

First Year Fall Semester BE 517 Hermeneutics/

Second Year Fall Semester RSIT 722 Systems of Integration .........3 CL 555 Introduction to World Missions .... ..... .... .. .................3 OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I ...... ... .. 3 PT 609 Expository Preaching ........... 3 IB 613 Theology III - Christ, Salva- tion and the Spirit............. ... ....3 Elective** .................. .. ... .. ...... ..............2 17 Spring Semester BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi ....3 NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts ... ... ............. ............ ......... 3 OT 604 Elements ofHebrew II ........ ... 3 PT 602 Pastoral Ministry ........ ...... ..... 3 IB 614 Theology IV-The Church and Last Things ....................3 PT 696 Internship .... .. ....................:::.: 16 Third Year Fall Semester OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages ........... ......3 CE 675 Family Life Education .. ... ......3 PT 628 Marital Counseling ............. .3 PT 697 Internship .. ......... .. .. I Electives•• ........... ...... ................ ..........3 Thesis First Draft or Elective .. 2 15 Spring Semester BE 726 Ex.positional Methodology in Daniel, Revelation ............3 PH 602 Apologetics .... ........ ...............3 PT 703 Church and Society..............3 PT 698 Advanced Internship...... ......2 PT 792 Field lnternship ...... ..............2 Thesis Final Draft or Electives ... ......2-4 l!>-17 *NT 501 and NT 502 are required for students without prior Greek study. ** At least five of your elective units must be chosen from the following list of classes: CE 512, 562, 622, 673, PT 725. Evangelism and Discipleship Emphasis Provides preparation for a variety of professional ministries including pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor, college and seminary teaching, evangelist, mis­ sionary and other leadership roles. In comparison to the Pastoral and General Ministries this program has specialized training in evangelism and discipleship. (Students anticipating a graduate or undergraduate teaching career will need to pursue advanced studies beyond the Master ofDivinity Program).

Pastoral Care and Counseling Provides preparation for ministry to individuals, couples, families and groups focusing on renewal, prepara­ tion, enrichment, and equipping. First Year Fall Semester

Third Year Fall Semester OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and

Selected Passages .. .. ........ ..... .3

Bible Study Methods ... ..... ....3 Hf 505 Patristic/ Medieval Theology...3 NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis* ....3 IB 511 Theology I- Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God .... ..................................3 PT 706 Personal Foundations of Ministry ......... ..... ...............2 PT 59 I Introduction to Field Education.............. ........ .. .... .. 1 SS 5IO Theological Research Methodologies .......... ...... ... :::.!_ 16 Spring Semester BE 520 Survey of Matthew - Revelation .............................3 Hf 506 Reformation and Modern Theology .............. .................3 NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels ....... .3 PT 510 Evangelism and Follow-up .. . 3 IB 512 Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin ... 3 PT 706L Personal Foundations Lab ... 0 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling ....... .. .. 2 PT 592 Field Education ................ ... .0 17 Second Year Fall Semester BE 519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi ...3 CE 600 Educational Ministry in the Church.... .... .... ........ ... .....3 OT 603 Elements ofHebrew.................3 PT 609 Expository Preaching .......... .3 IB 613 Theology III - Christ, Salva- tion and the Spirit.. ...................3 PT 691 Field Education ....................0 PT 630 Discipleship ...................... ~ 17 Spring Semester NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts ...... ... ..... ... .. .. ... ... ... ..3 OT 604 Elements of Hebrew II ......... 3 PT 602 Pastoral Ministry ...................3 PT 610 Contemporary Biblical Preaching ....... ....... ... .... ...... ...3 IB 614 Theology IV - The Church and Last Things .............. ......3 PT 692 Field Education ....................0 15 Third Year Fall Semester CL 555 Introduction to World Missions... .......... ........ ............3 OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages ....... ...........3 PT 730 Biblical Leadership and Management. ........... .... .........3

RSIT 721 Nature and Scope of

Integration .. ...... ....................3

PT 708 Advanced Pastoral

Counseling..... .... .... ........... .. ..3

BE 5I7

Hermeneutics/Bible Study Methods .... ..... ....... .......... ......3 Patristic/Medieval Theology...3 Introduction to Exegesis* .....3 Theology I- Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God ........ .. ............................3 Personal Foundations of Ministry.............................2 Introduction to Field Education....... ........ ...... .... ..... ! Theological Research Methodologies ....... .. .. .. ......... ! 16

PT 725 Counseling Troubled

Families .............. .... .. .............3 PT 791 Field lntemship....................2 Thesis First Draft or Elective ..... .... ......2 16 Spring Semester BE 726 Ex.positional Methodology in Daniel, Revelation ..... ........3 PH 602 Apologetics ...........................3 PT 703 Church and Society............ .. 3 PT 740 Issues and Ethics in Ministry...2 PT 792 Field lnternship.... ....... ....... .. 2 Thesis Final Draft or Elective ...........2-4 l!>-17 Marriage and Family Ministries Emphasis Provides preparation for a variety of ministries to couples and families as well as specific church family ministries. Beyond the course work listed below, the student is required to receive 30 hours of didactic therapy (individu­ ally) and complete 400 hours of super­ vised counseling (in Internship classes). First Year Fall Semester BE 517 Hermeneutics/ Bible Study Methods .............. ............ ......3 Hf 505 Patristic/ Medieval Theology ................ .... ........ ... 3 NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis* ....3 IB 511 Theology 1- Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God ... .. ........... ...... ................ 3 PT 706 Personal Foundations of Ministry.............................2 PT 591 Introduction to Field Education.............................. 1 SS 510 Theological Research Methodologies ....._. ............. :::.!_ 16 Spring Semester BE 520 Survey of Matthew - Revelation .... ... ............... .. .....3 Hf 506 Reformation and Modern Theology .............. ..3 NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels ..........3 PT 510 Evangelism and Follow-up ...3 PT 706L Personal Foundations Lab ...0 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling........... ..2 IB 512 Theology II- Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin~ 17

Hf 505 NT 503 IB 511

PT 706

PT 59I


Spring Semester BE 520 Survey of Matthew -

Revelation ... ... .......................3

Hf 506 Reformation and

Modem Theology .. .... ...... .. ..3 NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels .. .. .... .. 3 IB 512 Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin ...3 PT 706L Personal Foundations Lab ...0 PT 707 Foundations of Pastoral Care and Counseling .......... .2 PT 592 Field Education ....................0 Elective ...............................................2 16

Second Year Fall Semester

BE 519 CE 600

Survey of Genesis- Malachi ...3 Educational Ministry in the Church... .........................3 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment .... .3 Elements of Hebrew I ..........3 Expository Preaching .. ... ..... .3 Theology III-Christ, Salvation and the Spirit............3 Field Education ...... ..... .... ..... 0 18 Exegesis in the Epistles and Acts ....... ............. .................... 3 Elements of Hebrew II ... .... .. 3 Theology IV- The Church and Last Things ..... .. .............3 Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy ............... .... .... .....3 Marital Counseling...............3 Field Education ............. .......0 15

CL 520

OT 603 PT 609 IB 613

PT 691

Spring Semester NT 605

OT 604 IB 614

PT 604

PT 628 PT 692

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