

NT 723 Exegesis of Acts (2) Extensive translation in the book. Exe­ gesis of selected portions. Consideration of the contribution of this book to knowledge of the expansion and life of the early church. Introduction to criti­ cal issues in the book, with emphasis upon its importance and its historicity. Comparison of style with that of Luke's gospel. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.• NT 729 Theology of the Gospels (2) An examination of the theological teaching ofJesus as recorded in the four gospel narratives. Special attention is paid to the chronological development of themes taught by Christ in the light of His presentation and rejection. (Cros.s-listed with IB 729). Elective.* NT 741 Exegesis of SKond Corinthians (2) A detailed study of the Greek text of the epistle with special attention given to problems of grammar and interpre­ tation. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.• NT 742 Exegesis of Galatians (2) Adetailed exegesis of the original text together with a consideration of the historical situations. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.• NT 743 Exegesis of Philippians (2) Adetailed study of the Greek text of the epistle with special attention given to the problems of grammar and interpre­ tation. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.• NT 744 Exegesis of Colosslans (2) A detailed study of the Greek text of the epistle with emphasis upon the problems present in the Colossian church. Exegesis of the epistle. Pre­

NT 832 Seminar In the Epistles (1-3) Advanced study of one or more of the epistles. Special attention given to critical and exegetical issues associ­ ated with a particular epistle(s). May be repeated for credit with the study of different epistle. Prerequisite: NT 503, 605. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.* NT 880 Directed Research (1-3) Detailed research on some aspect of the New Testament. May include a I T-29

NT 801 Textual Criticism of the New Testament (2)

ments, literature, geography and cul­ tural setting of Judaism and the Hel­ lenistic world at the time of Christ and the early church. Required of Th.M. (NT) students. NT 816 Hellenistic Greek Seminar (2) Readings from a variety of literary and non-literary Koine texts as a means of developing a greater awareness of the linguistic, literary, and cultural con­ text of the New Testament. May be repeated for credit with a different emphasis. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elec­ tive for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.* NT 822 Seminar In the Gospels (1-3) Advanced study of one or more of the gospels. Special attention given to criti­ cal and exegetical issues problems asso­ ciated with a particular gospel(s). May be repeated for credit with the study of a different content. Prerequisite: NT 503, 604. Elective for Th.M. sn1dents; others by departmental permission. NT 823 Johannine Theology (2) The theology of the Johannine writing,;, with emphasis upon the concepts that the writer himself emphasizes. Prerequisite: NT 501-502. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permis.5ion.• NT 824 The Acts of the Apostles (2) Introduction to the book, the empha­ sis upon its importance and its his­ toricity. Translation of the text with exegesis of certain sections. Compar­ ison of style with that of Luke's gospel and comparison of Peter's and Paul's speeches with their epistles. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.*

The origin and history of textual criti­ cism. Study of the relative value of manuscripts and the examination of textual theories. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective for Th.M. students; others by

departmental permission.* NT 803-804 Advanced Greek Grammar (2, 2)

An intensive study of standard works on advanced Greek grammar. May be continued for a second semester as warranted. Prerequisite: NT 503, 604, 605, 4 units NT exegesis electives. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.• NT 808 Comparative Style of New Testament Writers (2) Comparison of style , vocabulary and theological concepts of the various New Testament writers on the basis of selected portions of the writings of the Greek New Testament. Elec­ tive for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. NT 811 lntertestamental Background Seminar (2) Study of the religious developments, lit­ erature, geography and cultural setting of Judaism leading up to the time of the gospels. May be repeated for credit with a different emphasis. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission.• NT 812 The World of the New Testament (3) New Testament historical back­ grounds and archaeology, including a study of the religious develop-

special focus on or combined study of exegesis, New Testament history, intro- ductory matters, or New Testament theology. Elective for Th.M. students. NT 890 Advanced New Testament Seminar (1-4) Supervised research of designated areas of concentration in New Testa­ ment literature , history, interpreta­ tion or theology. May be repeated for credit with different content. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. NT 891-892 Research Seminar (3, 2) Discussion and application of the cen­ tral areas of New Testament research and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identification of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it, and writing the results. Required for the first semester of the Th.M. (N.T) program. Asecond semester may be taken to continue

research in the area of interest * Eledives are offered by rotation and on request.

requisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 747 Exegesis of the Pastoral Epistles (2)

An examination of ITimothy, II Timothy and Tints in the Greek text with a special focus on church structure and leader­ ship. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 751 Exegesis of the Apocalypse (2) A study based on the original text, with a focus on the seven churches and the literary genre of the book. Prerequisite: NT 503. Elective.* NT 759 Pauline Theology (2) The main themes of Paul's doctrine from the biblical theological perspec­ tive. (Cross-listed with TH 730). Pre­ requisite: NT 501-502. Elective.* NT 791 New Testament Seminar (1-4) Supervised research of designated areas of concentration in New Testament liter­ ature, history, interpretation or theol­ ogy. May be repeated for credit with different content Elective.•

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