

World Missions


A DIVISION OF THE SCHOOL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES Chair: Harold Dollar, D.Miss., Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Cook, Kwast, S. Lingenfelter Associate Professors: Dollar, Douglas, Hayward, Kraft,J. Lingenfe lter Assis tant Professor: Steffen OBJECTIVES The minister is faced \11 th cross-£ul- tural challenges in the communi ty and congregation, is expected to provide a degree of mission 11sion to the congre- gation, and will likely recruit people for missions. The missionary needs cross- cultural training along with theological training. The church needs a true vision for evangelism and worldwide mission. Th e program of this department is designed to provide such training based on Biblical principles that have been proven valuable in cross-niltural min- istry, missions, and human services. Any Talbot student may take elec- tive courses through the School of Inter- cultural Studies. Students in the Master of Di11nity or Master of Theology pro- grams with a major in missions are required to take CL 520, 503 or 702, HM 640, 751 , ST 560 or HM 540 and ST 661. Students in the Master of Di11nity program in Urban / Multi-Ethnic Min- istries are required to take CL 520, 531, 503 or 702, and ST 560. Students in the Mas ter of Min istry program with an emphasis in missions, are required to take HM 546, 640, 751,ST 560 and 661. Studen ts should plan to take HM640 as earlyin their studyprogram as possible. Missions maj ors should plan to take as many electives as possible from the courses listed below. For a complete list of course descrip- tions see the School of lntercultural Studies sec tion in the university catalog. COURSE DESCRIPTIONS lntercultural Studies CL 503 Economy, Society and Values (3) The studyof economic and social rela- ti ons as tli ey impact human va lues, with emph as is on analyti c too ls for comparative research and cross-cu l- tural ministry. Prerequisite: 300. CL 510 General Linguistics (3) The study of descrip ti ve lingui st ics and its relevancy in language learning and Bible transl ation . CL 520 Interpersonal and lntercultural Adjustment (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with foc us on personal and interpersonal

adjustment with nationals and other mis- sionaries; language, value confli cts, sta- tus and role, culture shock, stereotypes, cultural limi tationsand related topics. CL 531 Peoples of Ethnic America (3) A stu dy of non-caucasian et hn ic groups in America in the light of th ei r hi sto ri ca l and socio-cultural back- ground. Practical field experience in an ethnic communi ty. Fee: $35. CL 533 Ethnic Minorities in Selected Cultures (3) Examines the problems, aspirations, and needs of ethnic minorities in selected cultures, the difficul ties of detennining basic human rights, and the con fli cts associated with the demands of national governments, cultural and ethnic ties, and rel igious traditions. CL 622 lntercultural Communication (3) Principles and processes of communi- cat ing from one cultu re to anoth er. Focus on different perceptions, ways of thinking, values, non-verbal expres- sion , language expression and sub- groups within a culture as they relate

HM 546 History of the Expansion of Christianity (3) The background, origin , deve lopment and spread of the Christian faith from the apostolic peri od until today. Empha- siswill be given to the modem era, espe- cially contempordl)' growth dynan1ics in Africa,Asiaand Latin America. HM 550 Christianity and Culture (3) Anth ropology approach to Christian theologizing; interrelationships between supracultural Chris tiani ty and human cultures. Focus on conversion, revela- tion, communication, transformation , indigeneity and other related topics. HM 555 Introduction to World Missions (3) The nature of Christian outreach; a st udy of pr in ciples, history, and methodology of wor ldwide missions.

ST 562 Culture Change (3) The studyof howcultures change, the dynamics and processes of change , the place of change agents and the speed and intensity of change. Impli- ca ti ons of such processes are exam- ined in social, political, economic and religious aspects of society. ST 565 Leadership Emergent Patterns (3) The study of the principles and patterns used by God as He raises up leaders for His work. Th is study will include a dis- cussion of the 11tal place of spi ritual for- mation in leadershipdevelopment. ST 570 Introduction to Bible Translation (2 or 3) An in u·oduction to the principles and problems of intercultural communica- tion Mth special emphasis on translat- ing the Bible into indigenous languages. ST 661 Introduction to Church Growth (3) A basic understanding of church growth concepts as related both to the local congregations and to the task of worl dwide evangel ization, with due emphasis on the Ch ur ch Growth school of thought. ST 662 Mission in Political Contex1 (3) Considera tion of modern political ide- ologies and movements as they affect the church and its mission in selected national contex ts. ST 672 Bible Translation (3) Principles of the semantic analysis of discourse structu re. Prerequis ite: Advanced Linguistics. ST 680 The Local Church and World Missions (3) Designed to integ rate principl es of cross-<:ultural communication and the- ology and strategy of mi ssionswithin a total conceptual framework to aid the local church in mission involvement. ST 765 Leadership (3) Cross-cultural study of leadersh ip including di verse patterns of author- ity, legitimacy, public support , leader- ship recruiunent, and u·aining as th ey affect communication , Church growth and development worldwide. ST 775 Anthropology/ Linguistics for Biblical Interpretation (3) An integration course, exploring how methods and perspectives in anthro- pology and linguistics may illuminate lingui sti c and cultural featur es of scripture, building upon the.founda- tion of the grammati ca l histori ca l method of Biblical interpretation. Prerequisites: BE 517 Hermeneuti cs and Bible Study Methods.

Required of M.Div. students. HM 556 World Religions (2)

The distin ctive features of the hi stori- ca l ethni c re li gio ns, with special emphasis on their compa ri son and encounter with Christian ity and their bearings upon mi ssionary strategies. HM 640 Cultural Anthropology for Mis- sionaries (3) The nature of man and hi s culture , special emphasis on intercultural com- munication of the Gospel. HM 655 Contemporary Theology of Mission (3) An overview and critique of the vari- ous theo logies of mission advocated by var ious branches of the Churc h down through the centuri es , begin- ning with Edinburgh 1910 to the lib- eration theology debate of our day. HM 732 Advanced Church Planting (3) Asurvey and analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of var ious church plant ing strategies used around the world. Identifies key factors which the church planter can implement in a contex t specific, phase-out ori ented church planting strategy. HM 742 History of Missions (3) The background, deve lopment and spread of Christi an ity through world missions; geographical thrusts, growth dynamics and church structures. HM 751 Theology of Mission (3) An introduc tion to th eo logy on the biblical basis fo r mission. This study seeks to examine the motives, aims and methods of mission from both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Society, Technology and Missions ST 560 Urban Research and Ministry (3) The use of social science techniques to learn about th e people, needs and opportunities for evangelism in the city.

to the media and the message. CL 702 Social Organization (3)

Cross-cultural study of the basic human groups of family, kin and com- muni ty, engaging the student in fi eld methodology and research , and appli- cation of principles and data of social organi zation to mission strategy. PR 791-792 Field Practicum (2 , 2) A program designed to give exper i- ence in various phases of intercultural ministry. Field involvement 100 hours each semes ter, and regular meeting for reporting and discussion. Prereq- uisite: 64 un its of the M.Div. degree program for PR 791 and 80 hours for PR 792. Required of and limited to M.Div. students majoring in missions. CL 897-898 Research Seminar (1 -4, 1-4) Supervised research into some prob- lem of special interest to the studen t approved by the professor. May be taken for one semester or con tinued throughout the year wi th the same problem under considera tion. Elec- ti ve for Th.M . stud en ts; others by departmental permission. History and Theology of Missions HM 540 Principles of Church Planting (3) Astudy of the biblical mandate to estab- lish local churches among all of the peoples mak ing up mankind. Special emphasis on in tercultural church plant- ing among the unreached peoples of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the eth- nic minorities of the western world.

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