




First Year Personalityand Psychopathology I

Learning and Motivation, Cognition & Affect or

Prcpracticum I

3 3 3 3 3

Learning, Cogni,ion & AfTec l Measurement/ Assessment II Personali,y & Psychopathology II

3 3 3 2 3

Intro lO Psychothcrap\' Mcast1remcnt/ Assessment I

l-listor,; &- S\'stcms

Prepracticum II

Theology I '

Theology II


l 15

Psycho,herapy & Rel igion

Second Year E,hica l & Prof Issues

Cross-Cuhural Issues in Clinical Psychology*

3 3 3 4

~lcasurcmcnt/ Assessmen t Ill

6 3


C'lalure & Scope or Sys<ems of Integration

Practicum I Theology III

3 l.!!l.. 4

PraCli cum II Theology IV





Third Year r\d\'anccd Statistics

3 3 2 3 4

Sl.ll Elec,ive

Research Design Practicum IV Integration Elective

SI.II El ccl incs SP\'Elwi1-cs Practi cum III

5 3 2

Neuropsychology* or Psychopharmacology

SPY/ SLB Elmi ves

Integration ElcctiYc



Fourth Year Theolo,"· \ ' Sl.B Elwirc Pract icum\'

SPY Electives SLB Electives PraCLicum VI

SPY/ SLB Electil'e

Integra ti on Elccti\'c

Integration El ective

Doctoral Research Seminar II or Psy.D. Dissenation Proposal

Doctoral Rc~carch Seminar I or Psy.D. Disscrmtion Proposa l

1 15



Filth Year Internship


No te: *For student ll 1 ith undergradua te course1uork in social and 1,hysiolog ical psychology. Students without undergraduate social psychology will take RSPY608, Social Psychology, instead of RSPY625 Cross Cult11 ra l Issues in Clinical P::.--ychology. Students without undergraduate physiological psychology will take RSPY607, Psychophysiologica l Processes instead o(Neuropsy- chology or Psychopharmacology. These alterna tiz,e courses wilf generally be taken during the spring of the second or third yea r. ,~,.'Second year students elect one of the following psychotherapy lab courses: RSLB6 /J Psychotherapy with Adolescents, RSLB642 Psychotherapy with Children, RSLB64J Behavior Modification u 1 ith Children a11d J>i1rents, or RSL/37 17 Gestalt Therapy.

Psy.O. in Clinical Psychology

devoted to the integration of a variety of theological and psychological concepts

experience, internship and dissertation, and less emphasis on forma l course- work. In order to be admiued to candi-

(3) Comprehensive Examinations

All students must pass a set of doc- toral-l evel comprehensive examin a- tions covering the fo llowing areas: I) psychological intervention and 2) psy-

( 1) Residence and Course Worli

in research, ll1e01y and practi ce.

A minimum of four years of resi- de nce is required for the doc torate. Wh il e th e doctorate is not awarded simply fo r completion of stated course work, there are basic unit require- me nts for the degree ( 133 semester hours). Each studem is assigned a fac- ultyadvisor who assists in the planning of each semester's schedul e of courses and supervises the studem's progress in the program. For transfer credit, see General Academic Information. Psychology: Psy. D. students must complete a minimum of 97 semester hours in psychology. These 97 uni ts must include at least 21 units selected from SLB elective psyc hot herapy courses, and 18 units of practicum. Studems may apply up to six un its of graduate coursework from the School of lntercultural Studies toward th e total psychology hours requirement. "/11po/o[!': All students must complete a minor in theology wh ich incl udes a

Dissertat ion 1/esearch: Students in Rosemead's Psy.D. track may fulfi ll the research component of their program either bywriting a disseruttion or by suc- cessfu lly completing a research con- sumershi p sequence (5 units) whi ch includes a year-long doctoral research seminar, a criti cal review of research lit- erature on a clinical topic and a profi- ciency exami nation for consumers of

dacy the studemmust have: ■ Successfullycompleted the Preliminary Oral Interview ■ Passed the Comprehensive

chology and theology.

Th ese examinations are given twi ce annuallyand serve as the major means of evaluating a studen t's suit- abil ity to cominue studies toward th e doctorate. The examinations may be taken ·any time after compl et ion of 75% of the course wo rk and must be successfull y compl eted prior to the Professional Qualifyi ng Examination. Psy .D. students who se lect th e non-di ssertation option wi ll take a


■ Received approval of dissertation proposal bythe Doctoral Commit- tee or completed the two-semester, five-credit Doctoral Research Semi- nar and comprehensive proficiency

cl inical research.

research examination

■ Completed train ing therapy

(2) Prehminary Oral Interview

(S) Professional Quot.lying Examination All Psy. D. students must success- full y complete an examination that evaluates the student's readiness for a fu ll-time internship. It may be taken any time after the compr ehensive examinations have been passed and must be completed six months prior to internsh ip. The examining committee may require the studem to complete additional course work, practicum, or oth er professional growth experiences prior to beginning the internship. See the Professional Qualifying Examina-

All students have an oral imeIView with a facu lty committee to evaluate ll1eir progress and potential for success- ful completion of ll1e doctoral program. This inten•iew is sc hedul ed after the completion of three semesters in resi- dence, -including al least one practicum assignment. The results of this inter- vieware reported lO facu lty which votes lO all ow the studem either to continue, to continue studi es wi th a Preliminary Oral lnten~ew review the fo llm,~ng year, or not to allow the student to continue

research proficiency exam

Only one retake of the examina- tion is allowed. The dates of the Com- prehensive Examina tions are specified

in th e Academic Calendar.

(4) Admission to Candidacy

Official candidacy for ll1e doctorate signifies an advanced stage in th e stu- dem's progress and is accompanied by a redefinition of full time enrollment wh ich enabl es the student to pl ace greater emphasis on hi s practi cum

minimum of 17 semester units.

Integration Seminars: All students par- ticipate in a seri es of seminars ( 14 uni ts)

in the doctoral program.

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