work. Elective for Th.M. students; other by departmental permission. TH 880 Directed Research (1-3) Supervised research in selected areas of theology. Elective for Th.M. students. TH 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Discussion and application of the cen tral areas of theology research and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identification of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it and writing the results. Required for the first semes ter of the Th.M. (Systematic Theol ogy) program. A second semester may be taken to continue research in the area of interest
TH 717 Theology of Human Nature (2) Exploration of key areas relating to the nature of man from both a theo logical and psychological perspective; the biblical nature of man in compari son to teaching theories of human development The meaning and sig nificance of man created in the image of God; nature and dynamics of sin which lead to sins or psychological maladjustments; practical application of the above concepts to the areas of personal growth and disciple, educa tion and child rearing and church ministry. Team taught by faculty with strength in theology and psychology. Prerequisite: TH 512, or equivalent Required of reduced M.A.C.E. stu dents. Elective. TH 718 Theology of Christian Nurture (2) Designed for the student with back ground in the biblical and theological knowledge of soteriology. Considera tion of the nature of personal trans formation in regeneration, the means and dynamics of nurture including the relation of cognitive and rela tional aspects. Examination of the nature of spiritual maturity and its relation to psychological maturity and hindrances to growth. Team taught by faculty with strength in theology and psychology. Prerequisite: TH 512, 613 or equivalent. Required of reduced M.A.C.E. students. Elective. TH 720 The Theology and Practice of Prayer (2) A study of the biblical theo logy of prayer including its meaning, purpose and practice. Elective. TH 724 Eschatologlcal Problems (2) Typical exegetical and doctrinal prob lems in the area of Bible prophecy. Lectures, assigned problems with writ ten and classroom reports, discussion and library research . Elective. TH 725 The Dispensalional System (2) An intensive study of that system of biblical interpretation known as dis pensationalism; its historical back ground, modern form and objections. Emphasizing primary theological and exegetical issues or disagreement between dispensational and non-dis
TH 729 The Theology of the Gospels (2) An examination of the theological teaching ofJesus as recorded in the four gospel narratives. Special attention is paid to the chronological development of themes taught by Christ in the light of His presentation and rejection . (Cross listed with NT 729) . Elective. TH 730 Pauline Theology (2) The main themes of Paul 's doctrine from the biblical theological perspec tive. (Cross listed with NT 759). Pre requisite: NT 501-502. Elective. TH 740 The Doctrine of the Atonement (2) A study of the biblical meaning and significance of the atoning work of Christ including a survey of the signifi cant historical interpretations of the doctrine. Elective. TH 751 Theology of Mission (3) An introduction to theology of mis sions that focuses on the biblical basis for mission. This study seeks to exam ine the motives, aims and methods of mission from both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. TH 761 Directed Study (1-4) Supervised reading and research in selected areas of systematic theology. Elective. TH 771 Theology Seminar (1-4) The study of selected areas of system atic or biblical theology. May be repeated for credit with different con tent. Elective. TH 802 Millennial Views (2) Acareful and intensive study of the three main eschatological views relative to the millennium; the historical and biblical strength of the premillennial system; consideration of the leading amillennial writings. Adetailed analysis of the four positions relative to the time of the rap ture; a biblical and theological defense of the pretribulational \iew, with exegesis of crucial passages of Scripture. Prerequ~ site:TH 614. Elective for Th.M. students; othm by departmental permission. TH 806 Theology Seminar (1-4) Selected problems in the fields of sys tematic or biblical theology. Elective for Th.M. students; others by depart mental permission. TH 810 JohaMine Theology (2) The theology of the Johannine writings, with emphasis upon the concepts that the writer himself emphasizes. Prereq uisite: NT 501-502. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental per mission. (Cross listed with NT 823).
TH 815 Advanced Ecclesiology (2) An intensive study of significant aspects of the church related to its nature, purpose and organization. Particular attention directed to cur rent problem areas. Prerequisite: TH 614 or the equivalent in ecclesiology. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. TH 827 The Doctrine of the Kingdom (2) An investigation into the meaning and purpose of the Kingdom of God and its progressive development within his tory. The course includes discussion of historical and contemporary theolog~ cal positions with emphasis upon the biblical teaching in its historical frame-
pensational positions. Elective. TH 728 Theological Systems (2)
Several major theological systems of thought emphasizing those within the Protestant perspective, but also including significant Roman Catholic and Jewish systems. Elective.
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