King's Business - 1941-07

Flags from DIETZ U. S. and Church— M ounted and Unm ounted— Silk, w ool or cotton. All sizes; low prices-.C h u rch es need flags n

July, 1941

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


service In India under the World-Wide Evangelization Crusade. Mail can be addressed in care of Dr. W. Morris, Domariagani, B a s t i District, U. P., India. Joseph E. Nash, ’40, was scheduled to sail on May 8 from New York for service in Africa, His mail address is Sudan In­ terior Mission, Minna, via Jos, Nigeria, W. Africa. Frederick B. and Mrs. Whale (Grace E. Feldges, ’28) sailed for Nigeria after furlough on May 3, Their small daugh­ ter, Marjorie Linda, #less than three years of age, remained with Mrs. Whale’s parents in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Whale can be addressed in care of the Sudan Interior Mission, Jos, N. Nigeria, British West Africa. the flesh by reading a novel to excess for the sake of relaxation. One novel did not relax her, so she read another and another and another until she lost all taste for the Old Book and was not studying it. Not only that, but she developed a taste so depraved that the more modem the novel was, the better she liked it. She had made provision for the flesh in the reading of those novels. Perhaps your yielding is not in that particular way, but. in some other way, and the only cure for you is obedience to the command the Lord gives us here: “Put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” Put Him on first, and then you will, not be making provision for the flesh. Second: Sow to the Spirit instead of to the flesh, "for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption” (Gal. 6:8). I met a young woman who, before she was a Christian, had been a flirt, and then when she knew Christ as Saviour and received a new nature, that tendency went out of her life. But the devil knew the old path, he knew the old habit, and he came along and tempted her in that place. The outcome was that she sowed to the flesh and reaped an unholy friendship. Are you sowing to the flesh or to the Spirit? V. The Holy. Spirit Is the Spirit of Glory. It is His work to conform us to the image of Christ. “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Cor. 3:18). Oh, is that true of your life and my life day by day?. More like . him today than yesterday, more like Him tomorrow than today, more like Him next month than this month ? Transformed into His image from glory to glory! And how? “Even as from the Lord the Spirit” (R .V .).’ He is PROGRESSIVE SANCTIFICATION [ Continued from Page 260]

within us that there will be a growing likeness to the Lord Jesus. Do you remember- our Lord’s words recorded in John 15:5? “I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and i in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing.” There are four different degrees of fruit bearing: no fruit, fruit, more fruit, and much fruit. Where are you in that category? Are you bearing no fruit, so little likeness to Christ that it would scarcely be known that you are Christ’s? Or is it just "fruit”—such that if you .did not go to church on Sunday, your neighbors would not know that you believed? Or “more fruit” ? But are you willing to stop there? It is only the "much-fruit” -bearirig Christian that glorifies the Father. And what will be the fruit? "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self-control.” Friends, it is a cluster. There are nine wonder­ ful graces that reveal the marvelous beauty of the moral character òf the Lord Jesus, and you and I may have them all as we grow into- the fullness of His life. Is it true of you? Oh, we may have love, but do we have self- control ? One time in China, I was leading a meeting in a hospital, and a Chinese doctor was interpreting for me. She was the biggest Chinese in body I ever saw, with a heart as big as her body. Oh, such love! But suddenly she pulled at my sleeve and asked with tears-roll­ ing down her face whether she could say a few words. She took a moment to confess to the doctors and nurses in her hospital, those to whom I was speaking, her sin of temper and asked ; their forgiveness ' for losing it so fre­ quently before them. She had love but not self-control. Her testimony was nullified by that quick temper. Again, somebody is long-suffering, but her face is as long as her long- suffering, for she does not nave joy. And thus the testimony of long-suf­ fering is nullified by, the lack of joy. Then there is another with faith but no meekness. A woman came up to me after a meeting and said, “Oh, Miss Paxson, I’m a fundamentalist. I believe éverything irr the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.” And she went on telling me about her faith and then said, “Ev­ erything I do'is a success!” I did not know what to say! , She had faith all right, but no meekness. Oh, friends, the much fruit of the Spirit is all these ninefold «graces in beautiful symmetry that shows forth the character of the Lord Jesus Christ! And the Holy Spirit is the One in you and me that produces that fruit. Thus we see that perfect provision has been made for our progressive sanctification through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, -.

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Bible Study by Correspondence (Described on Page 278). GOSPEL TENTS CANVAS TABERNACLES METAL SEAT ENDS SMITH MFG. CO., DALTON, GA. _________ 40 Years In Business CATCHY SURPRISE GOSPEL OBJECT LESSONS For Vacation Bible' Schools or Children’s meetings. Complete with objects. Noth­ ing to build, beg or borrow. WO' Titles . . . . , Free Samplen Arnold Carl Westphal, Michigan City» Indiana REVIVAL IN SOUTH AMERICA Peter. Deyneka, director and Russian evan­ gelist, has returned from a sttrrin?! re­ vival am ong the R ussian-Slavic people in South America. A thirty-six-page- booklet just o ff the press gives an account of .the great revival in South America, and tells o f the Gospel w ork in war torn E urope and throughout the w orld, A free copy w ill he mailed upon request. Your gifts for this w ork w ill be greatly appreciated. RUSSIAN GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Deyneka, General Director 64 W. Randolph St., Dept. KB, Chicago, III*

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