Practical Theology
administration as well as the use of the computer will be addressed. Prerequi- site: PT 730. Elective. PT 740 Ministerial Ethics (2) Astudy of the ethical issues unique to the pastor, his fami ly and the congre- gation. A study of the practice of church discipline as it relates to scrip- ture and society. Elective. PT 774 The Family of the Christian Leader (2) A consideration of the spec ial and unique problems faced by vocational Chri stian workers and their famili es. Includes all phases of occupational Christian ministry. Elective. PT 791-792 Field Internship (2 , 2) Integration of all the disciplines of min- istry and seminary education. It pro- '1des supm,ised experience in various phases of Christian ministry. One hun- dred hours of fi eld experience each semester are evaluated in classroom interaction. Required of M.Div. (Pas- toral and General Minisuies, Christian Education) students. Prerequisites: PT 602; Completion of 64 hours of the M.Div. program for PT 791,PT 792. PT 802 Spiritual Conflicts and Counseling (2) A study of the conflict between the kingdom of darkness and the king- dom of light with an emphasis on the authority, power, protection as well as the vulnerability of the believer. The techniques of counseling the spiri tually afflicted are also consid- ered. Elect ive for Th .M. students; others by departmental permission . PT 807 Integration of Psychology and Theology (3) Asurvey of the different approaches, models and attitudes for the integration of psychology and theology. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. (Cross listed with RSTP 722.) PT 880 Directed Research (1-3) In-depth in ves ti gation of a top ic under the guidance of the Practical Theology department usi ng standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by depart- ment approval. Elective . PT 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Discussion and application of the cen- tral areas of Practical Theology research and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identification of a problem, the steps taken to reso lve it, and writing the results. Required for the fi rst semester of the Th .M. (P.T.) program. Asecond semester may be taken to continue research in the area of interest.
Chri st and the Word of God provide meaning and purpose in life and bring resolu tion to personal and interper- sonal conflicts. Attention will be given to developing tl1e skills of Pastoral care and counseling. Required of M.Div. (Pastoral and General Min istries, Mis- sions, Urban/ Multi-Ethnic Minisuies). PT 711 Advanced Sermon Preparation (2) A skill-refi nement practicum in the essentials of exposi tory preaching, including eval uation of off-campus pulpit ministry. Prerequisites: PT 609, 6I 0. Elective. PT 715 Principles and Ethics of Communication (2) An explanation of the principles of communication and how they effect learning and change . An examina- tion of the ethi cal issues of persuasion such as emotional appeals, use of gui lt, fear and personalities. Elective. PT 717-718 Research Seminar (1 -2) In-dep th invest igation of a topic under the guidance of the Practical Theology department using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by depart- ment approval. Elective. PT 721 Pastoral Skill Development (2) Combining of classroom experience with fie ld trips to jails, prisons, hospi- tals, sanitariums and various self-help groups. Exposure to the problems of humanity and specialists who work with those problems. Prerequisite: PT 602. Elective . PT 724 Small Group Ministries (2) Roles of smal l groups in tl1e church in pro'1ding fe llowsh ip, mutual ministry and edification. Skills for organizing and leading groups. Introduction to dynam- ics of smallgroup interaction. Elective. PT 726 Creative Preaching (2) An exploration of several ways to proclaim God's Word such as topical, tex tual , inductive, dialogical , dramatic narrative, evangelistic and life situation preaching. Prerequisites: PT 609,610. Elective. PT 730 Biblical Leadership and Management (3) The biblical basis for organizational man- agement and leadership. Examination of the process of planning, organizing, leading and supporting from a biblical basis and made applicable to Christian service and ministry. Required of M.Div. (Pastoral and General Minisuies). PT 734 Church Finance and Administration (2) An examination of the biblical principles of stewardship, fund raising and financial accountabili ty. Office and physical plant
