Independent Studies (ITS)
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These independent study courses offer lectures on casselle tapes by out- standing biblical scholars. ITS courses may be taken at Talbot only for gradu- ate level credit toward electives, pre- requisite credit or unresolvable sched- uling problems as follows: Mastrr ofDivinity 6 elective units or unresolvable scheduling problem 12 prerequisite units Master of Arts 4 elective units or unresolvable scheduli ng problem 12 prerequisite units Masin ofArts red11red (AnyMaster of Ans reduced program) 2 elective un its or unresolvable scheduling problem 12 prerequisite units Courses include a primed syllabus which provides a broad outline of the lectures, review questions and a bibli- ography. Requ irements for credit include textbook assignmems, collat- eral reading, researc h papers and examinations , all of which are out- li ned in a programmed syllabus. The regular mition fees are charged for each course regardless of the number of units for which a student is already enrolled and include costs for tapes and programmed syl labus. Tapes must be ordered through the Talbot Dean of Fac- ultyoffice. ITS courses maynot nonnally be used in lieu of required courses. Students who desire graduate credit fo r ITS cou rses must meet the normal requi rements for admission to Talbot and register for the courses through the Admissions and Registrar's Offices. Fu rthe r de tai ls may be obtained from the Talbot Dean of FacultyOffice. COURSES
Bronze Age materials from Palestine which provide insight into th e cultural background for th is era. TS 503 The United Monarchy (2) John J. Davis, Th.D. An historical , archaeological and theo logical analysis of the period of the nited Mo narch y in Israel. Archaeolog ical discover ies from the Iron Age I period cited to illustrate important cultural trends of th is era. Particular attention given to the books of I and II Samuel, the fi rst ten chap- ters of I Ki ngs, and the parallel pas- sages in Chron icles and Psalms. TS504 The Divided Monarchy (2) j ohn C. \"lhitcomb,Jr., Th.D. The history of Israel from th e beginning of Solomon's apostasy (I Kings 11 ) about 950 B.C. to the Baby- lonian Captivity (II Kings 25) in 586 B.C. Special emphasis given to th e miracle ministries of Elijah and Elisha. Parall el passages from the Chronicles and the prophetic books scrutinized, as we ll as evidence from contempo- rary secular history.
TS 550 Church Leadership and Administration (2) Kenneth 0. Gangel, Ph.D.
study idemifies and inductivelyderives the center or focal poin t fo r the theol- ogy of both the Old and New Testa- ments. It also deals with the amo un t of continuity and di sco ntinuity between the Old and New Testa- ments. Included are the topics of sav- ing faith , the people of God, the role of the law of God, the worsh ip of God, the doctrine of atonement, re lation- ship between the law and wisdom the- ology, kingdom of God, the Messiah , the inclusion of the Gemiles, the the- ology of the Holy Spirit , and th e preparation of the new covenan t TS515 The Post-Exilic Prophets (3) Richard 0. Rigsby, Ph.D. Asurvey of the hi storical context and Biblical context of the prophets Haggai. Zechariah, and Malac hi , with and exposition of each of these three books. TS 520 The Sermon on the Mount (2) john R. Stoll, M.A. , D.D. The course, originally presented at Trini ty Evangel ical Divinity School, is a consecutive exposition of Jesus ' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. The emphasis is upon the distinctive character that is expec ted of the Christian and upon the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. For th e student desiring seminary credit , a pro- grammed syllabus requires an exposi- tOt)' and ready study with emphasis on the practical and spiritual applicat ion of the Sermon on the Mount and upon th e theological issues and histor- ical interpretations of that passage. TS 524 The Epistle to the Romans (3) 1-/aro/d W. 1-/oelmer, Th.D. , Ph.D. An exegetical-theological study of Paul' s epist le to the Romans in the Greek text. It involves the u·eatment of selected historical, grammatical, struc- tural , and lexical data which evaluate the mean ing of th is important New Testament document. Special empha- sis is given to the th eological themes and over-all argument of the Epistle. Thi s course assumes a basis sk ill in Greek exegesis and the ability to make grdmmatical and tex tual critical evalua- tionsand to do Greek word stmlies. TS 527 The Pastoral Epistles (3) john R. Stott, M.A. , D.D. An exposition of I and II Timothy and Titus. Emphasis on the authority of Paul and his message and the need to guard that message, as we ll as the responsibilities of the local church and its leaders.
