

ing graduation should take 430/ 435 (Elementary/ Secondary Curriculum) in the undergraduate program. Stu­ den ts concurrently enrolled in the undergraduate program and the Mas­ ter of Arts in Education during their last undergraduate semester should should complete ASED 505/ 506 (Ele­ mentary/Secondary Curriculum). All education and competency courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or higher with the excep­ tion of Student Teaching LEDU 440/ 442 and 450/ 452 which must be completed with a grade of "B- • or higher for the candidate to be recom­ mended for a teaching credential. U.S. Constitution Requirement The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing requires that a teaching credential candidate must have completed a minimum 2 unit course that covers the U. S. Constitu­ tion or fulfill the requirement by examination. Biola University stu­ dents can complete this requirement by taking HIST 105 U. S. History or POSC 205 Survey of American Govern­ ment Transfer students must either show proof of U. S. Constitution in a transferred course or will need to com­ plete POSC 480 U. S. Constitution (I) by arrangement with the History Department (see History Department for information and exam details). Professional Clear Teaching Credent/al Requirements In order to qualify for a Profes­ sional Clear Teaching Credential , a student must satisfy all of the require­ ments for a Preliminary Teaching Cre­ dential plus the following: I. 30 units of coursework past the bachelor's degree in a pre-approved program. The coursework must be completed within 5 years of receipt of the Preliminary Credential. 2. Completion of the following: BIOS 300 Health Science, LEDU 410 Mainstreaming and LEDU 470 Com­ puters in the Clas.mxJm. (Sa! Gmdu­ alt Arts and Scienas section if rourseumk is going to be romplded post-degrtt.) 3. Passing scores on California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) are required prior to submitting an application for student teaching. 4. Passing scores on the Reading Instruction Competency Assess­ ment (RICA) will be required of all Multiple Subject Credential candi­ dates prior to submitting an appli­ cation for a teaching aedential. 5. Verification of training in car­ diopulminary resuscitation -

infant through adult- (CPR) that meets the standards in either the American Hean Association B- or Glevel course or the American Red Cross Community CPR course. Post-degree students must be accepted into the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as a Graduate Spe­ cial student or as a Master of Arts in Education student (see Graduate School admission requirements). Alternate Route to Certification See Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Association of Christian Schools /ntemat/onal Certificate The credential program at Biola University meets the requirements for the Association of Christian Schools International (ACS!) Certificate (iden­ tical to the California Preliminary Cre­ dential program except that BBSr 465 Christian Philosophy of Education must also be completed). Application information may be obtained from the A Bachewr of Arts <kgru in Liberal Studies is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and lib­ eral studies major requirements. The liberal studies major is designed to prepare elementary school teachers with a broad foundation in sub­ ject matter. There are 34 units of required core courses: Art 306; Bible 109; Biology 300; English 380; English 354; History 403; Intercultural Studies 331; Math Ill; Music 310; Physical Sci­ ence IOI, 102; and three units from one of the following: Business 201 , Geogra­ phy 301, lntercultural Studies 475, Psy­ chology 321, or Sociology 330, 346, 362. In addition to this core, each stu­ dent must complete a concentration of 12 units in one of seven subjects areas: Biology, English, Intercultural Studies, Language and Linguistics, Mathematics, Physical Education, U.S. History or World History. The General Education require­ ments for the Liberal Studies major are unique and include the following: I. English 110 A, 110 B; three units of literature, English 250, 251 or 252; three units of Communica­ tion 100, 170, 181 or 270; Education Department Office. LIBERAL STUDIES DEGREE PROGRAM 2. Mathematics 210; Biology 100, 110; 3. History 105, 205; Psychology 200; 4. Three units of Art 100, 106, or 130; Communication 160, or Music IOI; three units in Philoso­ phy 210, 214 or 215; and a foreign

language as specified in the uni­ versity General Education section; 5. Elementary School Activities (Physical Education 201); and two physical education activities. COURSES 300 Introduction to Teaching (2) The structure and function of the school, foundations of education, qualities required for teacher effective­ ness, and contemporary issues in edu­ cation. A minimum of 35 hours of observation/ participation in schools is required. Successful completion of this course constitutes one of the require­ ments for admission to the Preliminary Credential program. This class is designed to fulfill the University's writ­ ing competency requirement Prereq­ uisite: sophomore standing. 330 Psychological Foundations of Education (3) Application of psychological principles to the educative process, role of the teacher and learner, human growth and develop­ ment, learning styles, motivation, mem­ ory, transfer of learning, measurement and evaluation, research and experimel}­ tation in learning theory. This class is designed to fulfill the University's writing competency requirement Prerequisite: 300, Psychology 200, approved consent, and formal application and acceptance into Department of Education. Amedia component is required. Fee: $20. 410 Mainstreaming (3) Focuses on competencies that teachers must develop to meet needs of excep­ tional pupils; special attention to needs of minority students, to cultural and eth­ nic differences, and to development of moral/ spiritual values. This course is not required for the Preliminary teach­ ing credential and is generally com­ pleted post-degree. See Graduate MA Program for graduate level course, ASED 521 Education in the Least Restrictive Environment (3). Prerequi­ site: 330 and consent (See also 521.) 420 Teaching Reading In Elementary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading to students in elementary schools; attention to a variety of approaches and techniques; considera­ tion of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. A minimum of 35 hours of observation/ participation in schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent 425 Teaching Reading In Secondary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading through content areas in sec-

ondary schools; attention to reading techniques, testing, and individualiza­ tion. Aminimum of 35 hours of obser­ vation / participation in schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent 430 Elementary Curriculum (4) Introduction to the scope and sequence of the elementary school curriculum in mathematics, science, social studies and language arts; emphasis on a variety of teaching approaches, integration across content areas, classroom management and resources available. Field observation and media components are required. A minimum of 60 hours of observation/ participation in public and Christian schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and Secondary school curriculum, clawoom management, teaching methods, use of media and other educational skills in content areas. Field observation and media components are required. Amin­ imum of 60 hours of observation/ partic~ pation in public and Christian schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent Fee: $20. (See also 506.) consent Fee: $20. (See also 505.) 435 Secondary Curriculum (4) 440 Elementary Student Teaching I (6) 442 Elementary Student Teaching II (6) 450 Secondary Student Teaching I (6) 452 Secondary Student Teaching II (6) Full time laboratory experience in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teach­ ers and university supervisors. Weekly seminar required. Prerequisite: appli­ cation and consent. Students doing student teaching are limited to a max­ imum of 15 units that semester. (See also 512/ 513 and 514/ 515.) 470 Computers In the Classroom (2) Knowledge and skills in computer use in education settings; includes computer applications in curriculum, managing insouction, record keeping, generating instructional materials, and use within appropriate grade levels and subject areas to develop process skills. This course is not required for the Preliminary teaching credential and is generally completed post-degree. See Graduate MA Program for graduate level course , ASED 511 Computers in the Clas.voom (2) . Prereq­ uisite: consent Fee:$10. (Seealso511.) 480 Directed Study (1-3) Subject matter and credit by arrangement.

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