

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Core Courses DE 801 Historical and Philosophical Thought in Education (3) An advanced course in the hi story and philosophy of Christian educa ti on. Significant hi stori cal trends and topics are analyzed in the process of develop- in g a philosophica l perspect ive . Emphasis is placed upon correct rea- soning in the educa tional process as well as the avoidance of fa llacious arguments in the evaluation of educa- tional theory and content. DE 803 Human Development and Learning (3) Advanced study of the processes of lea rning, moti va ti on, and life-span human development. Investigation cen- ters on understanding of social science data within a Christian world 11ew. Stu- dents are challenged to develop impli- ca tions for various teaching contexts. DE 804 Organizational Administration in Educational Leadership (3) In ves tiga ti on of significant theories and principles of effective administra- tion. Emphasis is upon the integration of management th eory and biblical concepts concerning relationsh ips for appropriate local church and organ i- za tional ministry leadership in various cultural settings. DE 805 Curriculum Theory and the Practice of Teaching (3) Advanced study of teaching within var- ious educa tional se ttings. Students are challenged to enh ance their personal repertoire of teaching skills and edu- cational strategies through observa- tion, di scussion , and practice. Compe- tencies in developing varied curricular materials are developed. Prerequisi te: DE 803 or permission of instructor. DE 807 Educational Research Design (3) Advanced study of methods fo r schol- arly research within education in gen- eral and Christian educa tion in partic- ular. The course includes analysis of research content and methodol ogy, eva luati on of research repo rts, and appropriate design of research. Advanced Seminars (1-3 units) Seminars listed below have been offered in recent years or are planned for the near future. Additional seminars refl ect- ingstudent requests and faculty expertise will be created continually. Advanced seminars are usually taught by resident faculty and normallyrequire correspond- ing core courses as prerequisi tes.

DE 810 Advanced Seminars in Historical and Philosophical Thought Integration of Faith and Leaming: Investi- gation of models for the integration of biblical truth and behavioral science theory, research, and the educational process. Student research involves the testing of integration models for theo- logical integrity and practical utili ty. Analysis ofEducational Phi!nsophy: Analysis of classical and contemporary approaches to philosophyof education. Research results present significant eval- uation and implications for the practice of educational ministry. Tht Pauline Triad and Integration: Analy- sis of Paul's triad of faith , hope, and love as a basis for appli1ng biblical directives to educational thought in categories that are compatible with ph ilosophy and the beha11oral sciences. The semi- nar is conducted as a group research project wi th regular planning, report- ing, and presentation sessions. DE 830 Advanced Seminars in Human Development and Learning Integration of Developmental Research: Comprehens ive examin at ion of research literature invol11ng aspects of human development relevant to prob- lems and issues within Christian educa- tion. Emphasis is placed upon th e analysis of theory presuppositions and their impact upon research design and interpretation. Faith Development Project: Analysis of bib- lical , theological , and developmental approaches to faith development. Par- ticular investigation of the relationship of this litera ture to human deve lop- ment theory and research. Gro up design of the study111th indi11dual stu- dent projects and reports. Intergenerational Learning: Analys is of literature and practices related to intergenerational educational dynam- ics and settings. The effect of varying human development needs and expe- riences is discussed. Specific fie ld pro- jects are developed. DE 840 Advanced Seminars in Educational Leadership Personnel and Programming: Mu lti - faceted analysis of the role of interper- so nal re latio nships in leadership development and ministry program- ming. Emphasis is placed upon recruitmen t, train ing, maintenance, and reward of ministry team members in a range of local church and Christ- ian organ izational settings.

Contemporary Management: Inves ti ga- tion of the value and effec tiveness of current management trends. Th e appropr iateness of parti cular te ch- niques for the administration of profit and non-profit ministry organizations characterized by paid _and volunteer staff is evaluated. Particular attention is paid to the effect of specific man- agement styles upon indi11d DE 850 Advanced Seminars in Curriculum Theory and Teaching Fonnation of Moral Character and Con- science: Analysis of critical issues related to the philosophy, psychology, and practice of moral education . Opportu- nity for students to explore nurture of indi11dual and corporate moral matu- rity in ministry contexts. Jesus, tht Master Teacher: Detailed analy- sis of teaching strategies based upon a study of the ministry of Christ in the Gospels. Slmul■tlo11 0■••• 111 lduc ■ tlo111 _A study of the theory and practice of simulation gaming in educational con- texts . Student parti cipation in and design of a variety of models and exer- cises whi ch contribute to holisti c learning experiences. Educational Methods and Materials: Emphasis upon models of curriculum design and development of media that enrich the educational process. The rela- tionship of design and delivery is investi- gated with a view to enhancement of teaching in varied educational settings. DE 870 Advanced Seminars in Educational Research These seminars are normally 1 unit emphases upon an educational issue or technique such as sampling, ques- tionnaire design, historical research, action research, ethnographic inter- 11ews, and journal report writing. Indi- vidu al development in specific research techn iques is often accom- plished through directed research. Advanced Statistics: Acourse offered in the Rosemead School of Psychology that is available for students who have not had sufficient statistical training for specific research needs. See SPY 502 for a course description. Research Design: An advanced course in experimental design and analysis of variance offe red in th e Rosemead School of Psychology that is available fo r students who have not had suffi- cient statistical training fo r specific research needs. See SPY 60 I for a course description.

■ Selected Topics in Educational Research ■ Directed Research in Educational Research ■ Dissertation Proposal Seminar ■ Dissertation level One: Core Studies The first level of the Ed.D. cur- riculum is a core of five courses requ ired of all Ed.D. students (DE 80 I, 803, 804, 805, and 807). These courses assume previous study on the master's leve l (see the program pre- requ isites) , and are intended to pro- vide both perspective and breadth in regard to significant components of educational ministry. Though student research is required in these courses, facu lty content delivery and classroom ac tivityare major course components. level Two: Seminars In the Talbot Ed.D . curriculum , each core course is followed bya variety of advanced seminars, selected topics seminars, and oppornmities for directed readings, research , and internship: The character of these seminars is extensive student research with signifi- cant fac ul ty guidance and in-class dis- cussion. The selected topi cs seminars are often conducted by recognized authoriti es in the field of Christian education who sen•e as adjunct profes- sors for the Ed.D. program. This level of the Ed.D. curriculum also includes opportunity for directed research - independent investiga tion of an issue or specific aspects of educational min- istry not covered in other courses and sem inars. The opti on of elec ting directed researc h is also ava il abl e when there is insufficient enrollment to support a scheduled seminar. Program specializations are cre- ated with these advanced semi nars and directed research opportuniti es as well as wi th co urses from ot her schoolswithin Biola University. level Three: Research The third leve l of the Ed .D. pro- gram includes two components. The first is a dissertation proposal seminar (DE 890) that is designed to prepare the student for dissertation research. The second is the design, preparati on, and defense of a doctoral dissertation. This program component either com- pletes the sequence of a narrow spe- cia lizat ion or adds focus lo a more general program design.

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