
I ' ■ Philosophy and Literature: 301, 302, 303, and three addi­ tional upper division units in ' philosophy with approval of the Humanities Committee. I History (30 units) I The Humanities History major con­ sists of a total of 30 units, of which 24 I must be upper division. Eighteen units in History, and two concentrations of six wlits in both English and Philosophy, for a total of 30 units. Of the 30 units, 24 _ must be upper division. The student would seek his/her interests and be guided by the faculty to take most of their courses in one of the areas of exper­ tise within the History Department I The student is required to take either History 480, Research Seminar (three units) , or History 490-491, Senior Honor Program (six units), as a "capstone" course in the concluding years of his/ her program. Students who use this emphasis as a pre-semi- 1 nary program of study, may wish to I include History 321, History of the Christian Church (three units) and one of the biblical languages as their foreign language requirement. Philosophy (32 units) The Humanities Philosophy major consists of a total of 32 units ofwhich 24 uni ts must be upper division. Twenty units in philosophy beyond the general education requirement, of which 17 units must be upper division, and two concentrations of six upper division units each in literature and history. For the major, the srudent must take Philosophy 301, either 302 or 303, and two units of350 Philosophy Seminar. Concentration in literature, the student will consult his advisor about which courses will most likely comple­ ment his studies in philosophy. Concentration in history, the stu­ dent will select one course from His­ tory 323 or 324, and one course from History 313 or 422.


INTERCULTURAL f.ii•i•Uit A DIVISION OF THE SCHOOL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Dean: Donald E. Douglas, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Cook, Dollar, Kraft, S. Lingenfelter Associate Profesoors: Alexander, Douglas, Hayward, J. Lingenfelter, Steffen Assistant Professor: Decker OBJECTIVES The objectives of the lntercultural

approved field internship that provides opportunity to apply skills studied in the classroom in a foreign environ• ment (INCS 350, 3 units) . Students may also fulfill this requirement by par­ ticipating in an approved Biola sem~ ter-abroad program. Those choosing the latter will not get additional acade­ mic credit but will take three more units of electives within the major. MINOR An Intercultural Studies Minor is offered with the completion of 18 units, 12 of which must be upper divi- sion, including 300. The student is expected to take BBST 458 for Bible elective. Students must consult with department adviser. COURSES 300 General Cultural Anthropology (3) The nature of people in culture; worldview and perception ; culture change; a study of the subsystems of cultures, including social organization, religion, language and related topics. 310 General linguistics (3) Introduction to the basic concepts in the scientific study of language , major areas of linguistic analysis, and several subareas of the field, including lan­ guage in society. Material from Eng­ lish and a variety of other languages is used to provide a broad perspective. 313 language &Culture Leaming (3) Techniques and activities to help a person be a more successful indepen­ dent learner of a spoken language and the culture within which it is used . Practical experience in lan­ guage and culture learning in a for­ eign-5peaking community. Fee: $125. Othtr linguistics courses which can annprise a amantralion for Intercultural Studies majcm include: General Articulatory Phonetics (3) Intro to Phonology (3) Intro to Syntax (3) Intro to Socio-linguistics (3) Field Methods In linguistics (3) (Stt tht TESOL & Applied Linguistics section of tht t:aJalog for description of tht above cvunes.) 322 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with focus on personal and interper­ sonal adjustments with nationals and other missionaries.

tion center which will answer inquiries concerning missions and encourage stu­ dents and faculty to pursue academic excellence and spiritual manuity so that they can carry out with competence the Lord'sprogram of discipling all peoples. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Ans dlgru in Intercul­ tural Studies is offered upon comple­ tion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. lntercultural Studies (36 units) The intercultural studies major requires the completion of 36 units, of which 24 must be upper division. The 24-unit core includes: 300, 310 or 313, 322, 333, 342, 350, 446, 457 or 458, with the remaining 12 units cho­ sen to support the particular career interest of the studenL tnterrJ/sc/pl/nary (36 units) A personalized interdisciplinary program may be designed by the stu­ dent and the student's adviser. The 18- unit core includes: 300, 310 or 313, 322, 333 or 342, 350, 420. For the inter­ disciplinary program, six units of inter­ cultural studies electives and 12 upper division units are to be chosen from outside of the major in a discipline that supports the student's career objectives. All students in the major are required to take Biblical Studies 458 Theology of Mission as a Bible elec­ tive. BBST 465 Integration Seminar: Gospel and Culture is required in the senior year. Students with senior standing may take 500 level courses (see School of Intercultural Studies graduate offerings) by permission. Note: For tht Intercultural Studies majcm only, Inttrcultural Studies 300 is f11=1uisilt to all anthropology cvur=orli. Students who desire a amanlralion/ certifaatt in IF.SOL (Teaching English to Speakm of Othtr Languages) are advised to chtcli the IF.SOL and Applied Linguistics section of the catalogfor requimnents. Biola and the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) at Biola provide a num­ ber of linguistic courses that can com­ prise a concentration for Intercultural Studies majors interested in language analysis/ Bible translation. See TI.SOL and Applied Linguistics section of the catalog for these course descriptions. Field Internship Every Intercultural Studies major must participate in a cross­ cultural/overseas learning program. This may be fulfilled by taking an


Studies major are: (I) to enable stu­ dents to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the theological, his­ torical, sociological, anthropological and linguistic issues of the crosscultural communication of the gospel; (2) to enable students to demonstrate a per­ sonal responsibility to the mandate given by the Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of every nation; to enable stu­ dents to understand man and culture, (3) to increase their understanding of linguistic and cultural diversity, to relate more meaningfully to people with a different linguistic and cultural background and to be encouraged to analyze and understand intercultural problems and develop Christian per­ spectives toward these problems. The careers open to Intercultural Studies majors are diverse, and include such areas as missions outreach, cross­ cultural health services, development programs and agencies, social welfare, translation work, information research, bilingual and multicultural education, crosscultural communications, and public and foreign service. The Intercultural Studies major is designed to allow students to pursue options which will best prepare them for their career objectives. The inter­ disciplinary concentration offers a unique opportunity to combine Inter­ cultural Studies with other disciplines in the University to prepare the stu­ dent for careers such as bicultural edu­ cation, crosscultural mass media com­ munications, social work, crosscultural counseling, missions political liaison, urban program administration, etc. Missions outreach has been the major thrust and the spiritual strength of our program. It is the desire of the fac. ulty that each student in the program will find in their particular career choice the means to effective crosscultural personal ministry and evangelism. Toward that end the school will provide an infonna-

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