TYPICAL COSTS The combination of tuition, fees and associated expenses at Biola Universi ty is suffi cientlyhigh that it is necessary for studcn1.1 to carefully calculate their financial resources and cosl.5. The fo~ l0111ng estimated student budget rcnem the average cost to full- time studenL, for the 1993-94 academic year (nine month): Undergraduate With 011 Off Pare11ts Campus Campus Tuition & Fees SI 1,388 $11 ,388 SI 1,388 Books & Supplies 612 612 612 Room & Board 1,998 4,736 5,526 Personal/Misc. 1,548 1,350 1,548 Transponation 684 576 684 TOTAL $16,230 S18,662 $19,758 Graduate - Master's Programs and Specials (except Rosemead) (Based 011 9 u11its With 011 Off per semester) Pare11ts Campus Campus Tuition & Fees 54,842 S4,842 $4,842 Books & Supplies 612 612 612 Room & Board 1,998 4,736 5,526 Persona l/Misc. 1,548 1,350 1,548 Transportation 684 576 684 TOTAL S9,684 Sl 2,11 6 Sl 3,2I2 Doctoral - Ed.O. and O.Miss. (Based 011 12 u11its \.\' i1h On Off per semester) Parems Campus Campus Tu ition & Fees Books & Suppli es SI 1,388 612 SI I ,388 612 $11 ,388 612
PAYMENT OPTIONS Astuden t's account must be current (no outstanding bal- ances) prior to 1-c-cnrollment in subsequent sessions. Cost of tuiti on, room and board and special fees may be paid in one of the fol lowi ng ways: Plan 1 - Payment of each session in full on or before the dayof registration. Plan 2 - Adown payment at the time of registration with payment of an)' remaining balance by the first payment due date (October 15- fal l semester; March 15- spr ing semes- ter). Down payments include 60%of the balance of tuition , room and board charges less con firmed li nanc ial aid plus 100% of incidental charges such as insurance and ve hi cle registration. No fin ance charges arc assessed. Plan 3 - r\ down payment as described in Pl.AN 2 111th the remain ing balance in three paymen1.1 (October-December or March-May) . Afinance charge of 1.5% per month of the lirst S 1,000 of unpaid balance and I%per month of unpaid balance orerS1,000 is added at each billing to carrythe accoun t. All pay- men1.1 are due in the Student Accounting Office on or before the 15th of the month as indicated in the billing summary. DOWN PAYMENT Minimum down payments 1 arc calculated accordi ng to the fo ll owing schedu le: :Vlas1er' s a11d Special 1 l ndcrgradua1e Prog rams'.\ On Campus S4,837 $2,873 Off Campus S3,4 I7 $1,453 1-3 units 100% 100% 4-6 units 75% 75% 7 units and above 60% 60% Graduate Ed. D.&D.\liss.~ 2 Psychology
Room & Board Personal/Misc. Transportation TOTAL Graduate Psychology
1,998 1,548 684 $16,230
4,736 1,350 576 $18,662
5,526 1,548 684 SI 9,758
$6,281 $4,505 100%
$3,985 $2,565 100%
On Campus Off Campus 1-3 units
Off Campus $12,012
Wi1h Parems
011 Campus $12,012
75% 60%
4-6 units
7units and above 4 units and above
Tuition & Fees
50 1
50 1
In terterm (lst yr. ) Prof. Growth Fee Books & Suppli es* Roo111 & Board Personal/Misc. Transportation**
Notes /Jow11 /}llymmts i11r/11de the amounts shown011 this srhed11le/il11s ill(i- de11tal rharges s11r/1 as i11sum11re and vehirle 1ffsistmtio11. Charges other tha11 tuition, momand board m11s/ be paid in full al thetimeof registration. 2 Down /iayments in the Cmdnate Ps)'rl,olog)' program inrl1ufr the amo11nls shown 011 this srhed11le plus inriden tal rharges surh as insur- anre and vehirle registration. At the time of registration, i5 % of the applimbleProfessional Growth Feemust also be paid.
1,998 1,548
5,526 1,548
4,736 1,350
S2 1,883
*$650 for first year students **May be acljusted for prac ticum travel expense.
3 Assumes 9 units prr semester.
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