

Doctor ofMinistry Program



and if marri ed a letter of support from the applicant's spouse . 6. Apersonal statement of approx- imately 10 typewri tten pages (double- spaced) detailing ministerial experi- ence , strengths, weakn esses, and the candidate's personal objec ti ves fo r the Doctor of Ministry program. 7. A personal interview with the D.Min. di rector may be required . Ful- fillment of the above bas ic require- ments does not necessarily guarantee admission in to the program because in dividual cases and circumstances, such as available openin gs in the pro- gram, may di ctate other fac tors to be considered. ln general, a high stan- dard of ove rall perfo rmance, espe- cially in prac tice of mi nis try, will be the govern ing criterion. Graduation Requirements A. Resident Study Six courses of study (s ix un its each) comprise th e bas ic residency requirement. At leas t fo ur of the courses must be taken in the fi eld of co ncentrat ion. Eac h cour se will require significan t preliminary read- ing in preparati on and a fo ll ow-up project at the conclusion of th e class- roomexperience. 8. Academic Graduation Requirements Aminimum grade of "B-" must be maintained in each course acceptable toward completion of the program. A minimum of a "B" (3.00) average is requi red for graduation. C. Time limit For Degree Complete the program in no less th an th ree years and no more than fi ve years. 0. ADissertation Project The student will conduct research and develop a project in hismajor field of study. The project mayfocus on tl1e writin g of a boo k manu sc ript , the research of a criti cal issue, the develop- ment of a new program or an in-<lepth case study of a minisuy situation. Ordi- narily, the minimum length wi ll be I 00 pages and tl1e maximum length of 250 pages. Complete in formation on the Di ssertation Projec t is avail able from tl1e Doctor ofMini stry office. Aschedule of cl asses is available upon reques t. For more info rmation, please contac t: Dr. Gary McIntosh, Di rector of the D. Min. Program, Tal- bo t School of Theology, La Mirada , CA 90639-000 I .

iSe/ected Topics (1-3 units)

1 is t1y programwill be granted on a ve1y selec tive and indi11dual basis 11 th the fo llowing basic requirements applying to all appli cations: 1. An M.Div. degree or its equiva- lent from an accredited semina1y wi th a grade-poin t average of 3.0 (o n a 4.0 scale) . 2. Applicants must have a kn owl- offered byTalbot School of Theology is the highes t professional degree fo r orda ined persons in the church or related ministri es. 1 t is distinct from the Th.D. or Ph .D. in that its primary emph asis is on the practi ce of mini stry ra ther than on research and teaching. This program builds on the basic th eological degree, the M.Div. , or its equivalent, and pr011des an opportunity for the person in minisu-y to strengthen abili ties and correct defi ciencies. In order to accomplish these ends, the stu- dent wi ll be expected to integrate tl1eo- logical education in the context of min- istry by demonstrating high levels of competence in one of five ava il able fie lds of concenira tion; church leader- ship , marriage and fa mil y, church growth , counseling or general studies. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admi ssion to the Doctor of Min- Program Di rector: GaryMcIn tosh, D.Min. OBJECTIVES "The purpose of the profession al doctorate is to equip one fo r a high leve l of excellence in the prac ti ce of Ministry" (Association of Theological Schools, Standards fo r Accrediting). The Doc tor of Mini stry degree edge of th e ori gin al languages of scripture. This may be attested by evi- dence of prior satisfactory completion of co urses in th e languages or th rough examination. 3. Aminimum of three years of fu ll- time "in ministry" experience after the student has received tl1e M.Div. degree or its equivalent. The student must be engaged in professional mini stry throughout the duration of tl1e program. 4. Completion of such di agnostic and/ or theological tests that the Grad- uate Committee determines necessary. 5. Written recommendations from the foll owin g: a cl ergy co ll eague, a denominational offi cial or other rec- ogni zed Christian leader, a lay person in the congregation, agency or board served by the applicant, a former pro- fessor in the fi eld of prac ti cal theology

