

331 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) A study of non-caucasian ethnic groups in America in light of their hir torical and socicxultural background. Practical field experience in an ethnic community. Fee: $35 for Fall and Spring semesters only. 332 Peoples of the World (3) Specific area studies with emphasis on customs, social structures, religion, arts, history and intercultural commu­ nication. May be repeated with differ­ ent course content 333 Foundations for Minlsby In a Global Context (3) Exploration of the foundational issues related to global ministry, emphasizing church planting strategies for entering and leaving an area. A holistic approach to ministry designed to empower nationals for ministry and using teamwork with the investigation of spiritual gifts, skills and life experience. 334 Church Planting Models and Strategies (3) A survey and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of various church planting strategies. Emphasizing key factors which the church planter can implement in a given crosscultural con­ text with strategy for turning over the leadership to the local church. Prereq­ uisites: 333 or consent of professor. 338 Urban Church Planting Models: L.A. Excursion (3) Participants go beyond the classroom to actual urban church plants in the greater LA area, and they visit and dia­ logue with those involved in planting churches crossculturally. These case studies provide practical ways pastors, lay people, parachurch people, and mir sionaries prepare themselves and their congregations for intentional church planting in ethnically diverse communi­ An introduction to the contemporary worldwide Christian movement, foe~ ing on social political issues, interna­ tional relations and religious movements as they relate to missiological issues. 350 Field Internship (3) Field internship provides an opponu­ n ity to develop cross-cultural confi­ dence and competence in a field envi­ ronment while exploring specific geo­ graphical, cultural and career areas of interest This course may not be taken in conjunction with a semester abroad study program. Prerequisites: 300, 322, 342, and one other JCS course. Required for all emphases. ties. Fee: $40 for Summer only. 342 Contemporary International Christianity (3)

400 Comparative Folklore and Mythology (3)

441 Topics In Cultural Anthropology (3) Examination of a variety of anthropo­ logical issues from either a theoretical or applied perspective including: mar­ riage customs, leadership patterns, political relations, indigenous move­ ments, culture change, world view, etc. May be repeated with different course content Prerequisite: 300. 445 New Rellglous Movements (3) Examines the role of religion and belief systems as they affect the appearance and direction of a variety of revitalization movements found in Africa, North America, Brazil, Asia and the Pacific. 446 History of the Expansion of Christianity (3) The background, origin, development and spread of the Christian faith from

461 Gender Roles In International Setting (3) The dynamics of male and female roles in Western, non-Western and biblical cultures. Focus on responsi­ bilities, obligations, expectations, leadership and interrelationships as they relate to the society as a whole. 465 Integration Seminar: Gospel and Culture (3) Issues in the contemporary world addressed from a cross cultural and biblical perspective. Field experience and case studies used to demonstrate integrative skills. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Required of all majors. Non-majors by permission only. 468 Women In Missions (3) The dynamics of understanding the role of missionary women; historical, physical, social, psychological, spiri­ tual. Focus on the issues and opponu­ nities in contemporary world. 470 Semlnar/lntercultural Studies: Selected Topics and Issues In Missions (1-3) Women in Islam· The theoretical and practical concerns ofMuslim women. Short Term Missions Preparation: Orientation for short term missions program. 471 Introduction to Bible Translation (3) An introduction to the principles and problems of crosrlanguage and cross­ cultural communication with the spe­ cial emphasis on translating the Bible into indigenous languages. 473-474 Practicum Seminar (1-3, 1-3) 475 Multicultural Education (3) Focuses on the need to understand the techniques of teaching the multi­ cultural populations which our urban schools serve. 480 Directed Research (1-3) 490 Practical Mission Training (1-6) Topics in missionary preparation. Will not credit to major.

Major traditional and recessive ele­ ments in Western civilization and cul­ ture from the time of an Indo-Euro­ pean unity to the present. Crosscul­ tural influences; relationship of hir tory, myth and Bible; universality of some mythological manifestations. Major schools of interpretation and tools of research. (See History 450.) 401 Magic, Wilchcratt and Sorcery (3) Atreatment of conceptions of the super­ natural, the function of religion in soci­ ety, religion and social control, the nature of religious ritual and paraphernalia, sacred places and religious practitioners. Prerequisite: approval of teacher. 403 Economy, Society and Values (3) Exploration of theory and methods for the study of economic and social relations as they impact human values, with emphasis on analytic tools for comparative research and crosscul­ tural ministry. Prerequisite: 300. 420 lntercullural Communication (3) Principles and processes of communi­ cating from one culture to another. Focus on different perceptions, ways of thinking, values, non-verbal exprer sion, language expression and sub­ groups within a culture as they relate to the media and the message. (See also Communication 472.) 421 Multicultural Communication (3) Study and analysis of issues of cross­ cultural communication between eth­ nic groups primarily residing within the United States. (See also Commu­ nication 473.) 430 Seminar: Topics In lntercultural Health Care (3) May be repeated with different content Crosscultural Health Care Delivery. Theories and skills related to health teaching, physical assessment, prepa­ ration and utilization of indigenous health care. Maintaining Your Health Ovmell.l. Preparation for living overseas: healthy lifestyle, prevention of disease, mental and spiritual burnout, initial treatment where there is no doctor. Anihropowgy of Crosscultural HtaUh Care. The anthropological study of problems of illness and health with emphasis on the cultural context of health care programs. Management StralLgits in Crosscul­ tural HtaUh Care. Preparation for serv­ ing organizations involved in planning and implementing health care systems at the district and village level.

the apostolic period until today. 450 Introduction to the Theology of Mission (3)

A study of the centrality of God's redemptive acts in behalf of mankind from both the Old and New Testa­ ments, with emphasis on their applica­ tion to the mission of the Church in modem times. (See BBST 458). 451 Principles of Church Growth (3) A basic understanding of church growth concepts as related both to the local congregations and to the task of worldwide evangelization. 453 Christianity and Culture (3) Anthropological approach to Christ­ ian theologizing; interrelationships between supracultural Christianity and human cultures. 456 World Religions (3) The distinctive features of the histori­ cal ethnic religions, with special emphasis on their comparison and encounter with Christianity and their bearings upon missionary strategies. 457 Urban Research and Ministries (3) The use of social science techniques to learn about the people, needs and opponunities for evangelism in the city. 458 Peasant and Tribal Cultures (3) Analysis of the cultural institutions and values in tribal, peasant and newly emerging economies, with special consideration as to their openness or resistance to change. 460 Urban Practicum (3) A program of crosscultural intern­ ships in the urban metropolitan area of Los Angeles. By permission of instructor only.

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