AP 632 AHistory of Christian Apologetics (2)
one of the premier apologists of the 20th Century. AP 694 Seminar: Selected Topics (1·3) The program occasionally offers semi nar courses by special lecturers or vis iting scholars to address their areas of expertise on an elective basis. May be repeated for credit. AP 695 Directed Study (1·3) Supervised research and/ or reading in selected areas of Christian apologetics. AP 697 Apologetics Project (1-3) Astudent proposed project related to the defense of the Christian faith that may involve teaching, writing, research, debating, video/ audio productions, etc. AP 698 Apologetics Internship (1-3) An approved in tern ship with an apologetics organization or an apolo getics related ministry. Organizational Leadership OL 501 Principles of Accounting and Finance (2) Graduate-level introduction to finan cial and managerial accounting, including financial statement analysis, capital management, budgeting and selected finance and investment topics. OL 502 Principles of Management (2) Graduate level introduction to the functions of management focusing upon goals and structures of organiza tions, feedback and control , change and innovation, organizational deci sion-making and biblical ethics. OL 503 Principles of Marketing (2) Graduate level introduction to and evaluation of modern marketing, emphasizing environmental frame works and the ethical use of market ing mix variables. OL 510 Practical Leadership Theory (2) An introduction to the major theories and contemporary research concern ing the practice of effective leadership. Participants explore the landscape of leadership "know how" and initiate development of personal leadership development strategies. Required. OL 530 Character Development In Leaders (2) An exploration of essential aspects of effective leadership. Study of qualities associated with successful leadership. Participation includes in-depth assess ment and character developmental projects. Required. OL 550 Leadership Challenge Program (2) An intensive weekend of leadership challenge in an outdoor environment designed to draw out, develop and sharpen personal leadership skills in real life, real time circumstances. A
multi-week protocol of reflection , response and application follows chal lenge participation. Required. OL 610 Leadership and Group Behavior (2) Participants explore the interpersonal dynamics that characterize successful group leadership. Practical aspects dis cussed: group formation and behavior, group decision making, motivation theory and techniques , the role of power and politics, conflict and negoti ation and facilitation ski lls. Required. OL 630 The Leader and Organizational Development (2) Seminar-style interaction concerning how leaders impact the developmental changes that occur in organizations. Topics may include: strategic planning, organizational culture , large scale change, communication theory and systems thinking, entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial behavior and "new leadership" development Required. OL 650 The Inner World of Leadership (2) Ajourney into the personality and character qualities of effective leaders. Participants develop a deeper under standing, with personal applications, of moral character , power, ethical decision making and the psychological dimensions of leadership. Required. OL 680 Special Topics In Organizational Leadership (1-3) The program occasionally offers courses by special lecturers or visiting scholars to address their areas of expertise on an elective basis. May be repeated for credit. OL 694 Seminar: Selected Topics (1-3) The program occasionally offers semi nar courses by special lecturers or vis iting experts to address areas of exper tise on an elective basis . May be repeated for credit. OL 695 Directed Study (1·3) Supervised research and/ or reading in selected areas of Organizational Leadership. OL 697 Organizational Leadership Project(1-3) Astudent proposed project related to Organizational Leadership that may involve teaching, writing, research, leadership skills, video/ audio produc tions, etc. OL 698 Organizational Leadership Internship (1-3) An approved leadership internship within an organization or in a ministry setting.
West Special attention is given to the critique of the various belief systems along with ways in which Christians can effectively communicate and defend the Gospel to people of other faiths. AP 653 Culls of America (2) The distinctive features of the cults of America with their significance in the development of religious thought Spe cial attention is paid to their mistreat ment of the central features of ortho dox Christian doctrine and apologetic responses. (Same as HT 722.) AP 655 AHistory of Mormonism (2) Asurvey of the history of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints from 1820 to the present with an emphasis upon Joseph Smith, Jr., and the begin ning of the church, Mormon doctrinal development and change and a cri tique and response vis-a-vis the Bible and the original Gospel ofJesus Christ AP 656 The Occult (2) An overview of and Christian response to a range of occult ideas and prac tices. Topics include divination, ritual magic, sorcery, spiritism, witchcraft , Satanism, as well as occult elements in various New Age beliefs and practices. AP 658 Jewish Evangelism and Apologetics (2) Acourse focusing on the special evange listic and apologetic needs of the Jewish community including responses to tradi tional objections to belief in Jesus as Messiah, the case for Christ from the Hebrew Bible, effective methods of com munication and an awareness of the sen sitivities ofJews toward Christianity. AP 680 Special Topics In Christian Apologetics (1-3) The program occasionally offers courses by special lecturers or visiting scholars to address their areas of expertise on an elective basis. May be repeated for credit. AP 691 Seminar: In Defense of the Resunection (2) An investigation of a wide range of issues that have been used through his tory to call into question the bodily res urrection of Jesus Christ such as mira cles, the nan1re of history, the histori cal reliability of the New Testament, contradictions in the resurrection accounts, the Shroud of Turin and so on. Legal methodologies are employed to determine whether or not the resur rection can be considered proved beyond a reasonable doubt AP 693 C.S. Lewis Seminar (2) A reading and discussion course cov ering the breadth of Lewis' work as
A survey of apologists and apologetic activity from the time of the apostles and the early Church fathers to the great apologists of our own century. AP 636 Foundational Issues In Apologetics (2) Astudy and evaluation of the various modem approaches to the apologetic task ( e.g. , evidentialism, presuppa;itional ism and combinationalism) and religious epistemology, with constant reference to the theological underpinnings and the nature and value of Orristian apologetics inside and outside the church. AP 638 Spiritual Formation and the LIie of the Mind (2) Acourse designed to enhance the per• sonal spiritual development of the apologist Special emphasis is given to the importance of defending the faith with humility and reverence, as well as defining the role of apologetics in the overall mission of the Church. AP 641 Contemporary Theology: Survey and Critique (2) A smvey of contemporary theological trends with special emphasis on apolo getic critique of the unorthodox ele ments in positions such as process, lib eration / po litical , feminist/ goddess , gay/ lesbian, environmental, racial / eth nic and postmodern theologies. AP 643 Culture and Truth (2) Astudy of the ways in which the truths of the Gospel and the Christian world view are reflected in elite and popular cultural products such as art , litera ture, film, music and television . AP 645 Christian Faith In the Public Square (2) An exploration of the proper model for Christian involvement in public discourse, policy and activity. Atten tion is given to the intelligent analysis and critique of key social issues with respect to the Christian world view and techniques for the defense of the Christian position in public forums. AP 647 Religion, Law and Human Rights (2) An analysis of the way in which the Christian faith can provide the only defensible basis for legal absolutes and basic human rights. Cases in domestic and international law are used to illus trate the need for a transcendent per spective on such issues and that the biblical revelation is the only reason able source of such a perspective. AP 651 Comparative Religions (2) A survey of the beliefs, practices and sacred texts of the major non-Christian religious traditions of the East and
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