C?l;Li•X•tii=t PROGRAMS
The School of Continuing Studies serves the Christian community by creating interdisciplinary masters degrees. Information concerning pro grams is available from the School of Continuing Studies. DELIVERY FORMATS The primary "building blocks" from which masters degrees are created are theme "modules" composed of desig nated courses and seminars.This enables participants to either concentrate on a specific theme or to mix emphases for specializ.ed personal enrichment Courses , seminars, conferences and related learning experiences are scheduled with working adults in mind. Classes are normally offered in the evening or on weekends. Courses are usually eight weeks in length with one three-hour class per week. However, creative scheduling is often employed to enhance instructional effectiveness. Seminars are normally four evenings or two days in length. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Graduate Degree Students Individuals who take courses and seminars for credit and who wish to pur sue degrees must applyfor Biota Univer sity degree student admission. Admis sion requirements include the following: I Meet the general admission stan dards for all graduate students at Biota University. ■ A bachelor's degree from an
only) or participation in the Biola Un iversity English Language Stud ies Program (ELSP) . Non-Degree Graduate Students Individuals who take courses and seminars for credit, but do not wish to pursue degrees, must apply for Biola University special student admission. Special student admission does not guarantee admission to Biota University as a degree student. Special students must have earned bachelors degrees. Admission of lntematlonal Students It is essential that students from other countries be able to understand directions and lectures in English and also to be able to express their thoughts clearly in spoken English immediately upon arrival on campus. In order that the applicant's profi ciency in English may be determined, the applicant must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as administered by the Edu cational Testing Service at the nearest overseas examination center. The minimum sco re for admission is a total of 550 for the graduate student (and a score of 55 or above for each of the three sections) . For additional information regarding application, see admissions and registra tion section of till univmity catalcg. FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH PROGRAM The Foundations of Faith Pro gram is a six-unit study of the Bible, hermeneutics , systematic theology and Christian thought that is taught at the graduate level. Specialized instruc tional methodologies include both concentrated overview of major stmc ture and content as well as effective planning for disciplined study. The following seminars, or their equivalent , are required program components for all degree students in the School of Continuing Studies: Study of the Old Testament (I) Study of the New Testament (I) Bible Interpretation & Application (I) Christian Thought I (I) Christian Thought II (I) Ont lnJegration Cou11t: Christian Thought and the Sciences (I) Christian Thought and Business Management (I) Christian Thought, Communication and the Performing Aru (I) Christian Thought and the Humanities (I ) Christian Thought and Behavioral Science (I)
Amore extensive version of this pro gram is offered below as the Christian Apologetics Bible and Theology Core. Students who have all or a portion of this Biblical Studies module waived on the basis of equivalent undergrad uate or graduate study must substitute graduate Bible or theology electives. M.A. IN CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS Director: Craig]. Hazen, Ph.D. Professors: Moreland Associate Professors: Cox, Geivett, Gomes, Hazen, Rae , Russell Assistant Professors: Lewis, Reynolds PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Christian Apologetics degree program is designed for individuals who desire academic and practical preparation for proclaiming and defending the historic doctrines of the Christian faith and the Christian worldview with intelligence, confi dence and reverence. The program fosters personal spiritual growth and maturity through guided study of the Scriptures and theology and mutual encouragement in the Christian life. The Christian Apologetics pro gram offers training in the defense of the faith utilizing a range of academic disciplines and provides stimulating graduate education for those who wish to engage unbelievers effectively in the world of ideas. The curriculum is designed for students who may have little or no for mal academic training in biblical stud ies, theology, or philosophy. The Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics is offered in association with Talbot School of Theology. M.A applicants who plan to pursue advanced graduate study in philoso phy or ethics should investigate the Talbot M.A in Philosophy and Ethics. Some courses in the Christian Apolo getics program may not be transfer able to that program. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The M.A in Christian Apologetics is a 32-unit program, including the following: A. Cmnp/.ett the rr.quiml rou= listed be/aw: I. Christian Apologetics Bible and Theology Core (12 units): AP 521 Genesis -Malach i (3) AP 522 Surveyof Matthew - Revelation (3) AP 527 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods (2) AP 541 Essential Christian Doctrine I (2)
AP 542 Essential Christian Doctrine II (2) 2. Christian Apologetics Program Core (6 units) AP 529 Biblical Apologetics (2) AP 550 Historical Theology (3) AP 5IO Theological Research Methodologies (I) 3. Christian Apologetics Modules or Electives (10 units) 4. Additional Modules or Open Electives (4 units) B. Maintain a 2.5 average with ,w grlUU below a C in all counu lo be credited toward graduation . A 5tudenl cannot graduate while on probation. C. At least 24 unit5 mu5t be taken at Bio/a Univmity. D. All degree component5 mu5t be completed as crtdit anmu. E. U>mplete till entire program in 1W more than five years. MASTER OF ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Director: Daniel E. Maltby, Ph.D. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Organizational Leadership program is designed for individuals who wish to develop and accelerate their leadership capabilities. The prin ciples and practices emphasized in this program enhance personal lead ership knowledge and skills in busi ness, non-profit and ministry settings. The master's degree is designed for professional men and women with an undergraduate degree and supervisory experience who are searching for a degree program with strong biblical inte gration and solid marketplace credentials. The 36-unit program may be reduced to 32 units on the basis of undergraduate coursework or signifi cant managerial experience. In this program, students will be encouraged to grow in three funda mental areas: I Conceptual understanding of leadership dynamics I Self awareness of personal leadership capabilities I Growth in effective leadership skills. Graduates will be prepared to deal with the growing complexity and challenges they face every day in lead ing and influencing people toward common goals. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The Master of Organizational Leadership is a 36-unit program, including the following:
accredited institution of higher education with a grade point aver age (GPA) of3.0, on a 4.0 scale, or higher in all undergraduate study. Students admitted from approved unaccredited schools or admitted with lower GPA's will be placed on a probationary status. Achieve ment of a 3.0 GPA in the first six units of study is required for removal of the probationary status. Aportfolio including a professional resume, a short autobiography and a statement of vocational goals and objectives. An admission interview and documentation of oral and written communication proficiency maybe requested of any applicant. One pastoral and at least one profer sional/ academic recommendation. Scores from the Graduate Records Examination (GRE) taken within live years prior to enrollment. GRE not required for the MA in Apologetics Program. A recent TOEFL score of 550 or higher (international students
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