King's Business - 1941-07

S PIRITUAL Defense ofthe Nation

FROM SCHOOL TO COLLEGE I N JUNE nearly th irty h oys w ere g ra d u ­ ated at S ton y B rook School. A s they le ft the cam pus m ost o f them w ere headed tow ard colleg e, and a fte r college, business and the p rofession s— the m inistry, m ed­ icine, engin eerin g, teach in g, the arm y, and the navy. A C hristian sch ool must n ot on ly lay a stro n g acad em ic fou ndation, but it must also leave its m ark on the b oy him self. These b oy s o f the class o f 1941 are from N ew Y ork, P enn sylvania, G eorgia, C on­ necticut, N orth C arolina, O regon, China, and E gypt. A m on g their parents are b u s­ iness executives, m inisters, m issionaries, engineers, a dentist, a lieu ten an t colonel in the United States A ir Corps, a florist, a banker, and a law yer. W ho W ill Take Their Place in Stony Brook Life? A p p lication s fo r adm ission to Stony B rook n ext fa ll are alread y bein g made. F rien ds o f S ton y B rook w h o fo r nearly tw o decades have been recom m en d in g the sch ool to relatives and acqu aintan ces are a sk in g that ca ta log u e and v iew b o o k s be sent to fam ilies w h ose boys are now ready fo r p rep aratory school. Y ou m ay have in m ind a b oy o f you r ow n or one you k n ow—a boy w ith an e x ­ cellen t m ind, capable o f better than av er­ age accom p lishm en t in sch ool and college —one w h o needs all the op p ortu n ity that a good b oa rd in g sch ool can g iv e him. W hy not s u g g e s t Stony Brook to hint or to his par­ ent«? A catalogue and view book will be sent on request. tonyJirookJchool FRANK E. GAEBELEIN, Litt. D., Headmaster Stony Brook, Long Island, New York Please Mention King's Business

calls for more pur­ pose and power and success in your Sun­ day School. These happy results will accompany the use o f the L BIBLE DED SERIES of

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SundaySchool Lessons CLARENCE H. BENSON, EdItor-in-Chief

Spiritual Defense calls for success in yOL'R Sunday School, beginning NOWl Dr. Daniel K. Bartlett o f England sums it up this way: “ Bible teaching, pure and simple, is the secret o f Sunday School success. The lack of Bible teaching, pure and simple, isthe cause of Sunday School decline. No modern methods, however clever and up-to-date, no philosophic thought, can take the Bible’s place. Sim­ ply because the Bible is not of man but of God. And God in His condescending love has made the Bible achildren’sbook. Children love it and believe it. And the Spirit of God uses it as His chief instru­ ment in imparting to them an experi­ mental knowledge o f Jesus as Savior for time and eternity.” Graded by Departm en ts Mail coupon for FREE, full informa­ tion. Learn how other schools have been transformed—yours may also be. Covers every age group, Beginners through T eacher Training. Practical, Economical.

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CHURCH SCHOOL PROMOTER Investigate this vital monthly publication bringing you help and inspiration for a strong­ er,betterSundaySchool. Single subscriptions, $1. Foreign, add 25c each. Also grouprates.Sample copy 10c.

The ideal combination o f a rich spiritual program in a restful, health­ ful atmosphere is found in all four. C e d a r L a k e , Indiana, Radio Rally Week, with WMBI talent, July 6-13. Montrose, Pennsylvania, Minis­ terial Institute, from July 14-24. ■Mara.natha,near Muskegon,Mich., Conference, from July 14-20. ColoradoSprings, Colorado, fea­ turing Irwin Moon with scientific demonstrations, August 19-24. For further information write Extension Dept. K-744

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