the life is experienced as we read the Word of God and feed upon it. Thus it becomes possible for us to say with the

• The accompanying address was delivered by Dr. Rood, the President of the World's Christian Fundamentals Association and a former President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, at the Baccalaureate service of the Institute to a graduating class of fifty- five members. Of these, nine were graduates of the four-year degree courses, one student receiving the degree of Bachelor of Sacred Music, two the degree of Bachelor of Chris­ tian Education, and six the Bachelor of Theol­ ogy degree. The service was held in the auditorium of the Church of the Open Door, Sunday evening, June I, 1941. On Thursday evening, June 5, Charles E. Fuller delivered the commencement address. (See Page 243.) Psalmist: “My heart was hot within me; while I was musing the fire burned" (Psa. 39:3). We must not devote our­ selves to the technical study of the Bible to the exclusion of the devotional read­ ing of the Word. The Word must grip our own s o u l s if our teaching and preaching is to grip other hearts. In the measure in which we are occupied with the Lord and with His Word we shall be' men and women of faith, for “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God4’ (Rom. 10:17). The Evidence of God’s Control God-touched lives will bless mankind. It is a tragedy for any one to go into Christian work witnout God’s touch upon his soul. There is a peculiar anoint­ ing upon the one who is truly .filled with the Holy Spirit. This divine en- duement makes a man effective as a w i t n e s s for the Lord Jesus Christ, whether in dealing" 'with individuals or in speaking to multitudes. People coine under conviction for sin and their hearts are made hungry for Christ as thev come in contact with the Spirit-filled servant of the Lord. The one whose life God has touched is true as steel to the old gospel, yet he adapts himself to any situation he may have t® face. He is characterized by vision and zeal. He is in blood earnest. He is concerned about the glory of tne Lord and the salvation of souls. He is willing to bum out for God. May God grant that from th£s graduating class there shall go forth those who can be thus described. The extent of the influence of a God- touched life is immeasurable. This fact was brought freshly to my4mind a few days ago, when, passing a restaurant opposite the City Hall in Boston, I chanced to see a plaque which read: “D. L. M q o d y, Onrisuan evangelist, friend of man, founder of the North- field Schools, was converted to God in a shoe store on this site, April 21, 1855.” As I read those words, I praised God for the Sunday-school t e a c h e r who, years before, had found courage to walk into that store and lay his hand on a lad’s shoulder and lead him to Jesus Christ. Surely those two lives were God- touched! I thanked the Lord anew for the ministry of D. L. Moody, who led


July, 1941

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

The Church That God Built The Story of How a Year-Old Church Was Organized, Free of Debt , in a $5 ,000 Plant A MARCH cloudburst pelted down rain upon the roof of a long, low .building in the center of one of

that command. He had enabled them to build well. Everything in evidence was plain and simple—but good—there was not a cheap or shoddy thing about the structure or its appointments. Here was a five-thousand-dollar plant, stand­ ing FREE OF DEBT, where, but one short year before, there had been noth­ ing but a vacant lot! “The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad,” the pastor quoted reverently. Understanding glances were- exchang­ ed about the table. There was joy on every face. But perhaps the pastor and his faithful praying wife were the only ones present who could feel the full significance of that brief announcement. To them had been given to see the forg­ ing—link by link—of that chain of mir­ acles which the Lord was using to bind an ever larger company to Himself. A Community Without Spiritual Defenses It was in the spring of 1939 that Mr. Wall had “discovered” t h i s aircraft community, with its 2,500 or more

in his hand, looked from face to face, with something of the solicitude that a father has for his own children. It was an epochal occasion: The infant church had gathered to choose its first elders. Before the election could proceed, the pastor must share with his flock the good news that was rejoicing his own heart. (The rain was beating merci­ lessly oh the roof and against the win­ dows. Here he was—he and his people —safe within the warm shelter of the Lord’s house, graciously protected from that devastating storm of hindrance that many another church has encoun­ tered because of debt.) Just a few days previous to this gatherings he now told his people, an unexpected check had come from one of the Lord’s children in distant New York State, which was sufficient to pay the last amount due on the building and also to make pos­ sible the purchase of needed equipment. “Now we can look our community squarely in the face!” the leader’s voice rang out in triumph. The One who had said, “ Owe no man anything,” had made possible His people’s obedience to

