

Psychotherapy Laboratory

family members will be presented. Other compulsive diseases will be dis­ cussed such as sexual addiction , eating disorders, etc. Class lecture, special speakers, and assigned reading will be the primary methods of instruction. SPY 730 Directed Research (1-31 Students may take special courses of study and/ or pursue research projects that they design and carry out under the guidance of a resident farulty member. Individual or small group panicipation in a research project in psychology must be under the supervision of a faculty member. The student must submit an arranged course pennission form giving a detailed outline of the research and other learning experiences of the course. Required courses may not be taken through Directed Research. Approval of faculty advisor and acade­ mic dean is required. (Elective) 5TH 731 intemslip in Clinical Psychology 10) Professional experience of a one year internship in a facility approved by the Professional Training Committee. Prerequisites: Successful completion of comprehensive examinations, course requirements , professional qualifying examination, and approval of a dissertation proposal. SIN 73 I or SIN 732 is required. Internship fee: $1 ,200 per semester. STN 732 Hall-f1111e Internship (0) Professional experience of a two-year internship in a facility approved by the Professional Training Committee. Pre­ requisites: Successful completion of comprehensive examinations, course requirements, professional qualifying examination, and an approval of a dis­ sertation proposal. SIN 73 I or SIN 732 is required. Internship fee : $600 per semester. By pennission of Direc­ tor of Clinical Training. SPY 733 The Sell:~ ~ Psychologia,I and Cross-<iblnl Perspectives 131 This course looks at philosophical , theological , psychological, and cross­ cultural views of the nature of the self. The course explores some of the biblical and philosophical terminol­ ogy. It also explores the historical emphasis on the self, with a focus on its current emphasis in psychoanalytic psychology, and its developmental aspect, and a psychological view of the true and false self. The western cul­ ture perspective on the self is com­ pared with other cultures. Finally, a religious perspective on the true and false self is presented.

case presentations are used to develop skills. This course or SLB 702 is required of Ph.D. and Psy.D. Prerequ~ site: SPY691-693 and 4th-year standing. SPY 715 Training Therapy (Group) (01 For official indication on the student 's transcript of required personal growth . experience through group training ther­ apy. Required of all doctoral students. SPY 716 Training Therapy OndividuaQ (01 For official indication on the student's transcript of required personal growth experience through an individual training therapy. Required of all doc­ toral students. SDS 718 Doctoral Seminar I (3) This is the first of a two course sequence which Psy.D. non-dissertation students can take as a partial fulfillment of their doctoral research competency. This course includes an in-depth study of research methods in clinical psychol­ ogy and experience in critically review­ ing current clinical research. SDS 719 Doctoral Research Seminar II 121 Building on SPY 718, this course involves writing an in-depth critical review of the research literature on a selected topic in clinical psychology. SDS 721 Dissertation Research (1-10) Planning and implementation of a research project including literature review, problem definition, hypothesis formation, design , and implementa­ tion of field research, data analysis, and report writing. The student's dis­ sertation research is supervised by a faculty chair and committee. The final stage requires the student to successfully sustain an Oral Defense of the dissertation. Required of Ph.D. Permission of instructor. SPY 724 Self Psychology: The Theory of Kahut (3) This course focuses on the theory and clinical work of Heinz Kohut as well as other contemporary self psychology theorists. In addition to discussing the place of self psychology in broader psy­ choanalytic thinking, special emphasis is placed on the clinical application and practical relevance of this approach. Prerequisites: SPY515 and 615. SPY 729 Alcohol , Substance Abuse (3) Diagnosis, treatment planning, and recovery process for the alcoholic/ addict and family members will be the focus of the class. The disease model of addictions treatment and the utilization of 12-step support groups in the treat­ ment of the recovering person and the

presentations by area psychiatrists. Pre­ requisite: SPY f/J7 or equivalent Either this course or SPYf/J7 or 670 is required. SPY 706 The Professional Practitioner (3) Intensive consideration of the impact of psychotherapeutic practice on the personal life and relationship of the clinician and the interaction between the professional and private life. Issues addressed include career satis­ faction, professional decorum, inter­ disciplinary relationships and therapist impairment and burnout, and steps involved in developing and maintain­ ing a clinical practice. Elective. SPY 709 Current Issues in Psychology 11-2) Intensive focus is given to a selected topic of contemporary interest such as grief therapy, forensic psychology, National Health Care and Psychologi­ cal service. Elective. SPY 710 Special Tedmiques in c&rical Pradice(l-3) Intensive consideration of a specific tech­ nique utilized in modem clinical practice and requiring specialized training. Asin­ gle major technique, for example the Halstead-Reitan Adult Neuropsychologi­ cal Bauery, clinical hypnosis, or multi­ generational therapy will be the focus each time this course is offered Elective. SPY 711 Seminar in Etlical and Professional Issues (3) A study and discussion of the ethics of professional psychology with an empha­ sis on the American Psychological ~ ciation 's Code of Ethics, guidelines, and laws that govern the profession. Prepa­ ration for the oral and written ponions of the licensing exam in the state of Cal­ ifornia is also given emphasis. The chal­ lenge to integrate a professional, Christ­ ian, and personal ethical code is dis­

This series of elective courses is designed to effect a working integra­ tion of conceptual and experimental aspects of psychotherapy. Ph.D. stu­ dents are required to take 12 units of SLB courses and Psy.D. students, 21 units. Each course includes both course work and supervised clinical experience within the psychotherapy model foUowed in the specific course. Completion of SPY 501, 515 and 680 or 681 and 682 or their equivalent is required before enrollment in these courses is permitted. All SLB courses have limited enrollments and require permission of the instructor. Students need to have access to appropriate client pools through their practica unless clients are obtained through the SLB course. SlB 605 Behavior Therapy 13) The observation, assessment and mod­ ification of human behavior, includ­ ing operant, respondent and social learning models . Emphasis is on supervised client interaction. Prereq­ uisite: SPY 604 and permission of instructor. Elective. SlB 613 Psychotherapy with the Adolescent 13) Techniques and problems in psy­ chotherapy with adolescents. Special attention is focused on the implications of developmental processes of adolescence on treatment approaches. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Elective. SlB 631 Psychodynamic Therapy I 131 An in-depth study of the process of therapy based on psychoanalytic devel­ opmen ta! theory and giving special attention to the concepts of transfer­ ence, counter-transference and inter­ pretation. A lab group is included for both 63 I and 632. Prerequisite: SPY 515, participation in individual train­ ing therapy and permission of instruc­ tor. Enrollment must be planned for both SLB 631 and 632. Elective. SlB 632 Psychoclynaaic Therapy II (3) Continuation of SLB 63 I. Prerequi­ sites: SLB 631 and pennission of the instructor. Elective . SlB 641 Psychotherapy with Groups 13) The essentials of the group psy­ chotherapy process are examined and related to current modalities in psy­ chotherapy and general group phe­ nomena. Elective.

cussed. Required of Psy.D, Ph.D. SPY 712 Independent Study 11-31

Individual work, directed reading or special problems in psychology. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The student is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and a bibliography with an arranged course pennission form available from the Registrar's Office. Required courses may not be taken through

independent study. Elective. SPY 713 Clinical Supervision and Consultation 121

Acourse designed to give students train­ ing and practice in supervisory and con­ sultation roles. Mutual supervision and

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