Vis iting facu lty who have offered seminars in recent years include: Donald Brown ( 1985-91) , Kenn eth Gange l (1988). Donald Joy ( 1985, 1987). Gilbert Peterson ( 1985), John Reed ( 1992), Lawrence Ri chards ( 1989). Norman Wakefi eld (198S-91), Ted Ward (1993), and Campbell Wyckoff ( 1987). Seminars in the areas listed below are offere d on a ro ta tin g bas is. Se lec ted topi cs seminars are usually taught by visiting facu lty and normally do not requi re co rresponding co re courses as prerequisites. DE 815 Selected Topics in Historical and Philosophical Thought DE 835 Selected Topics in Human Development and Learning DE 845 Selected Topics in Educational Leadership DE 855 Selected Topics in Curriculum Theory and Teaching DE 875 Selected Topics in Educational Research Directed Research (1-4 units) Directed research opportuniti es may be arranged with resident faculty in the following areas of study: ■ Histori cal and Philosophical Thought in Education ■ Human Development and Leaming ■ Organizational Administra tion in Educa tional Leadersh ip ■ Curriculum Theory and Teaching

Courses in th is sec tion are con- ducted at the postgraduate level, with enro ll ment restri cted to those who have been granted admi ssion to the

D.Min. programat Talbot. DM 801 Pastor'sSymposium (6)

An in-depth study of the va ried tasks of the contempora1y pastor, with par- ticu lar considerati on of his ro les as expositor, discipler, evange list, coun- selor and leader of worship . Pastors I T-17

who have distinguished themselves as th oughtful pract iti oners of the art serve as resource leaders. DM 803 Pre-marital and Marital Counseling (6) Acourse designed to equip tl1e pastor in the principles of pre-marital coun- seling. Emph asis given to the prac tical aspects of structuring and conducting a compl ete pre-mari tal prepara ti on programwithin the local church. Spe- cific techniques fo r mari tal coun seling to be presented, discussed and demon- strated throughout tl1e dura tion of this course. Prerequisite: training in the use of the Taylor~ohn son Tempera- ment Analysis. (Concurrent witl1 this course , training in the use of the Tay- lor;)ohn son Temperame nt Analysis is

offered at additional charge.) OM 804 Spiritual Conflicts and Counseling (6)

A study of the confli ct between the kin gdom of darkn ess and the kin g- dom of light with an emphasis on the authority, power, protec tion as we ll as the vulnerability of the believer. The techniques of coun se li ng the spiritu- allyaITTicted are also considered. DM 810 Contemporary Biblical Preaching (6) Examination of contempora1y preach- ing. Attention given to a va ri ety of preaching fo rms, such as evange listic, ex posi tory, li fe -situ ati on, soc io- propheti c, biographical, di alogue, as we ll as rad io and television tec h- niques. Class members in volved in both analysis and ac tual preaching. OM 811 Interpersonal Relationships in the Church (6) Abiblical and practical examination of what believers ought to do with and fo r each other in the local church. Special attention given to: ways of fac ilitating fe ll owship, th e place of confronta tion, the handling of criticism, reactions to change, the potential of small groups, th e admini steri ng of di sciplin e, the

■ Educational Research DE 880 Directed Research DE 881 Directed Readings DE 882 Professional Internship Dissertation Research

DE 890 Dissertation Proposal Seminar (3) Guided invo lvement in di sse rtati on and research proposal preparati on. Prac tice in the selection o'r research methods and stati stical procedures fo r specific educational ques tions, avo id- an ce of research errors, and prepara-

tion of research reports. DE 891 Dissertation (0)

Sec tion numbers specify dissertation adviso rs. Reg istrati on is continuous and automatic fo r degree candidates. A fee equivalent to 3 uni ts of tuition is charged. leave of Absence DE 892 Continuous Enrollment (0) Afee equivalent to I units of tuition is normallycharged.

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