King's Business - 1941-07


W E S T M O N T C O L L E G E A CHRISTIAN LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE Outstanding among fundamental Christian colleges on the Pacific Coast is Westmont College, known for careful scholarship, sound doctrine, and consistent Christian living. The Board of Trustees is composed of promi­ nent spiritual and educational leaders who are doctrinally sound and financially conservative. Exceptional faculty . . . students carefully chosen. PRE-ENGINEERING • PRE-MEDICAL. 0 PRE-THEOLOGICAL Bible Christian Education Education and Psychology Physical Education Biological Sciences Physical Sciences Social Science English and Speech History Philosophy Music Mathematics

P atented in U. S. A. and oth er countries. F a m o u s the w orld ov er fo r fifty years.

• Sweet tone • Astonishing: volume • Easily carried • Inexpensive Suitable fo r M issions, Camps, Sunday Schools, H om es, etc. Write fo r descriptive folder and prices. BILHORN BROS. ORGAN CO., INC. 1414 McLean Ave., Dept. K, Chicago, 111. LAPEL CROSS Church people everywhere, young and old, are wearing them. Fine for special awards. Great money-raiser for groups, schools and societies. Finished in durable gold plate, sample 10 cents, 20 for $1.00 or 100 for $4.00, postpaid. Order today. VICTOR LUSSIER 2430 North Ridgway Ave., Chicago, 111. Keep Your Church Open During Summer with GOSPEL SOUND FILMS The Scriptures Visualized sound films will con­ vert a summer problem into a glorious season in your Church and Sunday School. Write regarding previewing a Gospel film. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS (Dept. 5) 325 W. Huron St. Chicago, Illinois

Westmont College is located in the heart o f Los Angeles, within easy reach of the business district. Its quiet and

restful surroundings provide an excellent background for a well balanced program of academic education and Christian training. C O -E D U C A T IO N A Ii INTERDENOMINATIONAL

Rev. W. W. Catherwood, D. D., President of the Board Wallace Emerson, Ph. D., President

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V .


. . . the LAST WORD in substantial, co n v e n ie n t folding organs. Marvelous volume, resonance a n d purity of tone. Tropically treated. Famous over the world for 35 years. Write for free catalog. A. L. WHITE MFG. CO. M M

Opportunity to secure fre e ...a Scofield Bible, a helpful book, or a subscription to M oody M on th ly .. . if you enroll in a Moody Bible Institute Correspondence Course between May 1and Aug. 31. So . . . pick out YOUR course and your free gift that goes with i t . . . write us, enclosing check or money order...But DON’T DELAY...DO IT NOW !

1902 W. Grand Ave., Chicago

ENROLL IN THESE M. B. I. COURSES n Scofield Bible Correspondence Course.........$15.00 2 f~l SyntheticBible StudyCourse........................... $8.00 t~1BibleDoctrineCourse................. .................... 8.00 l~lTeacherTrainingCourse.......................... 8.00 1~1BibleChapter.SummaryCourse....................... 7.00 3 0 StudiesintheLife andTeachings of Our LordCourse......... ........................................$6.00 ' FI Practical ChristianWorkCourse...................... 6.00 / fl World-WideMissionsCourse............................ 6.00 ) [~1Fundamentals of ChristianFaithCourse........... 5.00 \ f~lMountainPeaks of ProphecyCourse ............ r 4.50 J 4 0 IntroductoryBible Course................. ............ $3.50 ^ I~1Scripture Memorizing for Successful Soul- Winning Course........................................... 3.50 PI EvangelismCourse........................................... 3.50 ! | |ChristianEvidences-Course.............................. 3.50 / n Panoramaof the Ages Course.......................... 3.50 f~l Great Epochs of SacredHistoryCourse..............2.50 (~) ScriptureTruthCourse..................................... 2.50 t

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Biola’ s 'JESUS SAVES' • A re y ou equipped to g iv e out the g osp el lig h t? • W h y not en roll at B io la to p re­ pare fo r Christian serv ice? Free tuition. Write fo r new catalog. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. 558 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.

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NOTE: These premiums do not apply on class rates. Dept. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, 153 INSTITUTE PLACE, CHICAGO K*402 N a m e ...................... ....................... Address........ .................................... .State.

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