

511642 Psychotherapy with Children (3) The nature and treatment of common emotional and behavioral problems of childhood from a psychoanal ytic developmental perspective. Special attention is given to parent counsel­ ing. Prerequisites: SPY 602; 603 or 604; and SPY 641. Permission of instructor required. Elective. 511643 Cogni!ive/Behcrvioral Therapy with Children (31 This course emphasizes the treatment of children and families from a behav­ ioral perspective including operant, respondent, cognitive and social learning theory models. Graduate students must carry at least three clients during the coune of the semester and will be afforded the opportunity to conduct parent work­ shops in lieu of one client Prerequi­ sites: SPY641, 680, 604 (or equiv.ilent) and completion of or current enroll­ ment in a child practicum. Required of Psy.D.with Child/ Family emphasis. 511671 Marriage and f•ily Therapy I(31 Astudy of the literature and practice of marital and family therapy. The course provides an overview of various approaches to famil y therapy with a special emphasis on the structural fam­ ily therapy model. Application of clini­ cal techniques is accomplished through observation, simulations, and at least one marital or family case using a team model of intervention supervision in the school clinic. Prerequisite: SPY650 and permission of instructor. Elective. 511 672 Marriage and F•ily Therapy II (3) Continuation ofSLB 671. Major consi~ eration is given to experiential and psy­ chodynamic perspectives on intervention within a structural framework. Applica­ tion of clinical techniques is continued from the first semester using obseMtion, simulation, and therapy experience with supervision. Prerequisites: SLB 671 and permission of instructor. 511676 Psychotherapy With Couples (3) Study of theory and practice of conjoint therapy with couples. Anumber of theo­ retical perspectives and related clinical techniques will be studied including cog­ nitive-behavioral, emotionally focused , ego-analytic, and psychodynamic approaches . The intervention tech­ niques can be applied with pre-marital couples, for couple enrichment and as part of psychotherapy with distressed couples. Students will see throughout the semester. ElectiYe.

Theo/ogy/Blbllcal Studies

511 611 Special Issues in Psychodyn11111ic Therapy I (2-3) An advanced course in psychodynamic psychotherapy dealing with issues such as impairments of the therapeutic rela­ tionship, acting out, levels and timing of interpretations and psychotherapy with individuals suffering from distur­ bances in early object relationships. Prerequisites: SLB 63 I, 632 and per­ mission of instructor. Elective. 511 612 Special Issues it Psychodynaic Therapy II (2·31 Continuation of SLB 681. Prerequi­ site: SLB 681 and permission of instructor. Elective. 511 702 Principles aid Practices it Case Supervision I(1-3) A seminar in case supervision . Stu­ dents are responsible for supervising the professional experiences of less advanced students . Prerequisites: admission to doctoral studies and per­ mission of instructor. This course or SPY 713 is required of Psy.D. , Ph.D. 511 703 Principles and Pradi<es in Case Supervision II (1-31 Continuation of SLB 702. Prerequi­ sites: SLB 702 and permission of instructor. Elective. 511 705 Brief Psychotherapies (3) Models and approaches in brief inter­ ventions with special attention to crisis intervention. Theorists include Mann, Sifneos, Malan and Davanloo. Prerequi­ site: permission of instructor. Elective. 511 706 O'ncal liofeedbam (31 This coune is an introduction to con­ cepts and techniques of biofeedback as applied to stress management, anxiety disorders , psychosomatic symptoms, and other psychological problems. For­ mal registration for credit is usually in the spring semester, but actual learning experiences begin in the fall semester to allow ample time for mastering the technical equipment necessary for use with clients. Students receive 10 hours of personal biofeedback. Coune size is limited and requires the advance per­ mission of the instructor. 511 707 Cognitive Behavior Therapy (31 This course will present a cognitive behavioral model of treatment for depression, anxiety, and the personality disorders. The theories of Aaron T. Beck, Donald Meichenbaum and Chris­ tine Padesky will be considered. Stu­ den ts will learn how to apply this approach with individuals and with cou­ ples. Prerequisite: SPY603. Elective.

