King's Business - 1941-07


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1941

an enormous power to shape our lives either for good or evil, that our choice of friends must b e . made most care­ fully. Some associations may sweeten our lives like sunshine; others may con­ taminate like a contagious disease. For Than Who Have Topics F our S tandards I. LOVE TO CHRIST FIRST (Prov. 18:24). 1. He, the "Friend of friends,” has a right to have preeminence over all my other friends, because “greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). This is what He has done for me, tak- HÀS GOD FORGOTTEN? “We are starving and we are cold—please send us urgent help. Leave us not alone. We meet in homes for prayer. M^ny are seeking God.” This is a Russian letter from France., Calls for help còme also from Poland, Finland, Bulgaria, Harbin and many other places. We can still send support to »these countries, but do not know how long. Do your share now—tomorrow may be too late. If every friend sent at least one dollar, much suffering could be alleviated. Send your gift with a prayer today to the Russian Missionary Society, Inc. Rev. F. J . Miles, International Secretary 1844 W . Monroe St., Room 2, Chicago, III. Asie for magazine ” Russian Millions ” .

lng the punishment that I deserve for my sins, dying that I need not die (1 Pet. 3:18, R. V.). 2. He is the “Friend that sticketh closer than a brother” (Prov. 18:24). Am I needing advice ? Am I in trouble ? Am I discouraged? Let me t u r n to Jesus! 3. He, the "Master and Lord,” de­ liberately calls us “friends,” ' not slaves "servants” (R. V. margin, “bondserv­ ants” ) — If we obey His commands (John 15:14, 15). All friendships should be tested by our relationship to Him. Can I afford to let any one stand be­ tween Christ and me ? How many times an alliance has interfered with God’s perfect plan for a life! How many souls have been lost because a friend, even a Christian friend, has swung in­ fluence away from Christ’s command, "Go ye” ! “If Christ is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.” H. LOVE AT ALL TIMES (Prov. 17:17). 1. , In the time of trouble. "A brother is born for adversity.” In the hour of darkness, a note, a gift, a sympathetic word or look, may mean far more than at any other time. 2. In times of Joy. “Rejoice with them that do rejoice” is Just as binding an admonition as "Weep with them that weep” (Rom. 12:15). Remember how the Lord Jesus showed Himself a Friend at the wedding feast of Cana. Remem­ ber, too, that He “rejoiced in spirit” when the disciples came tramping hap­ pily back to Him after their first mis­ sionary Journey (Lk. 11:21). 3. In the ordinary times. The every­ day rub shows up friendship, of what sort of stuff it is. Many friends who will appear well in glamorous moonlight

will not wear well In broad daylight. If you do not already have them, ask the Lord to give Christian friends with whom to counsel and advise, some one to steady and encourage you. Some one good to pray with will be some one good to play with. IH. LOVE TO ALL PEOPLE (Lk. 19:1-10). In this story of Zaccheus, we see the Lord Jesus earning His title, “A friend of publicans and sinners.” Christ made friendships among all social classes for the purpose of seeking "to save that which was lost.” IV. “LOVE NOT THE WORLD” (1 John 2:15). "Whosoever therefore would be a friend of the world maketh himself an enemy of God” (Jas. 4:4, R. V.). “The world,” of course, does not mean God’s beautiful creation. To quote Miss Ruth Paxson, “It is human society without Christ. It is unregenerate mankind en masse. It is Satan’s body made up of sinners doing his will and his work.” Association with unbelievers is dan­ gerous. Social and marriage ties with these are forbidden. "Be ye not un­ equally yoked together with unbelievers” (2 Cor. 6:14). Friendships with non- Christians may be cultivated only with the one purpose of leading them to the “Friend of sinners” or letting your light so shine '.‘that they may see your good works, and glorify you« Father ■which is in heaven” (Matt. 5:16). CONCLUSION. In every one of these standards, we may always look to our Supreme Stand­ ard, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the friendliest of all men. For the Leader Suggested questions for discussion: Is there ever a time to break a friend­ ship? Are cliques, lodges, and frater­ nities in harmony with God’s standards of friendships? How may I win friends for myself ? How may I win friends for Christ? bow has the Lord proved Himself a Friend in my personal ex­ perience ? Why are exclusive friend­ ships harmful? Is it right to use your friends for your own selfish ends? AUGUST 17, 1941 A CHRISTIAN STAND AGAINST DRINKING P roverbs 23:29-35; I saiah 5:11, 12; E p h e s ia n s ' 5:15-18 By Carlton C. Buck Introduction Total abstinence is the "Christian stand against drinking.” A Christian and the liquor forces can have nothing in common. Every Christian young per­ son should sign a total abstinence pledge and then pray earnestly for strength to keep it.

SONGS IN THE DESERT 50 New Gospel Songs and Choruses Leatherette Cover 50c Postpaid Clarence E. Ranck 817 No. Harvard Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif.

Two Challenging Studies by Ruth Paxson Life on the Highest Plane An Exposition of God's Plan of Redemption R. A. Torrey described these studies thus: "A remarkable book—one of the most satisfying I have ever read. A book not merely to be read, but to be studied and read again and again.” Three volumes: $1.50 vol.; $4.50 per set The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian An Exposition of the Epistle to the Ephesians — the Grand Canyon of Scripture A missionary writes: “I do not know when I have read a book so full of inspiration, so elevating, and so full of real spiritual food.” Another mis­ sionary says: “A book such as this one you have written is a tonic to those who have allowed depression to invade their lives and who perhaps tend to forget what a glorious heritage we have in th? unsearchable riches of Christ.” Price $1.50 Order from the author: MISS RUTH PAXSON t7 Lincoln Plan» North Plainfield« N. J.


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