

Graduate Psychology Program Admi ssions Personal InterviewFee (non-refundable) .

... . . .$ I00.00 ....... ...... 10.00

RoomRescrYation Depos it .............. .. .... .

Reaadmi ssion Application Fee .. Late Registrati on - Anv time after schedul ed registration

... ...$50.00

...................... .45.00

Professional Growth Fee (per semester)

I .a te Pre-registration - Any Lime after scheduled pre- regist rati on but before end of semester ....................... .. .........20.00 Special Registrat ion Fee .........35.00 Change of Class Schedule (Add/ Drop) .......... .5.00 I.ate Change of Class Schedul e ................. 15.00 Diploma Fee ..... ....... 35.00 Cap and Gown Fee C ndcrgraduate .. ... . ............... 20 .00 Graduate ... Parking Fee (per vear) ..... ..i.J.00 Returned Check Fee (per occurrence). ...20.00 Transc ript Fee Oflicial (per copy)............ ... ....... ......................6.00 l noflicial/ Studcm (per copy) .............. ................3.00 Graduati on Petition Late Fee .. . .......... 100.00 Accidcm and \1cdical Insurance** Fall estimate.. .................. .... ........ 125.00 Spring es timate............ ...... 125.00 ''''Req11iml of all st11dmts with more than six units and who do 110/ file a "vrtiflrnlion of lns11m11re Coverage·· al !he lime of 1fgislm- lio11. Additional rovemge is required of all s/uden/s p1111iri/mling in or /m1rtiringfor intmollegiale s/Jm1s al a mle of SI 50.00 /myenr. SPECIAL FEES- UNDERGRADUATE There arc spec ial fees for specific labs, cli nics, physical education / rec reation and camping courses, etc. See course descriptions fo r Ices . Class and Labo ratory Fees ........ .SS.00-400.00 '.\ursing/ Business Appli cation Fee .. ..... ....... ....... .. .20.00 Nu rsing I.ate Appli cation Fee .... 10.00 Nu rsing l.iabi lit1· Insurance (pe r vear) ................ 14.50 Commi tmcm and Pinning SerYice (per year) ... .... .5.00 R:-.: / L\ ''.\ '.\ursing Challenge Examination (per theory & per clini cal chall enge) ..........50.00 Nursing Achi e1·ement Tests (per semester). ...... 12.00 CPL Credit faa luat ion Fee - BOLD (per unit). .........30.00 Competencr Eraluation Fee - BOLD ............... .35.00 Bibli cal Studies olllcome

.. . 500.00 (Terminal M.A. students are required LOpav the Profes- sional Growth fee fo r three semesters. Students in the Psy.D. or Ph .D. programs pay the fee for a total of 10 semesters, including those sllldems who en ter Rosemead with transfer credit. ) Thesis/Dissertation Binding/Microfilming Binding (per copy) ... (l! ni versity requires fo ur copies) Personal binding (per cop;) (optional) ..... .... .20.00 ~1i crofilming/ lndex ing (one copyrequired) Doctoral disse rtation.. .. . ...... ... .45.00 Master's thesis..................... ... ...15.00 Copyright- dissertation or thesis (opti onal) .. ...... .. 25.00 MUSIC FEES Private Study Per Unit One unit guarantees a minimum of 13 one half-h our lessons fo r th e semes ter. In some cases up Lo 15 lessons may be possible. Fee includes th e privil ege of us ing prac ti ce room one hour per day. Music Majors: One Unit (one half-hour lesson per week) .... ...Sl80.00 Non-Music Majors (per unit ) .................................................210.00 Accompanying Fees, Per Semester Voice sn,dents (per unit of study) ........ ........... ....................... .. ... 12.00 In st rumental students (per unit of swdy) ... .. ..... ............ ...... ...8.00 Recital Fees Fees range from S12.00 Lo S30.00 depending upon length of recita l, length and compl ex ity of prin ted program required. Complete information ava il able in the music oflice. Class Instruction (Proridcs for low student-faculty rati o of approximately 10: I. addit ional class hours beyond unit va lue, and acquisition and maimenance of specialized equipment as necessary.) \'oice or Guitar .... ..................... . .... .$55.00 Electroni c Piano Lab (two hours per week) . ..........90.00 The l.! ni l'ersityhas the fo ll owing organs: a 26-rank, th ree- manual Schantz: a 12-rank, two-manual Tracker; a two-man- ual Rogers 11 O; and two two-manual Rogers 75.


SPECIAL FEES- GRADUATE Talbot ;-;cw Student Fee Doctor of Ministry Program Enrollment Deposit per course (non-refundabl e) ... ... .

....... .......... ......S26.00

... .. ............$100.00 ... .... ......... 100.00

Late Enrollment Fee .. Late Project Fee Dissertati on Fee ... .

........... .50.00 ......... 749.00

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