

APPEALS Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Registrar's Office and must include explanation of why minimum acade­ mic requirements were not met and why an exception is war­ ranted. Appeals must be received within three weeks of noti­ fication that the student is on academic probation or has failed to meet academic probationary requirements. Appeals which cannot be resolved with the Registrar's Office will be referred to the Academic Standards Committee or the appropriate graduate faculty committee. FINANCIAL AID Failure to complete the required units or maintain a GPA as outlined in the Statement of Satisfactory Academic Progress will result in financial aid probationary status. For additional information on Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy see Financial Information Section. FINANCIAL AID APPEALS Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Financial Aid Office and must include explanation of why minimum aid requirements were not met and why an exception is war­ ranted. Appeals must be received within three weeks of noti­ fication that the student is on financial aid probation or has failed to meet financial aid probationary requirements. ATHLETICS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Students not making satisfactory progress will be consid­ ered ineligible for athletic competition and extracurricular activities. The student on academic probation may be allowed to compete or participate upon review by the Acade­ mic Standards Committee. Extracurricular activities include: student government, forensic teams, gospel teams, band, chorale, intercollegiate athletics and other faculty sponsored organizations. For appeal procedures, see the appeal proce­ dure outlined under appeals section above. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY As a Christian institution, Biola University is especially concerned that sound moral values are practiced in all areas of university life. Honesty in academic work is essential for personal growth and an ethical life pleasing to God. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense, and will be handled by individual faculty in various ways includ­ ing lowered grades or possible loss of course crediL The fac­ ulty member will work with the Dean for Student Affairs to consider further disciplinary action, including dismissal. A full statement concerning academic dishonesty can be found in the Undergraduate Student Handbook. COMMUNITY AGREEMENTS The University has chosen to set a standard of behavior for all students, faculty and staff. In addition to those behav­ iors and attitudes which the Scriptures specifically praise or condemn, the Board of Trustees has adopted the following statement of community agreements which are a require­ ment for membership in the Biola community. Biola Universily is a rommunity of Christians commitlld to the principles of Christian liuing found in the Biblt and holds that these

biblical standards are uital to our individual and corporate relation­ ships. Maintaining these standards contribulls to the kind ofatmos­ phere in which quality Christian education and spiritual nurture can btst occur, and strengtheru the testimony of Biola within both Christian and secular communities. In this light, and given the cltar biblical imperative for spiritual self-discipline, the University has established these "standards of conduct• to be observed and upheld, by all mnnbers of the Biola community. Consisttnt with the examplt and command ofJesus Oirist, we bel.i.eue that life within a Christian community must be lived to the glory of God, with love for God and for our neighbors. Being indwelt by the Holy Spirit, we strive to walk by the Spirit, "crucifying the flesh with its passioru and desires• (Galatians 5:24) . To this end, members of the Biola community are not to engage in actiuities which Scripture f urlJids. Such adiuities indude, but are not limilld to, dishonesty, thievery, fornication, adultery, homosexual pradice, drunkenness and unscriptural divorce. Scripture also condemns other "deeds of the flesh• such as c011etousness, jealousy, pride and lust - sins which the maturing Christian should put off, and replace with "fruit of the spirit•: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness.faithfulness, gentilness and self-<:ontrol (e.g., Luke 10:27; Galatians 2:20, 5:14-24;Ephesians 2:3; ]Corinthians 6:9-10) . As a Oiristian educational institution, Biola also recognius the responsibility of its board of trustees, faculty and staff to prouide examples ofmaturing Oiristian charader condud to its students and the community al large. To this end, participation in certain prac­ tices has been traditionally held by the University to be inappropriate for members of the Biola community. Such practices relate to areas of personal discipline and are in keeping with the biblical admonition that Oiristians glorify God in their physical bodies as "the temple of the Holy Spirit" (]Corinthians 6:19-20), and that their freedom in Christ must not cause a brother or sister in Christ to stumble (]Corinthians 8:7-13; 10:23-33). Members of the Biola community are expeclld to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco in any form, and from gambling. Furthermore, discernment must be exercised in avoiding all adiuities which may be spiritually or morally harmful Individual decisions regarding momes, ultuision programs, all form of eledronic media and other adiuities are expeclld to reflect this moral rommitment. Biola University does not presume to be a censoring agency for all adiuities; it does, howroer, expect tangible evidence ofmaturing Oiristian conuidions and discerning judgment. In addition, members of the Biola rommunity will obstrue Sun­ day as the Lord 's Day and give primary attention to warship, rest, Oiristian fellowship and recreation and service. These standards apply to the student while enrolled in any of the schools or programs of the University on and off campus. In addition, these standards apply to the board members during their term of service on the Biola University Board of Trustees, and to faculty and staff during their term of employment with Biola University. Biola therefore reserves the right to discipline or dismiss any student or employee who, in its judgment, does not conform to these conduct stan­ dards or to other expressed principles, policies, programs and expectations of the university governing employee conducL

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