

Oral Defense of Dissertation


gram) has been approved by the Ed .D. Commiuee, at least 24 units of a student's program must be completed 1vithin any consecutive 24 months. The Doctor of Education program is composed ofa 15 unit "core" of five courses (DE 80 1, 803, 804, 805, and 807), a 30 unit specialization, and a 3 unit research component (DE 890 Dissertation Proposal Seminar and the dissertation). Every studen t must maintain a 3.0 grade point average to continue in the program. Students are placed on aca- demic probation if their grade point average falls below 3.0. If, after one semester on probation , the grade point average is not brought up to the required level, the student may be requested to withdraw from the Ed.D. program. A student cannot graduate while on probation. No grade lower than C (2.0) 1\111 be credited toward the Ed.D. degree. Sm- dents who receive more than two grades of C or lower will be reviewed by the Ed.D. commiuee, and are subject to pro- bation or dismissal from the program. Unless an extension has been granted by the Ed.D. Comminee, all Ed.D. requirements must be completed 111thin six years of initial enrollment. Program Agenda Before comp leting I2 units of credit, a wriuen individual program agenda must be approved by the pro- gram director. This agenda 1vill con- tain a proposed course sequence as well as a statement of intended specializa- tion. Research competency goals wi ll also be identified during this process. Vocational Experience Due to the applied nature of the program, sLUden·ts are required to have comp leted four years of approved ministry experience before the Doctor of Education degree will be granted by Biola Un iversity. Prior ministry experience applies to this requirement. Guidelines for the eval- uation of this experience are provided

methodologies app li cable to educa- tional problems and issues. Deficiencies in research competence may result in additional program prerequisites and required specialization components. Qualifying Examinations Doctoral sllldents are required to demonstrate a comprehensive knowl- edge of education in general and Christian education in particular. The content of the qualifying examina- tions is drawn primarily from courses, sem in ars, and individual student research. The examinations call for students to demonstrate breadth and depth of knowledge , relationships between the five core areas of the Ed.D. curriculum, and theological integration of educational thought. It is recommended that these examinations be taken in the last semester of residence after all core courses and most specialization compo- nents have been completed. The exam- inations are administered on scheduled dates near the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, and may be arranged for selected summer terms. Dissertation Each ca ndidate for the Ed.D. degree must condu ct an original investigation of a pertinent issue or problem related to Christian educa- tion , and present the results in a dis- sertation within two years after com- pleting the qualifying examinations. The dissertation should demonstrate familiarity with relevant resources, show mastery of the literature on the subjects included, and make a signifi- cant contribution to Christian educa- tion. Awide range of methods may be utilized in dissertation research. Meth- ods may also be blended for appropri- ate approaches to educational subjects and problems. Dissertation research requiring statistical analysis is entirely supported on campus. The Ed.D. program main- tains a computer research center with resources that are sufficient for most dissertation requirements. Biola Uni- versity maintains a linked network of computer resources that are available for research that demands advanced statistical analysis. Additional dissertation guidelines and requirements are published in the Talbot Ed.D. Handbook and Dis- sertation Preparation Guide.

Doctoral candidacy is awarded upon the completion of all required course work, successful completion of all qualifying examination require- ments, and commiuee approval of a dissertation proposal. Candida tes must register for DE 89 1 Dissertation every fall and spring semester until the dissertation has been successfully defended. Registra- tion of candidates is continuous and automatic, unless a leave of absence has been approved. DE 892 Continu- ous Enrollment (no fee) will be granted to candidates during the semester of graduation only if the dis- sertation was approved too late for graduation in the preceding semester. Enrollment in the semester of gradua- tion is required. Withdrawn Student If a non-dissertation student fails to enroll during a fall or spri ng semes- ter without being granted a leave of absence , automatic continuous enroll- ment is initiated and the continuation fee is charged for the current semes- ter. Subsequently, if a student does not complete registration by the pub- lished deadline , or if a petition for leave is not received by the end of the twelfth week of classes, the student is withdrawn from the program, effec- tive at the end of that semester. Students who withdraw from the program must apply for re-admission to Biola Unive rsity (short form), and petition the Ed.D. committee for rein- statement to the program. Applications for re-admission are subject to pro- gram enrollment limitations. Re-admit- ted sLUdents may be required to pay cominuation fees for semesters during which they were not enrolled, and may be subject to Ed.D. curriculum changes and graduation requirements instated

The final Ed.D. graduat ion requirement is a successful oral defense of the dissertation. The pri- mary purpose of the dissertation defense is for the candidate to present the research findings and conclusions to the commiuee. Interested visitors may anend this presentation. Members of the commillee may

request that appropriate corrections be made. When the revisions are com- pleted and the dissertation 's form is I T-15 approved, the candidate is nominated

for graduation. CURRICULUM

The curriculum of the Doctor of Education Program is organ ized in a three-level sys tem designed to provide fo undational doctoral study, flexible program personalization, and in- depth research experience. Courses and seminars at all three levels may be utilized to form a narrow specializa- tion or a unique blend of emphases. Historical and Phi/JJso/Jhiral Thought in Edu cation ■ Advanced Semin ars in Historical and Philosophical Thought ■ Selected Topics in Historical and Philosophical Thought ■ Directed Research in Historical and Philosophical Thought Human DeueliJpment and Leaming ■ Advanced Seminars in Human Development and Learning ■ Selected Topics in Human Development and Learning ■ Directed Research in Human Development and Learning Organizational Administration in Ed11ca- tio11al Leadmhi/J ■ Advanced Seminars in Educa- tional Leadership ■ Selected Topics in Educational Leadership ■ Directed Research in Educational Leadership Curriculum Theory and the Practice of Teaching ■ Advanced Seminars in Currict1- lum and Teaching ■ Selected Topics in Curriculum and Teaching ■ Directed Research in Curriculum and Teaching Educational Research Design ■ Advanced Seminars in Educa- tional Research

during their program inactivity. DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Program Sequence

in the Ed.D. Handbook. Research Competence

The Doctor of Education program requires completion of a minimum of 48 semester units of course work and successful defense of a dissertation. A maximum of 9 semester hours of doc- toral leve l courses may be transferred into the program from accredited institutions unless a higher limit has been approved for a specialization. Un less a modified program sequence (such as a "summer auendance" pro-

Specific research skills appropriate for proposed dissertation study are to be demonstrated. The Ed.D. program director will validate competence through review of examinations, com- pleted research, or course work. Appro- priate research tools and methods include biblical languages, modem lan- guages, statistical analysis, and research

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