King's Business - 1941-07

Bob Jones College Believes

that in this day of world chaos and international conflict the U n i t e d States Government should pursue a policy of preparedness for na­ tional defense.

But Bob Jones College Believes THAT CHRISTIAN CHARACTER IS AMERICA'S GREATEST DEFENSE AGAINST E N E M I E S AT HOME AND ABROAD . BOB JON ES CO LLEG E KNOWS THAT IT TAKES “ OLD-TIME” CHRISTIAN FAITH TO PRODUCE CHRISTIAN CHARACTER . Bob Jones College maintains high educational standards. Bob Jones College has modern, well- equipped laboratories, classrooms, dormitories, auditorium, library, music studios, gymnasium and dining commons.-

MORE IMPORTANT THAN THESE, however, are the spirit and Christian philosophy of Bob Jones College and the emphasis which this institution places on eternal values. Bob Jones College specializes in Bob Jones College is accredited as a four-year institution by the Department of Education of the State of Tennessee. Credits are accepted by lead­ ing graduate schools in all sections of the country. Voice, piano, violin, pipe organ, speech and art without additional cost above regular academic tuition.

training strong, cultured, and prepared men and women for positions of outstanding Christian lead­ ership in whatever business or profession they may choose. Bob Jones Collège is a Liberal Arts College, and the wide variety of courses offered includes: four- year college course . . . four-year high school course . . . four-year secondary teachers course . . . two- year and four-year elementary teachers courses . . . one-year business and secretarial course.

THE FIFTEENTH SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 10 Address inquiries to Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., Acting President BOB JONES COLLEGE



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