Old Testament & Semitics
Chair: Thomas J. Finley, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Curti s, Finley, Rigsby OBJECTIVES
OT 812 Readings in the Septuagint (2) A survey of the origin, natur e and va lue of the Greek Old Testament with a reading of se lec ted porti ons and compari son with the Hebrew text. Investiga tion of the methods of the translators. Prerequisite: OT 705, NT 502 and departmental permission. Elective for Th.M. studen ts; others by departmental permission.* OT 880 Old Testament Seminar (2-4) Detailed research in some phase of the Old Testament field , such as spe- cific topics in historyand introduction or archaeology of selected geograph i- cal areas. Prerequisite: OT 705 and departmental permission. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmen- ta l permi ssion. May be repeated for credit with different emphasis.* OT 891-892 Research Seminar (3 ,2) Discussion and application of the cen- tral areas of Old Testament research and related fields of study. Instruction in research, including the iden tifica- tion of a probl em, the steps under- taken to resolve a problem, and writing the results. Required of tl1e first semes- ter of the Th.M. (O.T.) program. A second semester may be taken to con- tinue research in the area of interest. * * Electives are offered U)' rotation and on request.
OT 732 Seminar in Hebrew Exegesis (2-4) Aconsideration of selected Old Tes- tament passages with emphas is on historical background and detailed exegesis from the Hebrew text. May be repeated for credit with the study of different con tent. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.* OT 807 Old Testament Textual Criticism (2) Asnidyof the Massoretic notes, the par- allel passages and the versions with expla- nation of the variations. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective for Th.M. students; otl1- ers bydepartmental permis.1ion .* OT 809 Advanced Exegetical Studies (2-4) Application of exegetical methodology to selected passages from the Hebrew tex t of the Old Testament. Special attention given to the ancient versions and to current scholarship as it relates to text, language, history, and inter- pretive issues . May be repeated fo r credit wi th the study of different con- tent. Elective for Th.M. students; oth- ers bydepartmental permission.* OT 811 Seminar in Semitic Languages (2-4) In troductory grammatical studies in Ugariti c, Arabic, Akkadian, Syriac or Modern Hebrew; readings in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions; or other advanced Semitic studies. Pre- requisite: OT 705 and departmental permission. Elec ti ve for Th.M. stu- dents; oth ers by departmental permis- sion. May be repeated for credit with different emphasis.*
OT 708 Advanced Hebrew Reading (2) Selected passages of Hebrew text with emphasis on reading and translation . May be repeated with differe nt con- tent. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.* OT 709-71 O Reading of Selected Psalms from the Hebrew Text (2 , 2) Particu lar emphasis upon the devo- tional and practical values. Prerequi- si te: OT 604. Elec tive.* OT 715 Studies in the History and Culture of Israel (2) Historical and cultural examination of a period in Israel' s history (Exodus and Conquest, Judges, Uni ted Monarchy, Dil~ded Monarchy,Judah to the Fall of .Jerusalem, Post-Exilic), using available bibli cal and extra-bi blical mater ials. May be repeated with di fferent con- tent. Prerequisite: BE 519. Elec tive.* OT 717 The Old Testament in its Near Eastern Context (2) Examination of the archeology, hi s- tory an d lite rat ure of the Ancien t Near East as these subjects relate to interpretive issues in the Old Tes ta- me nt. Req uired of M.A. (Q .T. emphasis) . Elective.* OT 718 Archaeology of Palestine (2) The hi story of excavation, the history and geographyof the land and the bear- ing upon the Old Testament. Elective.* OT 720 Studies in Old Testament Introduction (2) Text, canon and examination of the founda tions and conclusions of mod- ern historical-critical methods. Spe- cial introduction of selected Old Tes- tament books to illustrate these topics of general introduction. Elective.* OT 725 Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha (2) Conside ration of the non-canonical li tera ture from the period be twee n th e Testaments. Emphasis on the development of Jewish thought dur- ing the centuries before the advent of Christiani ty. Elective.* OT 730 The Dead Sea Scrolls (2) A survey of the discoveries, the origin of the Qumram Communi ty, its belief and practices and the relationship of the finds to Old and New Testament studi es. Elective.* OT 731 Biblical Aramaic (3) Astudy of the grammar with emphasis on compari sons with Hebrew; u.mslat- ing of all the Aramaic of Daniel and Ezra. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.*
The department aims to acquai nt stu- dents with the life, customs and thought of the Hebrews and their neighbors in the biblical and related periods; and to give studen ts an accura te fo un dation in Hebrew grammar, syntax and exegesis, so that their expositions of the English Bible wi ll reflect this sound basis of interpreta- tion. 1l1e department purposes not to be exhaustive, but rather directive in the mat- ter of further independent studyfrom the original languages. COURSES OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I (3) Basic grammar with translation and written exercises; readings of selected biblical texts. A non-credit lab wi ll be required for all students. Required of M.Div. and M.A. (B.E. , N.T. and O.T. emphasis) students. OT 604 Elements of Hebrew II (3) Additional grammar and syntax with emphasis on reading and translation in selec ted texts . A non-credit lab will be requir ed for all stu dents. Required of M.Div. and M.A. (B.E., N.T. an d O.T. empha sis) students. Prerequisite: OT 603. OT 704 Old Testament Prophecy (2) The charac ter, extent and personali- ti es of Old Testament prophecy, with a treatment of principles of prophetic interpretation. Elective.* OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages (3) Read in gs and exeges is from th e Hebrew text of Genesis and selected passages with discussion of text cri ti- cism, background issues (hi storical and composi ti onal ) an d exegetica l methodology. Special attention given to the strengths and wea kn esses of contemporary methodologies fo r the interpre tation of the biblical tex t. Pre- requisite: OT 604.Required of M.Div., M.A. (O.T. emph asis) students. OT 706 Advanced Hebrew Grammar (2) Astudyof the details of Hebrew gram- mar and syntax along with readings in the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.* OT 707 Old Testament Poetry (2) Th e nature, scope and prin ciples of Hebrew poetry in the Old Tes tament. Comparisons with the poetry of the Near East. Elective.*
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