NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles
approved unaccredited colleges, if accepted, will be granted provisional acceptance, though exceptions may be made when the GPA is higher than 3.0. Both probation and provisional accep tance may be changed to full acceptance if the student earns a GPA of 3.0 or bet ter on the first eight units at Talbot.
PH 684 Seminar in Philosophy
and Acts ... .. .... .. .................... .3
of Religion .... ........... ..... ...... ..3
The nature and scope of Talbot 's Christian education program and spe cializations are determined by th e
NT 701 The World of the
PH 685 Seminar in Philosophical
NewTestament. .. ... ... ..... .. ..... 2
Theology ...... ...... ........ .... .. .... . 3
Philosophy Electives ............ .............. 12 Electives ........ ...... ... .... ........... ........ .... 3-5 Reduction and Transfer Guidelines for Philosophy of Religion and
OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I .. .... .. . .3 OT 604 Elements of Hebrew 11 .. .......3 New Testament electives ..................... 8 General electives .. .. .. ...... ............ ... ..8-10
four dimensions which follow: Theological Integration
Our Christian education program is
an integral part of the theological enviGraduates from approved unaccredited
Ethics Emphasis
Theology Emphasis
colleges may be required to take cenain
Students with satisfactory underronment of the seminary. The program
(Select one of the following groups of courses) .............. .. .... ...... ....... . 7 units NT 501 Beginning Greek .......... .. . 2 NT 502 Beginning Greek .... .........2 NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis .. . 3 or BE 530 Elementary Principles of
relates educational practice to theologiadditional liberal arts coursework (not
graduate parallel content in philoso phy will be considered for course reduction . All requests for course reduction are subject to departmental
applicable toward the graduate degree), if their undergraduate program did not
cal principles, seeking to integrate social sciences and theology to better serve the Church 'seducational ministry efforts.
include these courses.
approval on a case by case basis. StuMinisterial Preparation
Our Christian education program exists to prepare ministers in the New Testament sense, for a variety of func tional roles for service in local churches and related institutions. This focus on ministry preparation encour ages students to take what they learn in classes and use it in ministry contexts, both while in school and in the future . This program is characterized by an emphasis on adaptation to th e individual needs and goals of the stu• dents, in regard to both their personal Individualized Program
dents seeking course reduction must have earned at least a "B" grade. Students may only transfer courses that are parallel in content and taken from accredited graduate schools and seminaries. Request for transfer of courses should be submitted to the Registrar's Office with prior approval from the department Students must complete in residence a minimum of 24 units in the Philosophy of Religion
A. Satisfactorily complete 56
the Biblical Languages ....3
semester units. See (D.) below.
Christian Thought electives.. ...........4 HT 722 Cults of America ........ .. ....... ..2 PH 602 Apologetics ...... .... .. .............. .3 TH 709 Contemporary Theology .. .. .2 Christian Thought electives• .. .... .. .S-12
B. Take the courses prescribed in the Master of Arts in Christian Edu C. 400 hours of supervised field ministry approved by a faculty advisor. D. Complete the program in no cation curriculum.
Bible Exposition or Christian
more than five years.
Thought electives .. ........ .................. .. .. 6 General electives.... ......... .. .. .... .. .... .. 7-11 *If the Greek option is chosen, only eight Christian Thought elective units in this category are required.
E. Complete an acceptable liter
ature review on
ministry issue a
related to a selected specialization. F. At least 24 units unique to the program must be taken at this seminary. A student must have at least a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) to graduate. Stu if their GPA for any semester falls below 3.0, and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumula tive GPA remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up
and Ethics emphasis.
Biblical and Theological
Philosophy of Religion and Ethics Emphasis
Studies/Diversified Emphasis BE 530 Elementary Principles of
and vocational objectives.
It is presumed that students will
The main purpose of this emphasis
the Biblical Languages .. ...... .3
enter the program with a clearlyestabdents are placed on academic probation
is to help the student become an apolo(Select one of the following ) ...........2-3
lished Christian faith and , normally, with a definite vocational orientation. The program is designed to afford
gist and develop the skills involved in doing apologetics with special focus on
HT 722 Cults of America CL556 World Religions
PH 602 Apologetics philosophy and social ethics. The attieach student a fourfold opportunity: PT 510 Evangelism and Follo~p .....3 tudes and character traits of an apolo(a) the acquisition of knowledge
PT 703 Church and Society ..............3 CE 600 Educational Ministry in
gist will be fostered by department activities, professional modeling, and
(b) the development of professional skill, (c) the enhancement of personal
the Church............. .. .... .... .... .3 to the required level (3.0) for continu teaching techniques. The skills necesgrowth and (d) the deepening of perance in the seminary. Astudent cannot BE, CE, HT, NT, OT, PH, PT, TH sary for the craft of apologetics will be sonal commitment to Jesus Christ. graduate while on probation. electives (a maximum of 6 units in developed by equipping the student to PT and CE) .. ...... .... .. .......... .14 Timeliness of the Program PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS think for himself or herself, do research General electives.. .. ........ .. .. .. .... .. .. ...9-11 This Christian education program and understand the necessary philoThe academic program leading to is designed to meet the specific needs soph ical and ethical concepts for the Master of Arts degree in Christian of the Church with emphases in a vari spelling out what Christians believe and Education is structured to include (I) ety of educational ministry areas, why they hold those beliefs. The probiblical and theological foundations ; including: Children 's Ministry, Youth gram is aimed at developing ability to (2) a core curriculum consisting of Ministry, Adult and Family Ministry, do apologetics in various ministry profoundational courses and practical General Christian Education Min grams such as para church and local skills; (3) a vocational specialization. istries, Cross-cultural Education Min church evangelism, as well as preparing istry, and Christian Formation. The Standard Program: 56 Units the student for further graduate work In light of increasing demands for The program leading to the Master in philosophy, ethics, religious studies, persons trained in Christian educaof Arts degree in Christian Education, law, political science, and theology. tion, the program is structured to prewith a ministry specialization in chil PH 523 Metaphysics I .. .. .. .. ...... ..........3 pare persons to serve competently in drens ' ministry, youth ministry, general PH 544 Epistemology I.. .. .. .... .. .. .... .... 3 this growing field. Christian education, family and adult PH 547 The Theology and Ph iloso- ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ministry, crosscultural education min phy of Science .. .. ........ ......... .2 istry, or spiritual formation , includes a PH 566 History and Normative All applicants must hold the Bacheminimum of 56 units of study. The stu Systems of Ethics .... .. .. .. .. .. ....3 lor of Arts degree or its academic equivadent who is able to enroll in 14 units PH 624 Seminar in Ethical lent They must have a 3.0 GPA (on a each semester can complete the degree Issues 1.... ........................ .. .. ...3 4.0 scale) . Those accepted who do not in two years. The student who enrolls PH 667 Seminar in Philosophical meet this latter requirement will be for less than 14 units may be able to Anthropology .......... .. .. .. .... ...2 placed on probation. Graduates from access lnterterm and Summer school
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