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There are two consecutive th esis seminars for those electing to write a th esis (Thesis Fi rs t Draft and Thesis Final Draft). These seminars are taken during th e student 's last year. During the third semester before graduation, the student must, with the approval of his major advisor, select a thesis sul:r ject, do research, and develop an out- line and bibli ography. During th e fi nal year, the thesis can be written in conj unction 111th these two courses. See the Talbot student handbook and library handbook fo r dates, dead- lines and requirements . HE 793 Thesis First Dralt/M.A. (0) Required fo r M.A. (B.E., N.T. , O.T. , T.H ., and B/ TS) studen ts. Fee: $100. HE 794 Thesis Final Dralt/M.A. (0) Required fo r M.A. (B.E., N.T. , O.T., T.H., and B/ TS) students. Fee: $100. HE 795 Thesis First Dralt/M.A.C .E. (2) Requi red for M.A.C.E. students. This course wi ll be taken at the completion of 32 uni ts. Neither this course nor HE 796 is appli cable toward gradua- tion unl ess both have been completed. HE 796 Thesis Final Drall/M .A.C.E. (2) Required for M.A.C.E. smdents. This course will be taken at the completion of 48 uni ts . Ne ither this course nor

HE 795 is applicable toward gradua- tion unless both have been completed. HE 797 Thesis First Dralt/M.Div. (2)

RL 711 Elements of Ecclesiastical Latin (3) Basic grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the Latin language with a ,1ew toward reading ecclesiastical texts. Elective. RL 712 Selected Readings in Ecclesiastical Latin (2) Represe ntati ve selec tions from Latin ecclesias ti cal tex ts, in cl uding liturgi- cal, didactic and confess ional writings. Samples will be drawn from patri stic, medi eval and Ren ai ssance/ Reforma- tion Latin writers. Prerequisi tes: LG 711 or permi ss ion of the instructor. RG 721 Elements of Theological German (2) Basic grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the German language 111 th a11ew toward readi ng theological texts. Elective. RG 722 Selected Readings in Theological German (3) Readi ng of re presenta ti ve selec ti ons from theological texts. Prerequisite : LG 72 1 or permission of the insu-uctor.

ST 802 Spiritual Conflicts in Crosscultural Context (3)

Reviews the hist01ical and contemporary world,1ew beliefs in the existence and acti,1 ty of spirirual beings or forces often encountered by the crosocultural worker. Atheology of spirits is developed to help establish theoretical and practical guide- lines for appropriate understanding of and response to spiritual beli efs and potential conflicts encountered in vari- ouscros.sculrural setting. ST 860 The Church in Third World Societies (3) The message, method and ro le of the evange li cal church in societi es under- go in g socio-tec hn olog ica l change . Elective for Th .M. students, others by departmental permission. ST 861 Alternative Delivery Systems in Education (3) Contemporary technologies and travel ease offer new possibilities fo r traini ng na ti onals. Thi s course will examine such sys tems as th eological education by extension, in-sen•ice short courses and distance educa ti on to eva luate th eir suitab ility and effective ness. Elective fo r Th.M. students; others by departmental permission . ST 872 Advanced Bible Translation (3) Di scourse considerati ons in translat- ing from Greek into indigenous lan- guages. Prerequisite: Greek. Fo r additi onal courses see th e School of Intercultural Studies.

Required for M.Div. students electing to write a thesis. This course will be taken after the completion of 64 units. Neith er thi s course nor HE 798 is applicable toward graduati on unless both have been completed. HE 798 Thesis Final Dralt/M.Div. (2) Required for M.Div. students electing to write a thesis. This course will be I T-29

taken at the completion of 80 units. Ne ither thi s course nor HE 797 is appli cable toward graduation unless both have been completed. HE 799 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) Studen ts who need extra time to work on first or final draft of the thesis are required to register for this course to maintain degree status. Fee: $100. HE 891 Thesis First Drall/TH.M. (3) Required fo r all Th .M. students. HE 892 Thesis Final Drall/TH.M. (3) Required for all Th .M. smdents. HE 899 Thesis Continuous Registration (0) Students who need extra .time to work on first or fin al draft of the thesis are required to register fo r this course to maintain degree status. Fee: $ 100.

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