Christian Education
CE 616 Principles of Curriculum Development (2)
CE 521 Psychological Foundations of Christian Ministry and Lifestyle (3) Investigation into the major issues of educational psychology including growth and development, learning theory, moti- vation , individual differences, self.con- cep~ human nature, determinism, social interaction, maladjusunent, discipline, moral influence and retention. Discus- sion of tl1e major theories and theorists of psychology. Integration of theology and psychology an emphasis. Also inves- tigation into personality development as it relates to Christian growth and lifestyle. Required of M.A. (C.E. ) sntdents. CE 543 Counseling Adolescents and Their Parents (3) An over.1ew of the issues related to pro- viding pastoral coun se ling to adoles- c_ents and their parents including addic- ti ve behavioral problems , abnormal developmental concern s, intervention and enrichmen t counseling and aware- ness of when and to whom to refer ado- lesce nts for professional therapy. Required of M.A. in Youth Minisoy CE 552 Lile Span Development in Ministry (3) A survey of human developmental research with attention given to physi- cal, cognitive , socio-emotional, moral , and faith aspects as they all relate to spiritual development as a basis for a holistic Christian education ministry. Required of M.A. Min . (M.F.M.) and M.A.C.E. students. CE 555 Parachurch Youth Ministry (2) Focus on th e various types of para- church ministry to junior high and high schoo l age st uden ts available. Includes principles which make para- church youth ministry different from local church youth minisuy and prin- ciples for beginning a new parachurch campus club. Elective CE 557 Moral and Faith Development in Ministry (2) An adv,mced study of the leading theo- ries of moral and faith development with attention directed toward implication for intentional education ministries that develop a Biblical va lues system. Required of reduced M.A.C.E. program. CE 560 Personal and Interpersonal Development (3) Emphasis on personal and interper- so nal growth through individual assignments and small group interac- tions. Opportunity given for spi ritual , physical, emotional , mental and rela- tional development. Required of two year M.A.C.E. students.
CE 566 Youth Group Development and Programming (3) Astep by step approach to the building of a youth group and developing a yearly youth group ministry program. Emphasis may be on either junior high or high school age group and course will contain an emphasis on develop- ment of community within the group. Required of M.A. in Youth Ministry. CE 570 Special Studies in Christian Education (2) Designed for students who desire a spe- cific course content not covered in any of the regularly offered classes. Content selected on the basis of need and 11111 dif: fer from semester to semester. Admis- sion to the course and the content of tl1e course will be byad11sor's approval. May be iaken 1',1ce with different emphasis. CE 601 Educational Ministry in the Church (3) Analysis of ministries of edification as they relate to the personal, the congre- gational and the administrative aspects of minisuywith people of all ages. Focus is on tl1e explanation of various methods and resources available for ministry and on the development of indi11dual skills in communicating and leading in tl1ese ministries. Required of M.A. (C. E. ), M.A. (M. F M), M.A. (Min.) , M.A. (B./T.S. ), and M.Div. students. CE 603 Counseling Ministry in the Church (3) The ministry of counseling in church context. First consideration given to the strengths, weaknesses and unresolved issues of th e counselor. Focus of the course on ski lls in developing relation- ships, facilitating realization and encour- aging responsible li11ng. Attention given to crisis counseling as well as issues such as building a counseling ministry team. Required of M.A. (C.E.) ,M.A. (M.F.M.), M.A. (Min. ) (C.E., M.F.M.) and M.Div. (C.E.) snidents. CE 612 Missionary Education (2) Objectives , programming, activities and administrative methods of imple- menting a program of missionary edu- cation. Investigation into the auxiliary organization of the church's educa- tional program through whi ch mis- sions are taught. Elective. Offered fall , odd years.
Chair: Michael J. Anthony, Ed.D. , Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Dirks Associate Professors: Anthony, Bech tie, lssler,Johnson, Stevens Assistant Professors: Cunningham , Garland, Leyda, Ten Elshof OBJECTIVES The aim of th e departmen t of Christian education is that of develop- ing Christi an educators who under- stand the significance of an educational ministry and who possess the skills nec- essary to function as Christian educa- tors. To this end, course offerings have been designed to bl end theory and practice. Most elective co ur ses are designed for tracking to accommodate the studen t'svocational specialization. COURSES CE 511 Foundations of Leadership (3) Investigation_into leadership theory and practice leading to the develop- ment of a bibliocentric philosophy of leadership; practice in bas ic leader- ship skills; study of application of con- cepts in the church and parachurch agencies. Elective. CE 512 Education Administration (3) An analysis of adminisu-ative principles and processes as they appl y to the church and parachurch agencies. Spe- cial auen tion to the relation of adminis- trative functions and ministry. Required of M.Div. (C.E.) , M.A. Min. (C.E.), M.A. (C.E.) and M.A. (M.F.M.) students. CE 514 Women and Men in Christian Ministry (2) An investiga tion of the role of women and men in ministry and leadership in the light of Scripntre. Also includes a dis- cussion of issues men and women in the miniSU)' face when working together. Elective. Offered fall, odd years. CE 516 Curriculum Writing & Develop- ment (3) Emphasis on custom development of a curriculum for various you th min- istry teaching programs such as Sun- day school , Bible study, discipleship groups, and more. Various youth cur- riculum sources will be sur.•eyed and their materials evaluated for effective- ness of presentation. Elective.
Consideration of essential elements in curriculum formation. Intensive study of varied existing curricula. Analysis of contemporaq• trends in curriculum production. Elective. Offered spring, even years. CE 618 Psychopathology and Assess- ment (3) An overview of va rious models of psy- chopathology and i1moduction to some of the tools of personality assessmen t \\1tl1 tl1e goal of being able to detern1ine which people to work 111th and which to refer to other helperswitl1 more special- ized training. Required of M.A. Min. (M.F.M.), M.A. (M.F.M. ) students. CE 620 Premarital Preparation and Counseling (2) Counseling techniques applied to dating and courtship, engagement and premaii- tal adjustments. Principles and sm1cntres of premarital counseling are stressed and demonstrated. Emphasis on the use of TJTA, Prepare and Family Histo1y a.11aly- sis. Prerequisite: CE 603 or pe1mission of professor. Required of M.A.C.E. su1- dents. Offered fall, even yeai,. CE 622 Philosophy of Ministry (3) Investigation into the theological , his- torical , and philosophical foundations which underlie Christian ministry. Also includes an investigation of cur- rent practices of ministry through an analytical perspective. Designed to help the minister evaluate mini stry programs and respond with remedial or enri chment strategies. Required of M.A. (C.E.) and M.A. (M.F.M.) and M.Div. (C.E. non-thesis) students. CE 628 Marital Counseling (3) Advanced course dealing 111th problems and confli cts witl1in maniage a.11d family settings. Counsel ing methods and prac- tical behavioral methods from a scrip- tural context designed to meet problems and conflicts; conducted 11a demonstra- tions, case stud ies and counselin g involvement. Prerequisite: CE 603 and pennission from tl1e deparunent chair- man. Required of M.A. (M.F.M.) , M.A. Min. (M.F.M.) students. Elective. CE 629 Group Counseling Leadership (3) Training in the principles of counseling and tl1erapyin a group setting. The cl ass itself used as a laborato1y expe1ience with the snident participating both in the role of therapist and client. Required of MA (M.F.M.), M.A. Min. (tyl.F.M.) students.
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