

102A Academic Listening (3) Practice in understanding and follow­ ing detailed oral instructions, initiat­ ing and sustaining social conversation, giving information, expressing opin­ ions and ideas accurately, and taking notes from academic lectures. 102B Reading/Writing (6) Continued practice of IOIB and read­ ing and understanding academic material. Paraphrasing and composi­ tional development Fee: $25. 102C Grammar/Oral (3) Review of all grammar structures in oral and written form. 102D Effective Communication (2) For non-native speakers desiring to improve their communication skills. Activities include role plays of situa­ tions encountered on campus, conver­ sational strategies, informal presenta­ tions, and discussion of aspects of cul­ ture that affect communication. Prer

waive EL.SP 109 and to enroll in depart­ mental writing courses (i.e., undergrad­ uate English 100 or Talbot SS500) the semester immediatelyfollowing success­ ful completion of 107. Prerequisite: 103 and 105 or department placement. If this is the first EL.SP course required, it must be taken during the first semester ofresidence. Fee:$25.

transferable college credit at accred­ ited community colleges, colleges, and universities before beginning BOLD. These units can include credit via the high school Advanced Placement (AP) program and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) as well as some forms of professional, mili­ tary, and technical training. Acomplete application must be sub­ mitted and the application fee must be paid. Official transcripts from every insti­ tution previously attended must be sent directly from those institutions to the Biola University BOLD office or to the BOLD educational center office where the applicant plans to attend classes. Admission of lntematlonal Students Sa University Admission and Registration seaion of the Univmity Catalog. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Leadership is offered upon the completion of the university baccalaureate requirements and the Organizational Leadership major. They include the following: A Satisfactorilycomplete a minimum of 120 semester units for graduation. B. Completion of the Organizational Leadership (41 units) major at Biola University. C. Obtain a "C" average (2.00 G.P.A) or above on all work taken within the major and at Biola University D. Completion of the general educa­

E. Completion of the BOLD biblical studies requirement. Foundational Courses BBST 150 Old Testament Survey 3-4 BBST 110 New Testament History & Literature 3 BBST 200 Early Christian History - Acts 3 Elective Courses BBST 306/ 400 Bible Book Elective 2-3 BBST 300/ 400 Bible Book Elective 2-3 Information about the biblical studies requirement is available in the BOLD office. Nou: Writing Compeuncy is 11Ut !,y compution of th£ Senior Project. Some course requirements may ht 11Ut !,y Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS ABachelor of Science (B.S.) degree is awarded upon completion of the degree requirements, which include: ■ Completion of the BOLD General Education Requirements ■ Completion of the BOLD Biblical Studies Requirements ■ Completion of the BOLD major ■ A "C" average (2.00 GPA) or above in the major and at Biola University ■ Aminimum of 120 semester units. GRADUATION HONORS BOLD students who have earned a minimum of 48 graded units at Biola University and who have com­ pleted their Biola coursework with a 3.95 GPA are graduated with high honor. Those with a 3.85 GPA are graduated with honor. CREDIT FOR PRIOR LEARNING Undergraduate students at Biola University frequently are granted acad­ emic credit through the evaluation of college level technical and professional training and learning that has been acquired through life experience. Credit is awarded byuniversity faculty. SENIOR PROJECT Each BOLD student prepares a Senior Project involving research of a significant issue in the workplace or community. Knowledge and problem solving abilities are acquired while com­ pleting the project, and skills related to thinking, research , writing, and effect­ ing change are developed. The project is conducted over a nine month period in consultation with a project advisor.

109 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Writing Workshop (3)

Individualized instruction in essay organization and coherence, with spe­ cial attention to persistent errors . A "passing" score on the English Depan­ ment Exit Test (EDET) permits stu­ dents to enroll in departmental writ­ ing courses (i.e., undergraduate Eng­ lish I00 or Talbot SS500) the semester immediately following successful com­ pletion of I07. Prerequisite: I07 or department placement Fee: $25. B.S. IN ORGANIZAnONAL LEADERSHIP Director: Edward H. Norman, Ed.D. Associate Director: Dean Kroeker , B.S. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Biola Organizational Leadership Degree (BOLD) is a "degree completion program" of upper-division course work designed specifically to enable mot.iv.lted adults to earn college degrees, often while working full time. The courses and learning projects develop skill in human relations and leadership, and improve occupational effectiveness. Small groups of students (24 maxi­ mum) attend class one evening per week or on Saturday morning, complet­ ing every course in their major as a "cohort. • The BOLD program enhances peer motivation and permits completion of the degree in as few as 18 months. Courses are offered in La Mirada as well as at an expanding list of edu­ cational centers: ■ Aliso Viejo ■ Chino Valley ■ Inglewood ■ Newbury Park ■ Vista Specific requirement lists and detailed program analyses are pro­ vided for each student by personal academic advisers. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants must be at least 25 years of age and must have completed approximate ly 60 semester hours of

nunciation is also emphasized. 103 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Research Methods and Library Skills (4)

Practice in accurate summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting of sources with proper citation, avoiding plagia­ rism. Development of library research, note taking, and proper formatting of research papers. Intensive practice in punctuation and mechanics. If this is the first EL.SP course required, it must be taken during the first semester of residence. Fee: $25. 105 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Oral Skills (3) Emphasis on listening skills, pronunci­ ation, intonation, and conversational strategies. Weekly interviews, field work and oral presentations are required. A second section for gradu­ ate students is offered when there is sufficient enrollment. This is a preparatory course for both Biblical and theological studies. It is an inten­ sive course covering Biblical and the<r logical vocabulary, Biblical idioms, and pronunciation of names and places of the Bible in addition to oral presentations. If this is the first EL.SP course required, it must be taken dur­ ing the first semester of residence . Prerequisite: department placement. 107 English for the Non-Native Speaker: Essay and Academic Writing (3) Studies in essay organization and devel­ opment and critical reading. A "pass­ ing" score on the English Department Exit Test (EDET) permits students to

tion requirements. G.E. Requirements


Fine Arts

3 3 6 3 8


English Composition



Western Civilization (4) United States (4)

Behavioral Science•

3 3 8

Philosophy* Math/ Science

Mathematics (3)* Science (3) Math/ Science (2)

Foreign Language 4 (The general education require­ ment for a foreign language may be met by two years of the same high school language or four units of a college language.) 'Two of th£ requirements in th£ folluwing thm arw.s Behavioral Scima, Mathemat­ ics and Philnsophy may ht 11Ut !,y coums in th£ BOW program.

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