Research Competence
over on TOEFL and 4.0 or over on TWE. Those scoring between 575 and 599 on TOEFL will be assessed on a case by case basis. The TOEFL and TWE are administered together on certain test dates. For more information call (609) 771-7100, FAX (609) 771-7500 or write: Test of English as a Foreign Language, Box 6151, Princeton, NewJersey, U.SA 08541-6151. Students should consult the general Biola University guidelines (see the Admission of International Students and Resident Aliens section at the beginning of the catalog). Since doc toral seminars involve regular student discussion , it is expected that interna tional students have the requisite ability with spoken English to be a contribut ing member of such discussions. (5) Present evidence of potential for original academic research at the doctoral level by submitting a sample of scholarly writing (with citations and bibliography), preferably related to education, of at least 15, but no more than 20 pages pages, formatted according to APAstyle. (6) Applicants maybe asked to be interviewed by the program director or the Ed.D. committee as a require ment for admission. Application Deadline The Application Deadline for the Fall semester is April 15 and for the Spring semester is November I. Since enrollment is limited and admission is on a selective basis , applications should be made as early as possible. The Ed.D. committee will process completed applications soon after they are received . Applications submitted after the deadline will usually be con sidered for the following semester. Admission of lntemational Students and Resident Aliens See Admission and Registration and Requirements section at the
lion of a dissertation under the direc tion of a faculty dissertation advisor. In order to be admitted to candidacy, the student must have successfully: (1) Passed the Comprehensive Examination, and (2) Received approval of a disser tation proposal by the student 's disser tation committee. Dissertation After the Comprehensive Exami nation is passed, the student will enroll in DE 891 Dissertation (3 units) each fall and spring semester until graduation. A student must enroll for a minimum of two terms of DE 891 and must be enrolled in DE 891 in the semester of graduation. Dissertation students are considered full-time for a maximum of four semesters. Doctoral students must submit a dissertation evidencing high attain ment in original scholarship. Detailed information may be found in the dis sertation guidelines section of the Doctoral Handbook. Final Oral Examination The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the student's dissertation committee and other invited professionals. Upon pass ing the defense, the candidate must sub mit to the program secretary, four weeks prior to expected graduation, the origi nal and five copies of the dissertation signed by the dissertation committee. Graduation Requirements All students must present an accept able dissertation, have satisfactorily passed their comprehensive examina tions and have completed all required coursework with a minimum 3.25 G.PA to qualify for graduation. Extra-Curricular Factors Ed.D. faculty must recommend that the student is eligible for confer ral of the degree on the basis of acade mic stature and evidence of Christian life and character established during residential studies. All financial obliga tions should be settled and attendance is required at commencement cere monies when the degree is granted. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The Ed.D. program seeks to admit applicants whose background clearly demonstrate scholarly aptitude, a com mitment to the historic Christian faith, personal character and integrity, a ser vice-oriented motivation toward
endeavors of educational ministry and an increasing spirituality. Biola does not discriminate on the basis of the applicant's race, color, sex, handicap or national or ethnic origin. Persons interested in attending the Ed.D. program should request an Ed.D. application form for Talbot School of Theology from the director of graduate admissions of Biola University. As in many graduate programs, enrollment is limited. In order to be admitted to full graduate standing the applicant must comply with the following: (1) Have completed at least three years of full-time vocational experi ence in educational ministry with evi dence of leadership gifts and abilities. (2) Submit a completed Talbot School of Theology Ed.D. application form. (3) Have earned a Masters degree in Christian or Religious Education (MACE or MRE) or its equivalent from an accredited educational institution. Equivalence is defined as an earned master's degree of 36 semester units of graduate study in areas related to the Christian education ministry, including 18 units ofgraduate Bible and theology. At least one course in each of the following areas should have been com pleted: Philosophy or History of Christ ian Education, Human Development or Educational Psychology, Educational Administration , Interpersonal Commu nication/ Group Dynamics or Counsel ing, Curriculum Design and/ or Meth ods ofTeaching, Research Methods. A minimum GPA of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale in all previous graduate work is required. Students whose formal educational preparation does not include all of the required prerequisite course work may be admitted provisionally with a defi ciency of master 's level courses. See the Ed.D. Student Handbook for sev eral ways to address deficiencies. (4) Submit scores on the Gradu ate Record Examination (GRE) (mini mum combined verbal and quantita tive scores of 1000). Information regarding GRE testing dates and loca tion may be obtained by writing to the Educational Testing Service, Box 955, Princeton, NewJersey 08540. International students whose native language is not English are required, instead, to submit scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Test for Written Eng lish (TWE). Preference in admission will be given to those who score 600 or
Specific research skills appropri ate for proposed dissertation study are to be demonstrated. The Ed.D. pro gram director will validate compe tence through review of examinations, completed research, or course work. Appropriate research tools and meth ods include biblical languages, mod ern languages, statistical analysis, and research methodologies applicable to educational problems and issues. Defi ciencies in research competence may result in additional program special ization components. Grading System Students wishing to obtain a doc toral degree must maintain a consistently high academic performance throughout their program. An overall grade point average of 3.25 on a 4.0 scale, is required Only grades of "A," "B," "C" earn gradu ate credit. Grades of all students are recorded in the registrar's office. Grad ing is on the following basis: Grade Grade points A Superior achievement 4.00 A- Significant achievement 3.67 B+ High standard achievement 3.33 B Standard graduate achievement 3.00 B- Low standard achievement 2.67 C+ Minimum passing performance 2.33 C Minimum passing performance 2.00 C- Minimum passing performance 1.67 F Failure 0.00 R Dissertation research in progress 0.00 An "S" indicates satisfactory com pletion for courses listed from DE 88~9. A "W" indicates an official with drawal from a course and does not affect the student's grade average. A "UW" indicates an unofficial withdrawal. Students who register for a class but do not attend it are auto matically given the grade of "UW" which will influence the grade average the same as an "F. " Atemporary mark of "RD" (Report Delayed) will be used in special cases of extreme hardship where an extension is warranted and approved by the dean. A student must appeal for an "RD" grade before the end of the semester. Such a grade incurred in one semester must be made up by the end of the first nine (9) weeks of the next semester or
beginning of the catalog. GENERAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION Classlf/callon of Students
Ed.D. students meeting all entrance requirements will be classi fied as regular graduate students. Stu dents who do not fulfill all entrance requirements may be admitted with provisional status until they correct any deficiency. Normally all prerequisites must be satisfied before a student may enroll in Ed .D. courses. Full-time study is defined as nine units per semester.
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