King's Business - 1941-07

KB 373

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1941

Fascinating FILMSLIDES (or Your Summer Vacation Bible.School • Summer interest never lags when you teach missions to -children with our delightful filmslide stories of Little Preeta of India, Ming Hwa, the Little Chinese Boy, etc. A complete Bond filmslide story for only $1.25. FREE—catalogs of film slides and pro­ jectors. {Dept. K) Bond Slide Co., 68 W. Washington, Chicago A New Way to Evangelize Your Community The Doorstep Evangel is a 4-page Gos­ pel monthly for distribution to homes. It contains articles, poems and items of Christian Evidence. It makes the way of salvation clear. It affords practical work for your church, Sunday school and young peo­ ple. For information and free samples write Dr. Willard M. Aldrich • The Doorstep Evangel Box 1, Vancouver, Wash. SIXTH ANNUAL Summer Bible Conference Sponsored by THE DENVER BIBLE INSTITUTE Special Speakers: Rev. John Linton, for­ merly Pastor, The People’s Church, Mont­ real, Canada; Bible Teacher and Author. Dr. Dan Gilbert, popular Conference speaker, Author and crusader against atheism, evolution, etc. Special features!: Bible study classes for adults. D.V.B.S. for children. Young peo­ ple's rallies. Missionary messages. Scenic mountain trips. Time: August 10-24 For information and reservations, write Rev. C. Reuben Lindquist, Director of Publicity THE DENVER BIBLE INSTITUTE DENVER, COLORADO io T .. BIBLE NUMBERS The title, THE GREATEST THING in the UNI­ VERSE. Things you have wanted to know about the nnmbers 666, 888 and all the other numbers. Recommended by Dr. Houghton, Dr. Ironside, Dr. Lewis Sperry C’nafer and others.

white, and cover them with black paper. Test and mark the negative and positive poles on each magnet. This can be de­ termined by whether the magnets push or pull each other.) LESSON: These magnets have a mys­ terious drawing power under certain circumstances; but notice how they push each other away. [Make sure that the positive pole of one magnet is facing the positive pole of the other.] These .magnets do not care much for each other. They remind me of unsaved people. Friends who know Christ be­ come much closer than those who are not Christians. Sinners need to come to Christ for salvation. I will put these black mag­ nets down at the foot of the cross, to show how sinners should come to Christ and be saved. [Remove the black paper, and allow the white to show.] The mag­ nets are no longer'black. No matter how black a sinner may be, when he comes to Christ, he is cleansed from all sin and made white in the sight of God. Not only does the sinner lose his sin, but he has a new love for others. Notice how these two magnets are now drawn to each other. [If the negative and positive poles are facing each other, they will be drawn together.] We read in I John "3:18, “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” The unsaved man cannot obey this com­ mand. It was given to Christians, and it is only as the sinner comes to Christ for salvation that he can and will obey this important comfhandment.

A m 7|7 The BOYS V K j and GIRLS 14 Soul-winning Chalk Talks coin _______ _________.._______ 25c “ Beautiful Hymns” for Juniors 10c Voiding Blackboard & Easel only $6 (3x4$ ft., used everywhere^ 'lave been highly commended for Christian workers. Order from Rev. P rank A. M iller, Supt. Children’s Evangelistic Union 125 8. Ave. 60, Los Angeles, Calif. Please Mention King’s Business

READER, are you interested enough in Biola to patronize King’s Business advertisers? Hooker's Electric Shop will give 10% discount on electrical merchandise and supplies. Call, Write or Phone TUcker 9976 70« W. Sixth St. Los Angeles, Calif.

b r o o k , until she dis c o v e r e d she didn’t know where she was. Then she could enjoy noth­ ing any more be­ cause she realized she was lost, and all she wanted was to f i n d the way home, This world

is full of people who are just as lost as the little girl was, but they don’t know It. They are drifting along and enjoying the pleasures and beauties of this world because they are deceived. When they discover they are lost, they will want only one thing, too—to find the way home to God. LESSON: Our heavenly Father has not left us to wander without a guide. He has set a signpost upon a hill. Do- you know what it is? It is the cross where the Lord Jesus Christ died for you and me. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever helieveth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” .(John 3:16). Yes, the Lord Jesus died on Calvary for our sins that He might bring us back to God. If we keep the Cross in sight, we shall find the way home. What wonderful love God showed in doing so much for sinful men! Doesn’t it make you want to do something for Him? One of the things He asks us to do is to love one another. Not all people seem lovable to us, but the Lord Jesus loves them all. If you will take Him into your heart, loving others will be easy, for He will do It for you. “I must needs go home by the way • of the cross: There’s no other way but this; I shall ne’er get sight of the gates of light . If the way of the cross I miss.” Object Lesson M en and M agnets OBJECTS: Two magnets and a large red cardboard cross. (Paint the magnets

Price $1,50, Write the author LeBARON W. KINNEY

1S10O Cornwall Rd.

Cleveland, Ohio


EVANGELISM IN WAR TIME [ Continued from Page 253]

K I L L S A N T S Vlàfey FOR to e 4 k / JONES ANT KILLER — A sure way to RID your home and lawn of ANTS. For sale at all stores. JONES PRODUCTS CO., Mflwaukee, W is.

Here in this land of privileges, far removed from the destructive air raids Britain is experiencing, let us never cease to thank God for our present freedom from the anguish of war. And at the same time, let us pray, and that continually, for our brave brothers and sisters in Christ who, amid tremendous difficulties and hardships, cease not to witness for their Lord. Suffering with others, hundreds of British believers are giving themselves to the saceed task of winning the lost,around them for the Christ they dearly love.

Y O U W I L L BE I N T E R E S T E D in our 150-page Catalog of Church and Sunday- school Supplies, Religious Fiction, Bibles from 40c to $18; Testaments from 10c to $5. Plaques, Re­ ligious pictures. Gifts, Rewards, Items for special occasions. A TITHE OF OUR INCOME GIVEN TO MISSIONS Write for our Catalog B E T H E L P U B L I S H I N G C O . Elkhart 1819 So. Main St. Indiana


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