7. All students who have entered the University in the fall 1986 or later and who will be graduating in the spring 1990 or later must pass the Writing Competency Exam. Special Note: All graduation requiremmts may be 111lt within four school years i,y carrying approximately 16 or 17 units each semtS• ter. A student may still be graduated within four years if he wishes to take a lighter wad and enroll in Sum= Session and/or Intertmn. GRADUATION HONORS - UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Honors at graduation for baccalaureate recipients are based on overall performance, Christian values, and a mini mum 60-unit residency. Honors are not automatically granted. They are granted by the faculty and may be with held or modified. The university honors have been defined by the Academic Standards Committee as: Cum Laude GPA 3.50-3.69 Magna Cum Laude GPA 3.70-3.89 Summa Cum Laude GPA 3.90-4.00 Honors recognized in the graduation uremony may be changed based on the processing offinal grades. Graduate and BOLD stu dents should check with their program section in the catalog for honors qualification. HONOR SOCIETY Aselect group ofgraduating seniors are chosen by the faculty each year to membership in Epsilon Kappa Epsilon, the baccalau reate honor society ofBiola University. Eligibility is based on invi tation from the deans' office. Students receiving an invitation must complete the application form and return it to the Dean of Arts and Sciences. Final selection is based upon scholastic perfor mance, Christian witness and conoibutions to the Biola commu nity. Membership is limited to no more than 5% of the graduat ing class. To be eligible for membership, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.6 or higher and must have completed 80 credit units at Biola prior to the semester of graduation. BOLD students should check their program for a listing of honors. GRADUATE PROGRAMS Requirements for All Graduate Degrees See individual degree programs for specific requirements for graduation. I. Completion of all academic requirements and approval of the student's graduation petition by the major advisor and the Registrar's Office a year before graduation. 2. All course work during the final semester which will be applied toward graduation requirements must be taken at Biola University. 3. Aminimum of twenty-four (24) units must be taken at Biola University in the degree program. 4. Aminimum of twenty-four (24) distinct units must be completed at Biola in any additional graduate degree at the same level. This applies to the second (or additional) degrees and double degrees taken at Biola for all graduate programs. Double Emphases Aminimum of 12 units must be taken that are unique to the second emphasis. (i.e. , Talbot a minimum of 78 units for two emphases in the M.A. and a minimum of 110 units for two emphases in the M.Div. degree). All prerequisites, sup-
porting courses, and departmental requirements for both of the emphases must be completed prior to the single com mencement The student must receive the approval of both the departments and approval of the Registrar'sOffice. Second Master's Degree Students seeking a second master's degree must complete a minimum of 24 distinct units in a second area ofmajor study, taken at Biola University (i.e., Talbot a minimum of 90 units for two M.A.s, and a minimum of 122 units for an M.Div. and an M.A. are required for graduation with a second master's degree) . All prerequisites, supporting courses and departmen tal requirements for each degree must be completed prior to graduation. The student must receive approval from both the academic departments and the Registrar 's Office. The student may choose to graduate with both degrees at one commence ment or different commencements. A student may petition the Registrar and the school faculty to surrender the first cer tificate or master'sdegree to avoid the required extra 24 units. GRADUATION HONORS - GRADUATE PROGRAMS Honors at graduation for master's program recipients are based on overall performance, Christian values, and a minimum 24-unit residency. Honors are not automatically granted. They are granted by the faculty and may be with held or modified. The university honors have been defined by the Academic Standards Committee as: Honors GPA 3.50-3.69 High Honors GPA 3.70-3.89 Highest Honors GPA 3.90-4.00 Honors recognized in the graduation aremony may be changed based on the processing of final grades. Graduate students should check their program section in the catalog for honors qualification and honor society recognition. COMMENCEMENT All degree requirements must be completed before the student may participate in commencement ceremonies. Those students completing all their coursework during intertmn or sum111lT session must contact their graduation counseilJr to be cleared for graduation. In such cases no tuition is charged. It is expected that all graduating students will be present at commencement ceremonies except in cases of extreme emergency or other similarly difficult circumstances. Permis sion to graduate in absentia must be secured from the Regis trar 's Office well in advance. SUMMARY OF UNIVERSITY ENROLLMENT FALL SEMESTER 1997 Undergraduate Programs Oassification Men W= Total Freshmen 227 400 627 Sophomores 144 244 388 Juniors 149 271 420 Seniors 238 295 533 Special Studen ts 3 0 3 Adult Degree Program 94 88 182 English Language Institute 36 11 47 Totals 891 1309 2200
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