Southern California’s largest aircraft communities. Occasional flashes of lightning showed up the structure’s whiteness and newness. Every window glowed with friendly light. Inside, about thirty men and women and several small children pushed back their chairs from the temporary table that had been set behind the rows of seats. If there were a few more women than men in the gathering, it was be­ cause some of the husbands, assigned to the night shift at the factory, could not be present at this hour. The group had finished a simple meal, had mingled their voices heartily in hymns of praise, and now they turned expectantly toward the pastor. Peter F. Wall,* his Bible *Following his graduation from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in 1921, Mr. Wall was graduated from Wheaton College in 1925 and from Princeton Theological Seminarg in 1929. Though his training and his service in the East might seem to entitle him to seek the security of a well-established church, the In­ stitute rejoices in the pioneer vision behind the story on these pages .—E ditor .

July, 1941

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


band’s and her own decision to enter, in a new way, the walk of faith as it related to the giving of the gospel in their unchurched community. February 5 a p o k e of plans being drawn up for the church building. February 8 mentioned their possession of the deed to the property. But there was another' entry under February 8. A gift of five hundred dol­ lars had come from a high official in the near-by airplane factory, from .one who saw a spiritual need in his com­ munity and wanted to have a part in meeting that need. A lot and five hundrèd dollars—-that was a start. The eager pastor began to visit lumber companies. But they were unresponsive; too little security was of­ fered to satisfy them. To them, thè visible assets were only a lot and five hundred dollars. To t h e ______ _

homes, largely owned by young house* holders Vfho were busy at work designed to build the nation’s defenses. A major­ ity of these people werd quite ignorant of their own need for those spiritual defenses without which their souls were bared to, eternal danger. Here were 2,500 homes filled with precious souls, and not a church of any kind among them! Day by day, Mr. Wall and his wife prayed about this neglected mis­ sion field located within a few minutes’ drive of their own home. 'Phere was no established church that was ready to take a forward step into this commun­ ity, and there was no constituency from which to draw the membership or finan­ cial support for a new church. But there were lost souls there over whom the Sav­ iour yearned. Should these be neglected ? Although they were busy in other work, "early that _________

Months passed. The Walls returned to California. Would the lot still be vacant ? If it would be, they would regard the fact as God’s approval and His provi­ sion for a forward move. The lot was vacant! During their .absence, the owner had almost closed at least six different deals for the sale of the property, but always there had been some uncertainty before the deed actually was Signed. Mean­ while, God had provided the pastor and > his wife personally with an amount suf­ ficient to meet the modest price of the lot. They were willing to give their all and to trust God for the completion of what He had begun. Mrs. Wall’s diary began to have some significant entries: January 16, 1940, recorded her hus“Security” for Defense Workmen*

servant of the Lord, they were a lot and five hun­ dred dollars, and God. He dared not retreat; he could not see the way clear to go forward. He s p e n t a week in prayer, and after­ ward w e n t again to the lumber company. This time —and who can be unaware of the cause of the changed attitude? — the company was ready to cooperate, and the lumber w a s delivered i m m e d i a t e l y . Unques­ tionably, God was moving upon the hearts of both be­ lievers and unbelievers, for His own name’s sake. Workmen Heady To obtain workmen was the next problem. Two ca­ pable carpenters offered their services. They were not young, and could not do the more dangerous roof work, but they were trust­ worthy and willing to work for a wage m u c h lower than that w h i c h was usually asked. Perhaps they were a bit surprised when they saw that the one who engaged them was himself ready to roll up his sleeves and go to work with them. D o z e n s of carpenters came by and asked for work, but there was no money in hand to hire more, f One day, when work on the floor had just begun, a car drew up to the curb. A man got out, looked around questloningly, and i n q u i r e d , "Who’s the builder?” “I am,” replied one of the workmen— the pastor — as he scrambled to his feet, and approached the visitor.

