

•3•1 11 -t·IH•U• Chair: Pete Manjares, Ph.D. FACULTY Associate Professors: Menjares, Ramos, Sibold Instructors: Hetzel, Lampman DISTINCTIVES

230 Programming Languages (3) Organization and structure of program­ ming languages. Run-time behavior and requirements of programs. Intr~ duction to programming language specifications and analysis. Study of var­ ious alternative languages such as Ada, C++ and Lisp. Prerequisite: 106. Fall. 301 Software Engineering (3) Concepts, principles, techniques, and documents of software engineering. Emphasis on systematic approaches to software engineering and the software life cycle. Team project required. Prerequisite: 230. Alternate years. 302 Computer Organization (3) Organization and structuring of the major hardware components of comput­ ers. Mechanics of infonnation transfer and control within a digital computer system. Fundamentals of logic design. Communications systems. Prerequisite: 202 or consent Alternate years. 311 Operating Systems (3) Computer operating systems; topics include time sharing, process commu­ nication, memory management, stor­ age allocation, interrelationships between the operating system and the architecture of computer systems. Prerequisites: 106. Alternate years. 400 Theory of Algorithms (3) Various types of algorithms, analytic techniques for the determination of algorithmic efficiency, NP-complete problems, complexity hierarchies, intractable problems. Prerequisite: I 06, Math 112. Alternate years.

402 Database Management (3) Integrated database systems, logical organization, data description lan­ guage (DDL), data manipulation lan­ guage (DML), of hierarchical net­ works and relational databases, overview of selected database manage­ ment systems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 230. Alternate years. 430 Computer Communications (3) Concepts of computer communications, local area networks, seven layers of com­ munication protocols, global networks. Prerequisite: 106. Alternate years. 440 Topics In Computer Science (3) Course may be repeated for credit with different content (section title). Prerequisite: I 06. Topics are selected from the following: Compiler Thet,ry. The theory of lan­ guages and their implementation. Systems Programming. Design and implementation of language transla­ tors and system utilities. Theory of Computation. Concepts from theoretical computer science, finite state concepts , decidability, computability, and Turing machines. Computer &aphics. Computer inter­ active graphics, software structures, screen display, graphical techniques. Artificial lntelligenct. Concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence, representation, search strategies, con­ trol , communication and perception, and applications. 480 Research Seminar (1-3) Special studies in computer science. Prerequisite: senior standing or consent

12th grade, but is especially appropri­ ate for grades 7-12. The Multiplt Subjed Croiential cer­ tifies the student to teach in a self-<:on­ tained classroom from kindergarten through the 12th grade, but is espe­ cially appropriate for grades K-6. The Department of Education and the Department of TI.SOL and Applied Linguistics have designed coursework which meets the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requirements for the certificate in Cross Cultural Lan­ guage and Academic Development (CLAD). This certificate provides teach­ ers with the knowledge, skills and atti­ tudes needed to effectively teach and guide srudents from culturally, linguisti­ cally and soci~conomically diverse backgrounds. The Department of Edu­ cation is in the process of developing means by which CLAD certificate course work can be completed in conjunction with undergraduate programs. Contact the Education Department for details. Approved Majors for Single Subject Credential Students intending to complete a single subject credential must com­ plete an approved subject matter examination or program in one of the following areas: art, science, English (Engl ish-<:ommunication program), mathematics, music, physical educa­ tion, and social science. Approved Major for Multiple Subject Credential The Liberal Studies Major or the approved subject matter examination (srudents intending to complete a Multi­ ple Subject Credential must complete the following courses: English 380, Math 11 I, Music 310, and Art 306, PEED 201) . Preliminary Teaching Credential Requirements Students who wish to complete the undergraduate teacher preparation pr~ gram must apply for admission to the education program during the Introduc­ tion to Teaching course (LEDU 300). A minimum 2.75 GPA is required. Other departmental requirements and compe­ tencies are stated in the Guide for Students Entering the Teaching Profession, which may be obtained from the Department of Education Office. All candidates for the Preliminary Multiple or Single Teaching Creden­ tial must complete the following undergraduate education courses: LEDU 300, 330, 420/ 425, 430/ 435 and 440/ 442 or 450/ 452. Studen~ who plan to participate in student teaching the semester follow-

Biola University offers high quality undergraduate teacher preparation pr~ grams. Students participate in a broad general education program, thorough subject matter competence sequences, and challenging classroom observation and participation experiences. These programs provide a distinct foundation for professional careers in education. In addition, Biola's undergradu­ ate 30-unit biblical studies and theol­ ogy requirement, with its emphasis upon Scriptural knowledge and the dynamic integration of biblical and academic thought, provides a strong foundation for service in both public and private schools. OBJECTIVE The primary function of the Depan­ ment of Education is to provide excellent preparation for professional teaching. The goal is for Biola graduates (I) to manifest strong social and personal traits, ethical standards, and a Christian philos­ ophy of education, and (2) to possess subject matter knowledge, understand­ ing of pupil behavior, competency in the skills of teaching, and ability to stimulate

critical judgment and creativity. PROFESSIONAL TEACHER PREPARATION

Two Professional Teacher Prepara­ tion Programs are available: Single Sulr ject and Multiple Subject These corre­ spond with State of California Prelimi­ nary Teaching Credential requirements which may be completed in conjunc­ tion with undergraduate degrees, and the Professional Clear Teaching Cre­ dential described in the M.A in Educa­ tion section of this catalog. State of Callfomla Teaching Credentials The California Preliminary Teach­ ing Credential can be completed in conjunction with the undergraduate teacher preparation program. In addi­ tion, Preliminary and Professional Clear credential requirements (as well as specialization credentials and cer­ tificates) are incorporated in the M.A. in Education section of this catalog. The Singlt Subjed Credential certi­ fies the student to teach a single sulr ject from kindergarten through the

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