Christian Activities
Avedis Panajian, Ph.D. United States International University ABPP: Early Object Relationships, Individual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Arthur L. Prescou, Ph.D. University of Southern California: School of Psychology: Clinical Supervision Pamela Scavio, Ph.D. California School of Professional Psychology: Therapy Nancy Smith , Psy. D. Rosemead School of Psychology: Group Therapy S. Philip Sutherland, Ph.D. Uni ve rsi ty of Southern Cali fornia : Individual Didactic Psychotherapy DISTINCTIVES Rosemead ' s major educational distinct ives are its strong professional train ing orien tation and its goal of relating the data and concepts of psy- chology to th ose of Chri stian th eo l- ogy. Since both psychology and th eol- ogy address the human conditi on, Rosemead's faculty believes there is a great deal to be gained by an interdis- ciplinary study of the nature of per- sons. Consequently, all students take a series of th eology courses and semi- nars designed to swdy th e re lation- ship of psychological and theological conceptions of human fun ctioning. This seri es of courses lengthens Rose- mead's doctoral program by approxi- mately one year beyond most four year clinical programs. Whi le recognizing that the di sc i- plines of psychology and theology have some very different data and method- olog ies, th eir overlapping content , goa ls and principles provides a rich resource fo r interdisciplinary study. Issues growing out of these overlap- ping concerns cover a range of topics rel ating to research , theory and clini- cal practice. Byencouraging this study Rosemead is anemp ting LO train psy- chologists with a broad view of human nature that includes a sensitivi ty to the religious dimension of life. Through its interac ti on with members of the Christian community, Rosemead is also commiued to demonstrating LO the church the potentially significant contributions and understanding of the data and methods of psychology can make to the Church's role of min- istering to the whole person.
therapy, students begin their forma l practicum and psychot herapy lab courses. Students are placed in such professional facilities as outpati ent clinics, hospitals, co ll ege counse ling centers, public schools and commu- nity health organiza tions on the basis of their individual readiness, needs and imerests. These practicum expe- riences are supervised both by Rose- mead's faculty and qualifi ed profes- sionals work ing in th e pr ac ticum agencies. In the psychotherapy lab courses, s1Udents receive both instruc- tion and supervised experience offer- ing clinical sen1ces from the theoreti- cal orienta ti on of the course. Stu- dents elect lab courses from offerings such as Psycho therapy with Adoles- ce nts, Marriage and Fam ily Therapy, Group Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, Biofeedback and Psychotherapywi th Chi ldren. During the third year most doc- toral students take two or three psy- chotherapy lab courses, continue thei r practicum placements and begin indi- vidual u-aining therapy. This therapyis designed to give the smdent first-hand experience in the role of a client and is considered an opportunity fo r both personal growth and for the learning of therapeutic principles and techniques. Aminimum of 50 hours of indi11dual training are required. Such issues as timing, choice of therapist and specific goals are determined by students in conjunction with their advisors and the Professional Training Committee. Wh en doctoral stude nts reach thei r fourth year most of their time is spent in independent study, electives and practicum experiences. This step- by-step progression in professional training experiences gives the swdent personal experience with a wide range of personalities in a variety of settings and provides the necessary prepara- tion for a full-time internship during th e fifth year of study. The internship is planned as an intensive cli ni cal experience to help students integrate the varied elements of th ei r prepara- tion in psychology into a congruent professional role . All internships must be facu lty approved in order to ensure a high leve l of profess iona l experience for the student. Placement in practicum agencies is made by the director of cli ni ca l training and internships are obtained by the student consonant wit h th e internship guidelines of the school.
Psy. D. students desiring to focus their professional practice on children, couples or famil ies maytake an empha- sis in Fami ly-Child Psychology. This emphasis requires completion of the following elective courses in addition to the regular doctoral requirements: Advan<ed Assessment of Ch~d (instead of Measurement and Assessment Ill: Proje<lives) Family Psychology and Psychopathology Marriage and Family Therapy Iand II Psychotherapy with Children Psychotherapy with the Adolescent Behavior Moclliamon with 0.1dren and Parents Students emphasizing in Family- Child Psychology also write their dis- sertations or doctoral research papers in a fam il y-c hild area, spend th eir year-long outpati ent practicum in a setting where at least one-half of their work iswith children, couples or fami- lies, and complete an internship in a seuing where at least one third of their work is with a famil y-child popu- lation. They mayalso elect other fam- ily related courses such as Develop- ment of Religious Understanding in Children and Ado lescent s, Human Sexuality and Community Mental Health : Psychoeducational and Pre- ventive Models. Professional Growth and Training At the heart of an effective u-aining program in professional psychology is the opportuni ty LO develop the personal in sigh ts and skills necessary for emphatic and effective in teraction in a 111de range of se ttings. In order to meet this need , Rosemead has developed a sequence of experiences designed to promote personal growth and compe- tency in interpersonal relationships as we ll as specificclinical skills. Beg inning in their fir st year of study, students participate in a vari ety of activities designed LO promote pro- fess ional aware ness and perso nal growth. The first year activities include active trai ning in empathy sk ills and on-campus prepracti cum experi ence. The prepracticum course consists of exercises to assess and fac ili ta te inter- personal skills, and the initial opportu- ni ty for the student to work with a vol- unteer college client in a helping role. During the second year, all stu- dents participate in group training therapy. As group members, students persona lly experience some of the growth producing aspects of groups counsel ing. In additi on 10 grou p
As members of a Christian univer- sity community, Rosemead 's facu lty believe the relating of one's faith LO an academic discipline goes beyond the theoretical and cognitive. Oppor- tuniti es for fell owshi p, dialogue and worship are seen as vital pans of the total educationa l process. Conse- quently, all swden ts are expected to parti cipa te in Rosemead's week ly chapel as we11 as a one year-long fel- lowship group. The fellowship groups begin in the first year of the student 's program. These activities provide an opportunity for students and their spouses to flesh out the personal impl ica tions of their faith and integra- tive study. They also provide opportu- nity fo r in formal, out of class interac- tion with facu lty spouses and other members of the Rosemead commu- nity. Students are also encouraged to become involved in one of the many local churches in the Southern Cali- fo rnia area. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The major M.A. , Psy.D. and Ph.D. degree requirements are summarized below. Since all students take a se t of basic courses in scienti fic psychology as we ll as in clinical psychology and theol- ogy, the firs t three years of the Psy.D. and Ph.D. u-acks are ve,y similar.
Master'sProgram in Clinical Psychology
A Maste r of Arts in cl ini cal psy- chology 1vill be gramed after the com- pletion of the first two years of either the Ph .D. or Psy .D. cur ri cu lum , including: A. Aminimum of 45 semester hours* in psychol ogy (including practicum and psychotherapylab courses), B. A minimum of nin e se meste r hours in theology, and C. Aminimum of one year of resident graduate wo rk. *"Hours and "units" are inter- changeable throughout this section.
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