

DE 843 Advanced Organization and Administration (3) A detailed study of the primary man- agerial functions of planning, organiz- ing, staffing, directing, and evaluating in the context of church and para- church ministries. Emphasis on man- agement by objectives, total quality management, budgeting, conflict management, computer assessment programs, and evaluative techniques appropriate for ministry application. DE 844 Contemporary Issues in Ministry Leadership (3) An examination of issues significantly impacting church and para-church ministries today. Special focus given to the dynamic nature of leadership and its relationship to social institutional contextualization. DE 845 Selected Topics In Educational Leadership and Administration (1-3) Exploration of selected issues led by resident faculty or visiting professors. DE 848 Multiple Staff Management In the Local Church (3) Issues related to the complex nature of multiple staff management in the local church. Topics include methods of struc- turing administrative and program staff, fiscal managemen~ technological innova- tions that serve as viable ministry resources, the role of the executive pastor and personnel resource development ISCL 765 Crosscullural Leadership (3) Crosscultural study of the basic human groups of family, kin and com- munity, engaging the student in field methodology and research , and appli- cation of principles and data of social organization to mission strategy. Educational Process and Design DE 851 Curricular Materials Design and Development (3) An advanced study of the rationale for and guiding principles of curriculum design and development. Students may direct their assignments to local church, para-church or higher Christ- ian education settings. DE 853 Curriculum Innovation and the Change Process (3) An examination of the principles under- lying effective change strategies as these relate to the improvement of curricular elements of educational ministry. DE 854 Effective Teaching Research (3) An introduction to and examination of current research on effective teaching as it relates to the objectives and ministry models of Christian education. The emphasis will be on evaluating, synthe-

sizing and applying major research find- ings to the unique purposes and con- texts of the Church 'seducational efforts, including local church and parachurch ministries, Christian schools, crosscul- tural ministries and higher education. DE 855 Selected Topics In Curriculum Theory and Teaching (1-3) Exploration of selected issues led by resident faculty or visiting professors. DE 861 Educational Psychology and Christian Formation (3) An advanced exploration of learning theories, learning styles, and student motivation with implications for the practice of teaching and learn ing in local church, para-church and higher education settings. DE 862 Faith Development (3) Analysis of various aspects of faith <level- opment. Particular investigation of the relationship of this literature to human development theory and research. DE 865 Selected Topics In Human Development and Learning (1-3) Exploration of selected issues led by resident faculty or visiting professors. ISCL 721 Crosscullural Education (3) Exploration of socio-cultural factors that affect teaching and learning strategies in education both here and abroad. Research ISCL 803 Qualitative Research (2) An advanced course on the ethno- graphic method, emphasizing rigor- ous research design and quality con- trol with specific reference to educa- tional research. DE 874 Writing for Publication (3) A study of research and writing in the field of Christian education with an emphasis on preparing manuscripts for publication as journal articles. DE 875 Selected Topics in Educational Research (1-3) Exploration of selected issues led by resident faculty or visiting professors. DE 879 Readings Seminar (3) Research and writing on a topic of the student's choosing. The student is expected to work out, with the profes- sor's supervision, a detailed course proposal and bibliography and submit with a Learning Contract form avail- able from the department. Independent Studies Up to four units of directed study opportunities may be arranged with resident faculty.

concepts concerning relationships for appropriate local church and organi- zational ministry leadership in various cultural settings. DE 805 Teaching and Curriculum Theory (3)

episodes in the gospels (competence in exegetical skills and knowledge of Nr Greek is helpful). DE 823 Habits of the Excellent Teacher (3) Pursues the question, "What consti- tutes excellence in the teacher and in teaching?" The course involves ana- lyzing case studies of outstanding teachers. DE 826 Studies in the History of Education (3) Investigation of great teachers, great educational ideas or great educational systems in the history of education and the teaching ministry of the Church. Aparticular historical period may be treated or themes across his- torical periods (may be repeated). Educational leadership and Administration DE 831 Administration of Christian Higher Education (3) Exploration of major responsibilities in the administration of higher educa- tion with a view to broaden the stu- dent 's awareness of the complexities involved in educational leadership. Emphasis is given to a discussion of the departments of faculty , student affairs , advancement , legal affairs, library, and support services. DE 836 Current Trends in American Higher Education (3) An examination of critical issues fac- ing North American universities and discussion of the acquisition of viable premising data, relevant strategic planning issues, and future program- matic designs. DE 841 Leaderihip Team Development (3) Exploration of the dynamics of effec- live work teams, the development, maintenance, and benefits of leader- ship teams in educational ministry set- tings. Includes a focus on team assignment, strategies for team <level- opment, beneficial leadership prac- tices, and the application of team strategies to various local and crosscul- tural ministry settings. DE 842 Voluntarism: Issues In Development and Supervision (3) An advanced study of volunteer man- agement principles and practices within various local and cross-cultural educational ministry settings. Exam- ines a theological rationale for the ministry of the laity, key issues influ- encing volunteer motivation, recruit- ment, equipping, support, and super- vis ion to enhance the experience and effectiveness of volunteers in ministry.

Advanced study of teaching within var- ious educational settings. Students are challenged to enhance their per- sonal repertoire of teaching skills and educational strategies through obser- vation, discussion and practice. Com- T-18 I petencies in designing varied curricu- lar materials are developed.

DE 807 Educational Research Methods (3) Advanced study of a variety of meth- ods for scholarly educational research. The course focuses on the literature review analyzing research design , methodology and results. DE 808 Statistical Methods In Educational Research (3) A study of the concepts and tech- niques involved in the analysis and interpretation of quantitative research data based on descriptive and inferen- tial statistics. Topics include correla- tion and regression , tests of signifi- cance and introduction to analysis of variance. (Required)

Christian Spirituality and Educational Foundations DE 811 Traditions of Christian Spirituality (3)

A study of the Scriptures and various Church traditions regarding how one deepens one's relationship with God. DE 813 Friendship and Christian Community: Contexts for Growth (3) An inquiry regarding Christian commu- nity and mature relationships from the- ological and social science perspectives. Concepts to be studied include: friend- ship and intimacy, interpersonal con- flict and mediation, justice and forgive- ness, accountability and submission. DE 816 Theological Reflection for Educational Ministry (3) A study of theological components which are essential to the develop- ment of a theology of the teaching ministry (competence in theological method is helpful). DE 820 Selected Topics In Educational Foundations (1-3) Exploration of selected issues led by resident faculty or visiting professors. DE 822 Jesus, the Master Teacher (3) Detailed analysis of what Jesus taught and how he taught based on an exegetical study of various teaching

DE 880 Directed Research (1-4) DE 881 Directed Readings (1-4)

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