able for rent in the immediate vicinity. For a listing of apartment rental in the area surrounding the campus, please contact the Biola Housing Office.
dard tuition rate; 4) Talbot Seminary WIVes Fellowship (see p. T-4); 5) major social events, such as the annual Fall and Spring Banquets, student family picnics, and the Senior Retreat; 6) the Biola Bookstore features a wide selec tion of Christian and secular titles, dis counted Bibles, gift items, computer equipment, greeting cards, music, tapes, and CDs, logo clothing, refreshments, and supplies; 7) the Biola swimming pool, track, weight room, and tennis courts, are available at scheduled times for family use; 8) a wide variety of music events featuring student groups, faculty artists, and guest performers, are sched uled throughout the school year; 9) intercollegiate sporting events, including men 's and women 's basket ball, men's and women's volleyball, men's baseball, men's and women's cross-country and track; 10) special and annual lectureships, missions and Bible conferences; and, 11) other special cu~ tural events and presentations. Accreditation Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Talbot, as a school of Biola University, is included within Biola Uni versity's accreditation by the Accredit ing Commission for Senior Coll eges and Universities of the Western Associa tion of Schools and Colleges. Association of Theological Schools. Talbot is a member of the Association of Theological Schools (10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1103) in the United States and Canada, the interna tionally recognized accrediting body of seminaries and schools of divinity. Recognition Agencies of the United States Gov ernment which recognize the training given at Talbot include: I. The United States Depart ment of Health Education and Wel fare, Office of Education. II. The Chaplaincy Branches of the Army, Navy and Air Force. Full-time seminary students are eli gible to apply for commissions as sec ond lieutenants or ensigns in the chap laincy branches of the Army, Air Force or Navy, with eight weeks of active duty training optional during the summer vacation. Acourse in chaplaincy orien tation is offered by the department of Christian Ministry and Leadership. III. The Veterans Administration. IV. The United States Depart ment ofJustice, Immigration and Nat uralization Service.
of class work in the M.Div. program, stu dents become eligible to register for field education internship. This inten sive supervised practice of the ministry is composed of three clusters of learning: I) supervised field experience for a min imum of 100 hours in each of two semelr ters; 2) seminars with other students reg istered for field education internship; 3) individual counseling with the direc tor of field education on specific aspects of the student' 5 experience. The Bio/a Campus The seminary has classroom, chapel and administrative office facili ties located in Myers Hall and Fein berg Hall. Metzger Hall houses Un~ versity administrative offices including the Admissions and Registrar's Office. In addition, the seminary shares the library, cafeteria, coffee shop, residences, gymnasium, infirmary and prayer chapel with Biola University. Also available are a crushed brick quarter mile track, a soc cer field, a baseball diamond, tennis courts and a short course Olympic swim ming pool. See general information sec tion for a full campus description. Library The library contains over 220,000 volumes, including bound journals and microforms with their respective readers. Special features of the library include an extensive index file of sermon outlines and illustrations, an excellent collection of bibliographic tools and journal indexes and a number of special collec tions. The principal theological journals in English are received regularly. Family Fellowshlp Seminary studies make significant demands on the time of the student A side-dfect is that family members may feel they are not a pan of the seminary experience. Talbot has a deeirrooted commitment to the family, especially the families of its students. Awide-rang ing variety of programs, events, activi ties, opportunities, and services have been developed to foster family panic~ pation in the seminary experience. Aguide for families is available to new students at Talbot. The following are examples of the opportunities and services available to student spouses: I) Chapel services featuring a vari ety of prominent Christian speakers, and opportunities for mutual worship; 2) spouses may attend classes with their mates, at no charge to the spouse, space permitting and with professor approval; 3) the Spouse Tuition Reduction Scho~ arship allows spouses of full-time su1- dents to take seminary courses for acad emic credit, at only one-third the stan-
While Biola University cannot guar antee employment, we have observed that prayer and God's guidance have miraculously provided employment for our students in past years. Students should apply to the university student employment office (Metzger Hall , first floor). We will make every effort to assist you by referring you to employment positions when available, commensurate with your qualifications and in confor mity with your daily class schedule. Students may also secure off.<:am pus secular employment in a wide variety of occupations. Local offices of the State of California Department of Employment can be very helpful in the location of these job openings. The placement office (see next item) can sometimes assist the student in securing part- or full-time employ ment in local area churches. Placement The placement office works closely with students to assist them in securing pan-time internship positions in local area churches. These placements are an integral aspect of the field educa tion practicum sequence of courses. The placement office also pro vides career counseling for students and placement information for gradu ating seniors and alumni seeking min istry in fields of service to which they believe that the Lord has called them. The placement director along with the placement committee works closely with denominational and inter denominational Christian leaders. Campus Housing and Dining Campus living quarters are avail able for single men and women . Until facilities are filled , they are assigned according to the date of receipt of the $50 housing deposit ($100 for apart ment) . More detailed information and housing request forms may be obtained from the director for resi dential programs, Metzger Hall, Biola University. This office can also pro vide some suggestions concerning off campus rooms and apartments. Many off.<:ampus students find it convenient to dine in the campus cafe teria For those who wish to eat there regularly, some cost savings may be realized by using one of the meal ticket plans available rather than paying cash. Married Student Housing The seminary has limited housing facilities for married students, but there are apartments and homes avail-
Talbot Support Ministries Dr. Mick Boersma, Director
Talbot Support Ministries (TSM) is a service-oriented ministry directed toward recent Talbot alumni and their spouses. This program, led by the direc tor and his wife, is distinguished bycom mitment to the following distinctives: ■ Relationship - established with incoming students , continued through seminary studies and the first five to seven years of profes sional ministry. ■ Credibility - the program direc tor and his wife have extensive experience in ministry and work to keep current on changes and issues affecting Talbot graduates. ■ Safety - an environment is pro vided in which alumni are assured of confidentiality and freedom to share their lives openly. ■ Purposefulness - TSM initiates and maintains co ntact with alumni through newsletters, per sonal notes , phone calls, e-mai l, and on-site visits when possible. ■ Resourcing - TSM seeks to pro vide helpful resources such as net working with other graduates , contact with placement opportu nities, and professional and per sonal counsel. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Correspondence concerning admission should be addressed to the Un iversi ty Office of Admissions, which will supply the applicant with the proper forms. When these application forms and all transcripts of previous academic training have been filed, accompanied by two photographs and a $35 application fee , an admissions decision will be made. Official notifi cation of the decision will be sent by mail to the applicant. The application deadline for the fall is August I and for the spring is January I. Applica tions may be submitted after this dead line (late application fee of $45) , but will be considered and processed only if space is available and time allows. Talbot School ofTheology desires only qualified students and personnel who are committed to Jesus Christ. However, in the admission of students, the hiring of employees or the opera tion of any of its programs and activi ties, Talbot does not discriminate on the basis of the applicant's race, color,
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