A course designed to develop leadershi p potential in students and to give them a fami liaritywith the vari- ous elements of the admin istrative process, including: goal setting and achieving , organization , delegation , human re lations , group dynamics, supervision and the training of other leaders. Though the pri nciples are universal, in the focus of the course is the Christian organ iza tion, particu- larly the local church. TS 571 The Ancient Church (3) Richard C. Gamble, Th.D. From the close of the New Testa- ment in 95 A.O. to approximately 600 A.O.; the church and the Roman Empire; eccles iastica l organization ; development of th eology and dogma; Christian life and worship. TS 572 Reformation Church History (3) W. Robert Godfrey, Ph.D. Astudy of the development of the theology, the pietyand the churches of the Reformation against the backdrop of the social, political and inte llectual character of the sixteenth cellllll)'- TS 573 The History of Christianity in America (3 ) John D. l-la11nah, Th .D. , Ph.D. Astudyof the Protestant churches in America from colonial beginn ings to the present with emphasis on the numerous innuences that have forged the current re ligious scene. TS 574 The Theology of Jonathan Edwards (3) John H. Gertsne,; Ph,.D. An examination of the theology of Jonathan Edwards in detail. Taking a topical approach, the course covers Edwards ' teach ings regarding all the major points of Sys tematic Theology with particular emphasis on Edward 's un ique theological contributions. TS 581 Introduction to World Christian Missions (2) William D. Taylor, Ph.D. An introductory survey of the the- ology, history, cu lture , po liti cs, and methods of the Christian mission , 11~th special emphasis on recent devel- opments, crucial issues and future trends, end ing with a study of mi s- sions in the local church. TS 582 The History of Missions (3) J. Herbert Kane, L l-1.D. Thi s course traces th e histor ic development of the Christian mission
TS 505 The Book of Psalms (2) Bmce K. Waltke, Th.D., Ph.D.
An introduction to the book of Psalms with emphasis on the princi- pl es in volved in the exegesis of hym- nic li terature as well as application of these principles to selected portions. TS 506 Understanding the Old Testament (3) Bnice K. Waltke, Th.D. , Ph.D. Asurvey of the history of salva tion in the Old Testament especially as it relates to the universal of Old Testa- ment theology, i.e. the rule of God or the establishment of God's kingdom upon the earth. Aworking knowledge of Hebrew considered to be helpful
but not required for this course. TS 507 The Book of Proverbs (4) Bmre K. Waltke, Th.D., Ph.D.
TS 501 The Pentateuch (2) R. l,aird 1-/anis, Ph.D.
A critical imroduction to the first five books of the Bible. Examination of such subj ects as th e problems of Genesis 1-1 I, the Higher Criticism of the Penta teuch, the ch ronolog ical issues, and the archaeological and cul- tural background of the Pentateuch. TS 502 Conquest and Settlement (2) john J. Davis, Th.D. Astudy of the conquest and settle- me nt period in Israel's history from the perspective of archaeology, theo- logical tru ths and history. The books in cluded are: J os hu a, J udges and Ru th . Spec ial conside rat ion of Late
An exegetical studyof the Book of Proverbs in both its cultural and histor- ical se tti ng and its li terary se tting with attention to its critical and hermeneuti- cal problems. To get the full benefit out of the course, a knowledge of Hebrewis required for seminary credit. TS 509 The Christian and Old Abiblical and theological study of the foundational theology appl ied by the Old Testament for the New Testa- ment and the Christian Church. This Testament Theology (3) Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. , Ph.D.
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