511 709 Therapevtic Approaches to Sexual Dysfunction (31 This coune focuses exclusively on clini­ cal approaches to assessment and thera­ peutic intervention in relation to sexual dysfunction within the marital dyad. Prerequisites: SLB 671, SPY 607, 663 and permission of instructor. Prerequi­ site: SPY 604 or equivalent and permis,. sion of instructor. Elective. 511 710 Existential Psychotherapy (3) Study and practice of the therapeutic relationship and the process of ther­ apy from a growth or actualization perspective, including the approaches of selected theorists such as Rogers, Gendlin , and selected existential ther­ apists. Prerequisites: SPY515 and per­ This course focuses each time it is offered on a specific therapy not regu­ larly included in Rosemead's curricu­ lum, including such approaches as: Transactional Analysis, Adlerian , Psy­ chodrama, Rational-Emotive Therapy, Reality Therapy, and others. Teaching personnel are drawn from the profes­ sional community of active practitioners of the specific modality to be consid­ ered. Prerequisites: as determined by the individual instructor. Elective. 511 717 Gestalt Psychotherapy (31 The focus of this course will present the theory and application of Gestalt therapy for use with individuals and groups This therapy, created by Feris and developed by Zinker & Polster, focuses on personal growth and self-actualization. FJectiYe. SIi 711 Advanc.d Gestalt (31 mission of instructor. Elective. 511715 Cimnt Psydiudeapes 131 This course is open to students who have completed SLB 717 and focuses on the application of Gestalt therapy and techniques to group psychother­ apy. Enrollment is limited and the per­ mission of the instructor is required. SIi 725 Multigenerotional Therapy (31 The course focuses particularly on family-of-origin theories and practical approaches that share both an atten­ tion to family dynamics across three or more generations and a history in psy­ chodynamic theory. Avideotape series will be used to demonstrate conduc­ tion transgenerational sessions with clients. Students will also apply experi­ entially these theories to their own family of origin. The lab segment will use Williamson's family-of-origin group therapy model where co-ther­ apy teams will help clients achieve the goal of developing an authentic self within the original family. Elective.

This series of courses provides students with essential biblical and theological understanding prerequi­ site to effective integration of the dis­ ciplines of psychology and theology. (I7 units required.) STH 521 Theology I: F01mdations of Integration (31 This course focuses on the historical, theological and philosophical under- pinnings of these efforts, as well as var- ious models for integration. Included is a discussion of revelation, theology of God and hermeneutical principles for sound interpretation of the Bible. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 522 Theology II: Theological and Psychologicel Modes (31 The first of a two course sequence exploring the foundations of efforts to integrate theology and psychology. I R-11

The second course in foundations for the integration of psychology and the­ ology attempts to interface biblical themes with the idea of integration. Special emphasis is placed on the rela­ tionship between nature and grace , faith and learning and theology and psychology as reflected in the Old and New Testaments. Prerequisite: STH 521. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 603 Theology Ill (41 Man, his creation in the image of God, his nature, fall and the effect of sin upon the race. The salvation of God, including the Person and work of Christ The application of salvation to men including election, regenera­ tion , justification, sanctification and perseverance. Course includes a one hour lab. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 604 Theology IV (41 Astudy of the broad kingdom purpose of God and the future events relating to the destiny of individuals and history, including the second coming of Christ in its phases, the millennial reign of Christ, the resurrections, the judgments and eternal state . The church , its inception, its nature both as a living organism and an organization, its ordi­ nances, and its place and mission in the purpose of God. Coune includes a one hour lab. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. STH 625 Theology V: Christian Ethics (31 A study of Christian ethics in relation to divorce, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, situation ethics, environmen­ tal ecology and human control of human beings. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D.

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