•••••••••••• Financial Information
S,111,stn r\11dit Fee PnL'nit
ln ter/mn 1994 PerL'nit
S11111111er Session 1993 P,,- Unit
An n110/ T11ition
Cost Per L'nil
.\iw.</Pr Tuition
(12-18 uniL1)
(1-11 , 19+)
(12- 18 un its)
Undergraduate Tuition (inclurl ing A.S. fee)
S5.694 SJ1prial Sturlmt Tuition (non-degree seeki ng) L ndergraduale Spec ial S111den1s 5.694 Continuing St url iPs English l .a n!-(uage lns1i1u1e 4,500 Adu h Degree Pro?;ram 270 per un it Graduate Tu it ion (including A.S. rce ) Srhool ofArts and Srirnm & Gradual, S/1erial Slur/mis (post haccalaurea1e 269 per unit excep t Rosemead ) Srhool of /11 /nrnltuml Sturfips (including A.S. k c) \fas1er"s Programs and specials 269 per unit Doctor of Edu cation 475 per unit Donor of \ lissiolog\" 475 per unit folbut Srlwol of Thn1logy (includ ing A.S. fe e) \,las1er·s Programs and specials
I I J88
375 375 Firs!Term- S1240 • Second Term- 3,780 • Third Term - S4,0:,0
251per un it
269 per unit
50 per unit
269 per un i!
269 per uni t
50 per uni t 475 per unit 475 per unit
269 per uni t 47.'i per unit 475 per unit
269 per uni I 475 per uni I 475 per uni t
251 per unit 448 per uni1 448 per uni t
269 per uni t 475 per uni t 475 per unit
50 per unit 475 per unit 749/ course
269 per unit 47.'i per unit 7·19/ course
269 per unit 475 per un it 749/ cou rse (9-1 6 units)
269 per uni t 475 per uni t 749/ course (9-1 6 units)
269 per uni t 475 per un it 749/ course (1-8, 17+uni1s)
25 1per uni1 448 per unit 749/ course
Docwr of Education Don or of \1 inis1n· RosPI/IPIIII Sr/w() [ (Ir Psyrlwlogy (including A.S. fee) \.las ter of Ans and specials
50 1 50 1 501
50 1 50 1 501
12,0 12 12,012 12,012
6,006 6,006 6.006
50 1 50 1 501
475 m m
Donor of Philosoplll' Docwr of Psrchologv
Biola Unil'ersity seeks 10 provide a quality educat ion for all its stude nts at the most reasonable cost possible. As a pri- Ya te, non-profi t insti tu tion, Biola lJ nil'ersity receil'es no sup- port from taxes or other publi c funds. Tui tion paid by the students does not COl'er the costs of prol' iding a qua li tyedu- cati on. Consequentl y, eve ry student who attends Biola Uni- \·ersity rece i\·es a substantia l subsidy made possibl e by the gifts of alumni , individual fri ends, interested churches and , in a fewcases, businesses and corporations. The expenses of students at Biola Universityare shown in th e fo ll owing schedul es. The UniYersity rese rves the right 10 change all student charges, modi!\- its services, or change its programs of study should economic conditions, currirnlum rel" isions or national emergency make it necessary 10 do so. APPLICATION FEE An ap pli ca ti on lee or $35 must accompany each app li ca- tion. Th is fee is non-refundable. App lica tions for spring rcce il"ed afte r .J anuan· I, or fo r fa ll received afte r August I must be accompani ed bya fee of 545 ra ther than $35. ROOM Per Year in residence hall .... .. .... ....... .... .... .. ...$2 ,174-$2,652 Per semester .... ................................... ....... .... .$1,087-$1,326
\1ealTickets (required fo r all undergraduate res ident students) Per academic year ....... ............. .... ................ ..$1,842-$2 ,184 Per semester .... ................... ...... ....... .......... ..... ...$921-$1,092 APARTMENT RENT One-bedroom, unfurnished (married couples) $690/ month , all uti lities included Two-bedroom, furn ished (single students) $294/ person/ month , all utili ti es included, based on four-person ocrnpancy GENERAL FEES (In additi on 10 tuiti on, only as applicable lo the individ- ual student. ) *Enrollment Deposit (non-refundable) Undergraduate .. .....$100.00 Graduate Psychology .. .. ..... .... .. .. ...... .... .. .. .I00.00 All other programs... .... ........... ..... ........ .. ... .50.00 *L'/1011 nol irP of am/1l1111CP, an mrol/111n1t 11P/1osil is requiml. "/h is amoun t is a/1plirable toward the total PX/1msPs dwing the st11 - dn1/ 's last SP IIIPsler of enrollmm I, bt1 / is Jo1f,i tPd if thea/1/1/i ra nlJails to r,porl fo rlhPSP III PSlnforwhirha/1/1liration was made.
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