summer Mr. Wall and his wife did some calling in the neighborhood to see wheth­ er a church would be wel­ comed. They made clear that they were not solicit­ ing funds, but merely opin­ ions., People received them warmly. The calling con­ vinced Mr. Wall more than ever that a great opportun­ ity for evangelism was be­ fore them. But how should he enter the field ? A n d from whence w o u l d the funds come for the under­ taking? Unable to answer the questions of his own heart, he nevertheless made the rounds of real estate agencies. They were frank- .ly uninterested. Cod’s Provision of a Choice Location Then it was t h a t Mr. Wall noticed a vacant lot in a very desirable location. By actual count of blocks, it was in the geometrical center of the entire church­ less community. The owner, when called upon, stated that he was willing to sell; in fact, it was necessary for him to sell immediately. His price was reasonable. That he had found the Lord’s place, Mr. Wall re­ garded as evident. But how was he to acquire the lot? And was it really the Lord who was leading on, or merely the strong desire of human hearts ? Just at that time, he was called East on an extended preaching tour, and plans for the aircraft district were held in abeyance. But his heart did not rest from prayer about the matter.

Albert Bronson* was just one of 20,000 men employed in a certain airplane factory. He had Worked for the firm for fifteen years. Then he fell ill, and his case was seri- ' ous. His employers showed him marked kindness. “We’ve done ail, we could for him,” the welfare direc­ tor explained to Peter Wall, the pastor of the community church. “We arranged for him to enter the hospital and to have the operation he needed. We assured him he need not worry about expenses. But—” he sighed, "he says he is afraid to die. And we don’t know how to give him the, sense of security he wants.” t ‘T il go to the hospital to see him,” the pastor said. In his heart he prayed, “Lord, bring the sense of the se­ curity in Christ to these other men; they need it, too,” Mr. Wall found a patient very weak and unable to speak more than a few words, a man desperate in his de­ sire to find a firm foundation on which to rest his faith. Sympathetic in his approach, the pastor gave a quiet, sim­ ple explanation of God’s plan for saving the souls of men. The sick man listened, as he had not been willing to listen when he was well, to the good news of the gospel. “Will you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Sav­ iour?” the pastor asked him. Clearly he replied, “I will!” , , K Peace filled his heart and the joy of the Lord bright­ ened his face. Basing his trust on John 3:3 and 5:24, he obtained the security for which he yearned. The follow­ ing days and weeks, while his physical strength ebbed, Albert Bronson grew strong in faith and confidence. When the Lord called hjm Home, a large number of his associates from the factory came to the funeral. They heard from the lips of the faithful pastor the story of Al­ bert Bronson: his longing for spiritual stability, his ready acceptance of Christ, his consequent rest and joy. They faced, too—some of them for the first time—the straight­ forward question Albert Bronson had heard: “WILL YOU accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour?” How many responded, and how fully, God knows. But in the reception to the truth that some of his listeners gave, the grateful pastor saw an answer to his prayer. 1Actual name withheld.

July, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


man to accept Christ as Saviour was an employee of the aircraft plant. In’March of 1941, with a charter mem­ bership of forty, the church began its work officially without a cent of debt. The elders w e r e duly chosen. The name of the new organization was for­ mally recorded: Immanuel Bible Church. The newly elected church clerk, an ex- service man from the British navy, rose to make a motion—that the congrega­ tion agree to sit always in the front seats, and. that ushers be appointed to assist them®in so doing! The motion was unanimously carried. When a young church faces its future in a plant which the Lord has made free of financial encumbrance, and when it demonstrates its interest by voting to sit in the front seats, can there be any question about the people’s desire to follow closely the One who, when He putteth forth His own sheep, goeth be­ fore them? Attacks from Satan there will be, but can there be any doubt that the Lord who hath begun a good work will perform it? train and to teach the mothers of tomorrqiw; if the business of fathers is not to train and to teach the fathers of tomorrow — then what meaning is there left for the home or for parenthood?” The Constitution of I r e l a n d af­ firms what can be regarded as the ún- wrltten lavy of American society: “The State recognizes the Family as the natural primary and funda­ mental unit group of Society, and as a moral institution possessing in­ alienable and imprescriptible rights, antecedent and superior to all posi­ tive law . . . “In particular, the State recog­ nizes that by her life within the home, woman gives to the State a support without which the common good cannot be realized. “The State shall, therefore, en­ deavor to ensure that mothers shall not be obliged by economic necessity to engage in labor to the neglect of their duties in the home. “The State recognizes that the primary and natural educator of the child is the Family and guarantees to respect the inalienable right and duty of parents to provide, accord­ ing to their means, for the religious and moral, intellectual, physical and social education of their children.” In a notable decision, the United States Supreme Court affirmed the same great truths. Modem educators may for­ get or ignore them, but they must be re-established if America is to endure.

