Special Note: Full-time rorollmeru (completing 12 units each semester) is required of the Jo/lawing undergraduall students: Inter nalionals, Veterans receiving full benefits, students receiving social security benefits, and all students receiving financial aid of any kind. When dropping classes, students must be aware thal they are required to wmpltu 12 units of credit. Full-0me rorollmeru ( comp/ding nine units eadi snnester) is requimi of the following graduall students: In1muJtional.s, Vdmlns reaivingfull benefits, students naiving social security benefits, and all students receiv ing financial aid of any kind. mien dropping classes, students must be aware thaJ tJ,ey art requimi to compitu nine units of trtdil. CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS A student's classification is detennined at the beginning of each semester according to the following plan: Undergraduate Freshman 26 units or less completed Sophomore 27-56 units completed Junior 57-87 units completed Senior 88 units or more completed Graduate (Talbot, SICS and SAS) Graduate 1 28 units or less completed Graduate 2 29-64 units completed Graduate 3 65 units or more completed Graduate 4 Master ofTheology/ ICS Internship Graduate 5 Doctor ofMinistry Graduate 6 Doctor of Education (Rosemead) Graduate I 30 units or less completed Graduate 2 60 units or less completed Graduate 3 90 units or less completed Graduate 4 120 units or less completed Graduate 5 133 units or less completed Internship Graduate 6 134 units or more completed Dis striation NUMBERING OF COURSES Courses numbered 100 to 299 are lower division (primar ily for freshmen and sophomores) . Courses numbered 300 to 499 are upper division (primarily for juniors and seniors) . Courses numbered 500 and above are graduate level. The course numbering system is designed to indicate the relative academic level of courses in this manner: 100-499 Undergraduate, baccalaureate level courses 500-700 Graduate level, normally indicating first through third year beyond baccalaureate.
SPECIAL NOTE Biota University reserves the right to change any and all stu dent charges, modify its services, or change its curriculum or pro grams of study should economic conditions, curricular revisions, or national emergency make it necessary or desirable to do so. FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and provisions of the California Education Code set out require ments designed to govern the access to, and release of, educa tional records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their records, and to provide guidelines for the correc tion of inaccurate or misleading data through infonnal and for mal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the FERPA Office (U.S. Dept of Education) concerning alleged failures by Biola to comply with provisions ofFERPA Biola University has adopted policies and procedures concerning implementation ofFERPA on campus. Copies of the policy are available in the Registrar's Office. TRANSCRIPT REQUEST One transcript of a student's record is furnished free . I. For each additional transcript after that, a $6 charge will be assessed for an official copy and a $3 fee will be charged for an unofficial copy. Transcript orders of 9 or more are granted a reduced rate of $5 per official or $2 per unofficial copy ($1 off each copy). The student or alumnus may request a transcript in person or by mail. Telephone, electronic mail or FAX requests will not be accepted. Every transcript request should include the name the student attended under, Biola student I.D.#, date of birth, social secu rity number, last semester of attendance at Biota, any degrees earned at Biola, name and address where the transcript is to be sent, the appropriate fee paid in cash or check, made payable to Biola University, and the signature of the student 2. For rush transcript service (nonnally 24-hour process ing) there will be an additional fee of $4 per transcript added to the total. A transcript cannot be released if the student owes money to the University or if a payment is outstanding on any loans obtained through the University. A request for a transcript must bear the signature of the individual whose pennanent record is involved. If the name is typed or printed, the request will not be honored. This policy is in complian,;e with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment) . NAME CHANGES All name change requests by marriage, divorce or court order must be accompanied by a copy of the legal action which changes the individual's name, only if the name change occurs during enrollment EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All groups or individuals who represent the University must manifest satisfactory cooperation , spiritual life and scholastic attainment (the overall grade point average must be 2.00), and must be approved by the faculty.
Postgraduate level, indicating fourth year beyond baccalaureate.
In general, odd-numbered courses are given in the fall and even-numbered courses are offered in the spring. Courses ending in zero usually are offered each semester or either semester. Not all courses are offered every year. The units of credit are indicated by the number in paren theses after each course title. The University reserves the right to withdraw any courses for which there is insufficient registration or lack of faculty resources.
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