PT 617 The Pastor and Music (2) A study in the theory and practice of church music, an analysis of contem- pora1y music and the development of basic skills in leading congregational
Chair: Michael Boersma, M.Div. FACULTY Associate Professor: McIntosh Assistant Professor: Boersma OBJECTIVES
singing and worship. Elective. PT 620 Principles and Practice of Worship (2)
The purpose of the Practical Theology deparunent is to prepare the student for three areas of service: to lead the body of Christ in worship; to lead and equip Chri st ians to bui ld up one another; and to train them to reach their community fo r Christ. COURSES PT 51 O Evangelism and Follow-Up (3) The bibli cal principles and practice of evangelism and discipleship. The class will seek to develop the skills of per- sonal evangeli sm, determine strategies for a discipleship minisu,,, and explore the th eory and practice of small group ministries. Required of M.Di v., and M.A. (B/ T.S. emphasis) students. PT 591 Introduction to Field Education (1) Introduction into the practical elements of minisuy. Emphasis 1,,ill be placed on career plann ing, fi eld experience and preparation for Field Education Intern- ship in the M.Div. program. Required of M.Div. students. Lab fee: S40. PT 592 Field Education (0) Weekly involvement in minisll)' with satisfactory compl etion of student 's self-evaluation form , supervisor's eval- uation form and pastoral intervi ew form. Required of M.Div. students. PT 602 Pastoral Ministry (3) Astudy of a pastor's call , purpose, and role in minisu,•. Special attention will be give n LO providing leadership in worship, music, ordinances, weddi ngs, funerals, and hospital and home ,,isita- tion. The priority and care of ministe- rial staff fami lies will be addressed as well as community relations. Required of M.Div. (Pas toral and General Min- istries, Christian Education) . PT 609-610 Sermon Preparation (3, 3) A consideration of the fundamentals of speech as they relate to the pulpit ministry. A study of the techniques and fu nd ame ntals of sermon con- struction and persuasive delivery of expository sermons. PT 609 is prereq- uisite to PT 6IO. Required of M.Div. students; PT 609 required for M.A. (Min. ) students. PT 611 Practical Theology Seminar (1-2) Discussion of one or more facets of the ministry with an emphasis on serv- ing in the local church . Elective.
Exploration of biblical, psychological , practical , historical and contemporary dimensions of Christian worship. Elective. PT 622 Church Planting in the USA (2) The study of the components, such as geography, demography, strategy and impl ementatio n, that goes into church planting in the USA. Elective. PT 624 Principles of Church Growth in the USA (3) A study of church growth principles and practices as applied primarily to the North American context. Special emphasis wi ll be placed on defining current trends and co ntemporary models of ministry. Elective. PT 625 Issues in Asian Ministry (2) Aresearch and discussion based sympo- sium addressing va1ious issues related to pastoral ministry within the Asian Amer- ican context. Among the many issues addre sed are inter-generational, theo- logical, and min istry phi losophy con- cerns. Recommended for all students interested in or currently involved 11,ith Asian American Minisuies. Elective. PT 630 Discipleship (2) An exam in ation of interpersonal relationships and charac ter develop- ment as appli ed to the process of di scipleship . Elective. PT 691 Field Education (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with sa ti sfac tory compl etion of student 's self-evaluation form, supervisor's eval- uation form and lay leader's interview form. Required of M.Div. students. PT 692 Field Education (0) Weekly involvement in ministry with satisfactory compl et ion of student 's self-evaluation form , supef\,isor's eval- uati on form and sermon evaluation form. Required of M.Div. students. PT 703 The Church and Society (3) A study of biblical ethics and the role the local church plays in the commu- nity. Special attention 11,ill be given to major social problems such as sanctity of life, chemical abuse, domestic '10lence, social ills , and the political process. Required of M.Div. (Pastoral and Gen- eral Minisuies, Christian Education). PT 705 Pastoral Counseling (3) The principles and practice of biblical counseling, seeking to understand how
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