“What’s going up?” “ A church, sir.”

were lessons to be learned in this walk of faith that were not easy to master, but the ever-faithful Saviour guided patiently. While her husband was occupied with the activities of construction, Mrs. Wall gathered about forty children into three child evangelism classes. There were genuine conversions among them, and contacts were being made in- the chil­ dren’s homes. Completed— For God’s Glory At last the building was ready for use. The first Sunday-school and church sessions were announced to be held—, just two months after the ground had been broken. The Lord had brought into the community a musical director, David P. Quiring, who, with his wife, had been trained at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Together, on the morning of April 19, 1940, the two couples made their wa,y to the church. Fifty children were there tcf be taught! In the follow­ ing five weeks, the attendance rose to 135 in the Sunday-school alone. The first youth for life. What life? Merely the life here on earth—or the life that lasts throughout eternity ? Education must teach the young the “good life,” so we are told. But where do-you find your definition of the “good life” ? In the . Bible? Or in the writing of Sigmund Freud who stressed the “pleasure prin­ ciple” of unrestrained sex-indulgence as the “goal of the good life” ? THE HOME AND THE SCHOOL: • The Communist system makes (the State supreme over the individual, and the school supreme over the home. This process is being widely advanced in the United States. More and more of the functions and duties of parents are being exercised by the schools. In many states, courses in so-called “sex instruc­ tion” have been established in the schools. This innovation prompted one Christian leader to declare: “If mothers are not to be en- ^ trusted with the .God-given duty and privilege of ushering their own daughters into ari understanding of the most intimate relationships of life, what is left for parenthood to do? We might as well close up our homes and go on a vacation—to the insane asylum! For that is where a people will end which embarks upon a program of wiping out its homes. ‘The home is the product of Christiah teaching regarding the relationship of the sexes. If the business of the home is not to perpetuate the home; if the business of mothers is not to

The n e w c o m e r looked delighted. “Could you put sixteen or seventeen young men to work for a few days ?” he asked. “It won’t cost you anything. I can’t find enough practice work for my students.” It developed that the stranger was an instructor in a local trade school. His pupils were allowed to work only on public buildings. Here, he said, would be the solution to his problem of finding practice work for them. It was the solution to another-prob­ lem also. There had been prayer offered for the provision of money for work­ men’s wages; in answer, the Lord had sent wageless workers, 'ivith two trained men and with a crowd of youngsters working under expert instruction, it was no time until the building began to take shape. When it was ready for wir­ ing, the electrical department of the same school gave ready cooperation. The Community’s Response The community began to take notice. Here was a parson who could doff his white collar and put his ministerial hands to the shovel and paint brush. This was something about which to gossip over the back fence; Members of a Jewish family across the street were particularly loquacious on the subject. They never had seen a preacher work like that. Their rabbis would be too proud to do it, they said. In other ways, the neighborhood be- • came aware of the new project. On a certain Thursday, Mr. Wall arranged for the purchase of electrical equipment. He had, in cash, only half the amount needed. But he felt led of the Lord to deposit this sum and to request that the order be delivered C. O. D. on Sat­ urday. He wondered what shape the fjord’s “ravens” would take this time, but he knew His Master’s supply would come. On Saturday afternoon, Mr. Wall en­ tertained an unexpected caller. This per­ son w&s not a Christian and was not interested in attending church services, but it pleased him to see a church going up. He had taken upon himself the task of calling in the neighborhood and of collecting amounts toward the expenses of the church building, explaining at each home that he was doing this en­ tirely on his own responsibility. Now he had brought the result of his work to the pastor. The silm he proffered was exactly the amount needed to pay the balance due on the electrical supplies! It was an unusual provision, and one that the pastor himself never would have planned or recommended—but it was no mere coincidence. A half hour later, a truck drove up with the order, ancl the bill was met on time. Again and again the Lord provided for daily needs in wondrous ways. But there were times of testing, too. There

Significance of the News [Continüed from Page 252]

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