

there is reason to anticipate the student will be able to complete the program suc­ ces.!fully. Additional factors considered in the application process include the fol­ lowing: total transcript ev.tluation, small group interviews, a brief written bio­ graphical sketch and a brief extempora­ neous writing assignment, references, prenursing examination, SAT scores, and work experience. Adepartmental application form is to be completed and filed in the department with an applica­ tion fee of$25 by January 15. There is an additional late fee of$10 for applications received after the established deadline. Decisions regarding student acceptance into clinical nursing are made by the nursing faculty. Before starting clinical nursing, students will be required to sub­ mit completed health forms and proofof current certification in cardiopulmonary certification for health care professionals. Applicants whose educational and professional experiences qualify them for advanced standing are welcome. Those intending to challenge nursing courses should make an appointment with the Department of Nursing as soon as accepted by the University. Atter Being Accepted Into Blola's Cllnlca/ Nursing Program Astudent is required to have, at his own expense, a yearly ph~ical examina­ tion and specific laboratory tests and immuniz.ations by June 15. Late fees are assessed. Students will not be permitted in the clinical agency without this. Each student is assessed for liability insurance through the University when participat­ ing in clinical courses. The University and cooperating agencies assume no responsibility for illness or accidents occurring during the school program. Students must arrange for their own transportation to clinical agen­ cies as the University does not provide transportation. Students must have a valid driver's license and have access to a car at the beginning of the clini­ cal nursing program. Valid CPR certification is required and must be renewed annually through­ out the clinical nursing program. Theory and clinical must be taken concurrently in courses with a clinical component. One un it of theory equals one clock hour, and one unit of clinical equals three clock hours. Due to the importance of course and clinical orientation, attendance is mandatory to proceed in nursing courses. A student must earn a mini­ mum grade of 2.0 in microbiology,

statistics and in each nursing course, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in order to progress in nursing. Students will be permitted to repeat nursing courses one time only. Stu­ dents withdrawing more than once at a failing level (C. or below) or failing two courses may be dropped from the nurs­ ing program. Unsafe clinical nursing practice, regardless of GP A, is ground for dismissal from the nursing program. Students who withdraw from nursing in good standing will be readmitted on a space-available basis. Transfer-<:hal­ lenge students have equal access for open spaces in nursing courses. It is recommended that microbiol­ ogy (Biology 282) be taken prior to Nursing of the Client/ Family 1and II. Students will not be advanced to level II without microbiology. Mandatory NLN achievement exams will be taken throughout and at the completion of the nursing program. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Science dtgrtt in Nursing is offered upon completion of the uni­ versity baccalaureate and major requirements . The nurs ing major requires the completion of: Biological Science 252, 281 , 282; Chemistry 112 (totaling 16 science units); Nursing 201 , 202, 204, 303, 340, 342, 344, 362, 364, 366, 441, 442, 450, 451 , 452 and 460. Supponing courses: One unit of first aid and three units of each of the following: Psychology 200, intercultural studies or sociology, and statistics. Nolt: Tiu gtneral education requirl!­ ment for a foreign language for nursing ma1ors is two yum of tht same high school language orfour units ofa rolltge language. Nursing majors are exempt from gtneral eduallion ~iremenls of littraturl! ( 3) and hiswry (four oftight units ~ired). The annual Commitment and Pin­ ning Service is financed by assessing each clinical nursing student$15 per year. COURSES 201 Nursing of the CllenVFamily I- Theory (3) Implementation of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equilibrium in the client/family. Includes normal growth and development of the adolescent through the older adult (C*)

201 Nursing of the CllenVFamily I- Clinical (4) Clinical application of the nursing process with adult clients in inpatient and community settings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 201 - The­ ory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. Lab fee: $15. (C*) Upon completion of Nursing 201 , students may choose to do a self learning mod­ ule to be eligible for certification as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). 202 Nursing of the CllenVFamlly II - Theory (5) Continuation ofNURS 201. Implemen­ tation of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equilibrium in the client/fam­ ily. Prerequisites: 201,303. (C*) 202 Nursing of the CllenVFamily II - Clinical (4) Clinical application of the nursing process with adult cl ients in acute medical-surgical and community set­ tings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 202 - Theory. Graded on a credi t/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 204 Essentials of Clinical Nursing Pharmacology (2) Use of the nursing process in the administration of medication. To be taken concurrently with NURS 202 - Theory. (C*) 230 Clinical Topics In Nursing (1-3) Allows students to explore issues related to nursing prior to attaining upper-division status. Requires writ­ ten consent of instructor. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of nine units. 232 Clinical Experiences In Nursing (1-4) Allows students the opportunity to gain additional clinical nursing experience prior to attaining upper-division status. Requires written consent of instructor. Maybe repeated with different content for a maximum of 12 units. 300 Professional Nursing Seminar (1-3) Atransition seminar designed to facil­ itate socialization into baccalaureate professional nursing. Designed for transfer-<:hallenge students. 303 Nursing Assessment of the Client -Theory (2) Implementation of nursing assessment to recognize problems affecting adap­ tive equilibrium in the client (C*) 303 Nursing Assessment of the Client - Clinical (1) Clinical application of nursing asses~ ment with adult clients in inpatient

and community settings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 201 and 303- Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit (C*) 320 Directed Individual Studies (1-3) Permits students to pursue special interests related to the profession of nursing. Open to clinical nursing majors only with written consent of instructor. May be repeated with dif­ ferent content Maximum of six units may be taken for credit 321 Clinical Enrichment (1-4) Opportunity for additional applica­ tion of the nursing process in selected health care settings. Offered Inter­ term and Summer School. May be repeated with different content and written consent of instructor. Open to clinical nursing majors only. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. Prereq­ uisite: Nursing 201. 340 Mental Health Nursing of the CllenVFamily - Theory (2) Concepts related to family centered nursing of adults with mental health problems. Focus is on application of the nursing process to restore adaptive equilibrium. Prerequisite: 202. (C*) 340 Mental Health Nursing of the CllenVFamlly- Clinical (2) Clinical application of the nursing process with clients in mental health settings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 340 - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit (C*) 342 Nursing of the Childbearing Family -Theory (2) Implementation of the nursing process utilizing a family centered approach to childbearing and mater­ nal health promotion. Prerequisites: 202, 303, BIOS 282. (C*) 342 Nursing of the Childbearing Family - Cllnlcal (2) Clinical application of the nursing process in providing family centered maternal health care in acute and com­ munity settings. To be taken concur­ rently with NURS 342 - Theory. Graded on acredit/no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit (C*) 344 Nursing of the Older Adult Client -Theory (2) Implementation of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equilib­ rium in the older adult client Prereq­ uisites: 202, 303, BIOS 282. (C*)

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