

371 Evangelism and Discipleship (3) An overview of the biblical principles of evangelism and discipleship. The class will seek to develop the skills of personal evangelism and explore bib­ lical teachings regarding discipleship as they apply to local church and para­ church agencies. Prerequisite: 25 I. Offered fall semester. 372 Christian Education of Children (3) Discovery and evaluation of methods and materials appropriate for achie¥­ ing learning objectives which meet the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual needs of children (birth through grade six) . Students may choose 373 or 374. Prerequisites: 150, 261. Offered spring semester. 373 Christian Education of Youth (3) Examination of the adolescent in our culture with emphasis upon designing a ministry to this age level within the context of the local church and para­ church agencies. Each student will prepare a model ministry to this age level (junior high through college) for use in enlistment and training of workers and parents. Students may choose 372 or 374. Prerequisites: 150, 261. Offered fall semester. 374 Christian Education of Adults (3) Focus on understanding the needs and development of contemporary adults. Discovery of the uniqueness of adult learning and investigation of design , curricula, methods, and implementa­ tion of educational programs for the church and other agencies. Students may choose 372 or 373. Prerequisites: 150, 261. Offered spring semester, even years. 3B0 Ministry Planning and Development (3) Personal and interactive evaluation of the student's calling to Christian min­ istry, including character, gifts. interests, and abilities. Field observations and other experiences designed to give per­ spective and aid in subsequent place­ ment in vocational practicum and future employment in Christian educa­ tion agencies. For Christian education majors only. Prerequisites: 150, 251 , 252,261. Fee: $15. Offered fall / spring. 382 Historical and Philosophical Founda­ Uons of Education (3) Introduction to historical and philo­ sophical foundations of Christian edu­ cational ministry. Each student will be expected to analyze his own view of the teaching and learning process to estab­ lish the framework for a personal and biblical philosophy of Christian edura-

42B Family Ministries In the Church (2) Biblical concepts of the family; survey of the needs of whole and fragmented families in the church; resources and techniques available to meet these needs. Offered fall , odd years. 430 camp Leadership (2) Study in the philosophy, objectives, leadership, program and administration of the Christian camp. Investigation into the trends of camping, both cen­ tralized and decentralized. Techniques in organizing and directing a camp pro­ gram, including counselor training. Emphasizes utilization of camping to enhance church 's ministry. Fee may be required. Prerequisite: Upper division status. Offered Interterm/ summer 461 Vocational Practicum I (2) Structured experiences in teaching the Bible in a field setting with a selected age group. Lesson prepara­ tion, execution and evaluation with an emphasis on developing speaking skills associated with professional min­ istry positions. Christian education majors only. Prerequisites: 380, 252. Offered fall/spring. 462 Vocational Practicum II (2) Structural experiences in the supervi­ sion of a limited educational ministry program in a selected vocational set­ ting. Class experiences will focus on helping the student to apply person­ ally his/ her own leadership and man­ agement skills. For the Christian edu­ cation majors only. Prerequisites: 380, 46 I. Offered fall / spring. 470 Current Topics In Christian Education (1·3) Designed for upper division students in C.E. who want to study specialized top­ ics not currently covered in catalog course offerings. May be taken two times with different emphasis. Fee may be required. Admission by academic advisor approval. By arrangement 480 Independent Study In Christian Education (1-3) Development of skill in independent study of topics in the field of Christian education. Prerequisite: Senior level Christian education majors only and departmental approval. May be repeated. Offered fall / spring, by arrangement

mental offerings. Bible 320 must be taken as the Bible elective. SERVICE LEARNING COURSES Cenain courses in the major will be designated and marked in the course schedule as "Service Learning Courses," which meet the university's service learning requirement These courses will include the three practicum classes: 380, 461 and 462.

tion. Prerequisites: 150, 251, 252. Offered spring semester. 412 Missions Education In the Church (2) Basic administration of a program within the church's educational min­ istry through which missions is taught to all age levels. Byarrangement 413 Women's Mlnlstty In Christian Education (3) An examination of the biblical, histori­ cal, and contemporary perspectives of women in leadership roles within a ministry. Assessment of role expecta­ tion, relationships and vocational opportunities. Prerequisite: 150. 415 Organization and Administration of Christian Education (3) An introduction to the biblical princi­ ples and current practice of manage­ ment planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and evaluating with special emphasis upon the application of these functions to church and parachurch administration. Prerequisites: 150, 251,260, 380. Offered spring semester. 416 Curriculum Development (2) Essential principles in curriculum for­ mulation including evolution of exist­ ing curricula and curriculum writing experience. Prerequisite: one of the age level courses: 372, 373 or 374. Offered Interterm/ summer. 422 Singles Ministries In the Church (2) Issues and needs of never-married and formerly married persons, including identity crisis, role definition, self-accep­ tance and the development of intimacy. Resources, programs and skills for min­ istering to these needs are emphasized. Offered spring semester, odd years. 423 Counseling Theories and Issues for the Christian Worker (3) Introductory investigation of selected counseling theories employed by staff members of church and parachurch agencies. The examination of each theory will include: historical back­ ground, basic concepts, process, mech­ anisms, case examples, evaluation and application to specific counseling issues. Offered fall semester. 424 Techniques of Counseling for Use In the Church (2) Distinctives of pastoral counselors in a church or parachurch agency, their qualification and necessary counseling techniques. Special emphasis will be placed upon the student 's develop­ ment through experiential practice of "people-helping skills" from a Christ­ ian perspective. Offered spring semes­ ter, alternate years. Prerequisite: 423.


COURSES 150 Foundations of Mlnisby (3)

An overview of the discipline of Christ­ ian education. Topics of study include the historical and theological nature of the church, principles of evangelism and edification, spiritual gifts, training and equipping lay leadership, and an examination of contemporary career opportunities and para-<:hurch min­ istries. Offered fall/ spring. 251 Foundations of Leadership (3) Basics of biblical principles and lead­ ership theory and development of personal leadership qualities. Offered fall semester. 252 Foundations of Teaching Mlnlstty (3) Major emphasis upon learning theo­ ries and their application to teaching the Bible within the context of the local church and parachurch agen­

cies. Offered spring semester. 260 Foundations of Interpersonal Relationships (3)

Focuses on development of relation­ ships and communication skills between individuals and within small groups. Includes conflict resolution in ministry. Offered fall/spring. 261 Foundations of Development (3) Introduction to human development Aspects of development will include the physical, intellectual, social, per­ sonal, moral and spiritual, covering the whole lifespan as a base for a more holistic Christian education ministry. Offered fall semester. 319 Media In Mlnlstty (2) Skill development in the design and use of audio-visual technology for use in ministry to all age levels and in a wide variety of teaching settings .

Offered Interterm/ summer. 320 Inductive Bible Study (3)

Essentials of inductive study applied to biblical narrative and epistolary literature. Offered fall/spring.

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