

CHRISTIAN •=1-jlJ:ffiiH•U•

solubility, acidity, electrochemistry, coor­ dination complexes and various special topics. Prerequisite:Oiemistry 105. Lab fee: $40 each semester. 110 Chemistry Topics (1-4) Various topics in introductory chemistry. Prerequisite: department approval. 112 Principles of Organic and Biochemistry (5) Chemical bonding, structure, proper­ ties and reactivity applied to organic and biochemical compounds . Includes basic metabolic processes and nuclear chemistry with application to medicine and health. Meets the Nurs­ ing requirement in chemistry. Four hours lecture and three hours lab. Prerequisite: passing grade on Chem­ istry Placement Exam, Chemistry 91 or 105 with at least Ct. Lab fee: $40. 301, 302 Organic Chemistry (4,4) Structure and reactivity of carbon-con­ taining compounds; emphasis given to mechanisms of organic reactions. Second semester includes structural biochemistry. Laboratory emphasizes analytical organic chemistry. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 106. Lab fee: $40. 350 Analytical Chemistry (5) Asurvey of classical chemical methods of analysis such as titrimetric and gravi­ metric along with various instrumental methods including electrochemical, spectroscopic and chromatographic. Three hours lecture, six hours labora­ tory. Prerequisite: 30 I. Lab fee: $60. 411, 412 Biochemistry I, II (3,3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, biosynthesis and other chemistry of life processes. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: 302. 420 Special Topics In Chemistry (3) Short subjects in such areas as the chemical literature, various instrumen­ tal methods, polymers, organometallics and industrial chemistry. Prerequisite: departmental approval. 422 A,B Laboratory In Biochemistry (1,1) A laboratory course to accompany Biology 411,412 (Chemistry 411, 412). The isolation, characterization and analysis of biomolecules includ­ ing the use of biochemical instrumen­ tation and methodology for work in protein structure, enzymology, metab­ olism and genet ics. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302. Lab fee : $40 each semester. 480 Special Project In Chemistry (1-3) Research or industrial internship. Requires a written report. Prerequi­ site: departmental approval.

A DIVISION OF TALBOT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Dean of the Faculty: Michael J Wilkins,Ph.D. Chair: Richard J. Leyda, Ed.D. FACULTY Professors: Anthony, Dirks, Issler Associate Professors: Garland, Lawson Assistant Professors: Cunningham, Leyda, Ten Elshoff, Tolbert PURPOSE The Christian Education major is designed to prepare its graduates for professional ministries in church and parachurch agencies and to provide foundation for seminary or other graduate education. OBJECTIVES At the completion of this major, students will have: realized their iden­ tity in relation to their position in Christ and their spiritual gifts and abili­ ties related to Christian ministries; demonstrated the essential knowledge and skills to study the Scriptures induc­ tively and to communicate biblical truths effectively; established a basic philosophy of Christian education which incorporates the biblical con­ cepts of discipleship and leadership; demonstrated their ability to be sensi­ tive to others as persons, understand­ ing how people function in both indi­ vidual and group learning experiences; developed and demonstrated their ability to function successfully in teach­ ing roles and/ or in leadership roles. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Ans degrrt in Christian Education is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The Christian education major requires the comple­ tion of a core of 37 units, 24 of which must be upper division and include: 150, 251, 252, 260, 261, 371, 380, 382, 415, 423, 461, 462 and one of the fol­ lowing: 372, 373, 374. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. In addition to the 37-unit core, each student is encouraged to select a specialization of 10 units to be taken either within or outside of the Christ­ ian Education and Biblical Studies Departments to fuliill his/ her elective requirements. There are six special­ izations from which a student may choose that reflect a broad variety of

ministry options in this field . The diversified specialization allows the student to design a program that best suits his/ her vocational interests. The gmerrJi education requimnml for a foreign /miguagl for those majoring in Oni.s­ tian tduauion depends upon the number of yta1l that um romplettd in high school of the same foreign lmiguagt. 5pecific IU[Uimntnts are listed under "gmeral tduc.ation requ~ menis •for the bachtlor of ans de~. All specialization courses are sub­ ject to departmental approval. Stu­ dents may choose a general B.A. in Christian education or declare an area of specialization. If a general degree is sought, the student may choose elective courses from across the Uni­ versity to satisfy the total number of units needed for graduation, with the approval of the student's academic advisor. If the student chooses to identify a specialization, evidence of that focus should come through a list of 10 units of specialization course­ work approved in consultation with the student's advisor. Elementary Teaching Credential Program The Christian education/ teaching emphasis majors must complete a core of 55 units, of which 24 must be upper division and include: 150, 251, 260, 261,371,372, 380, 382; Education 300, 330, 420, 430, 440, and 442. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. Education 440 may be taken before graduation in lieu of CE 461 and 462. Certain specific general education courses are also required which include: Psychology 200, Physical Education 201, and Math 111. This option combines the C.E. major core with liberal studies courses. This specialization requires more units than the others do but some units in the C.E. core are substituted for cre­ dential requirements. Students must pass the general knowledge section of the National Teachers Examination (NTE) prior to student teaching. The student must consult with the Depart­ ments of Christian Education and Education for specifics. Thost inlmsltd in this teaching cmfen. tial should be aduistd that all singlt subject teaching mdenlial programs are underguing revision. Conrult wilh the Education depmt­ mmt for detail.r on cumnl programs. Children Vocational opportunities with this option include children 's director or

minister in a local church , a staff member with organizations that minis­ ter to children in the United States or on a mission field, a writer of materi­ als for use with children. Youth Vocational opportunities for youth specialization would include a local church youth director or minis­ ter , a club director for youth para­ church agencies, a youth camp direc- tor, a Christian education director in a church that emphasizes youth or an assistant or associate pastor with responsibilities for youth. Adult and Family Vocational opportunities with this specialization include director/ pastor of adult and family ministries or ass~ ciate pastor with responsibilities in these areas. lntercu/tura/ Vocational opportunities with this option include service on a foreign mission field or service in one of the many subcultures in the United States. Diversified This option is for those who wish to design a specialization un ique to their interests, such as church,elated camping, counseling, communication, business, music, computer science, etc. Pre-Seminary Preparation For those who desire to pursue graduate work, the undergraduate major has been designed to prepare the student for continued academic and professional development through enrollment in a theological seminary. The student graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education may be able to take advan­ tage of accelerated Master of Arts or Master of Divinity programs offered at Talbot School of Theology. Several specializations are offered with the MA degree. Specific information and qualifications for these degree pr~ grams may be secured through an aca­ demic advisor in the C.E. department or from the Talbot admissions office. MINOR A Christian Education Minor requires the completion of 18 units including the following courses: 252, 261 and one of the age level courses (372, 373, 374) . Nine additional upper division units are also required which may be selected by the student from any C.E. depart-



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