First Year Personalityand P,ychopathology I Jntro. lo Psvcho lhcrapy Ad, 0 ,111ced Stat ist ics Measi1rcmcnt / Assessment I
Learning and Moti,'ation, Cognition & AITect or
Prepranicum I
3 3 3 3 3
Learning, Cognition & Meet Measurement/ Assessment II
3 3 3 2 3
Research Dest1 PrepraClicum I
Theology I
Theolof 11
l 15
Psychot erapv & Religion
Second Year Practicum I
3 3 3 4 2 3 5 2 3 3
Personality and Psychopathology 11 Nature & Scope orSystems of Integration
3 3 4 3 2
Cross-Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology*
Ad,,rnced Research Design
Practicum II Theo\o~· l\l
Theo\o~• 1\1
Psycho t erapyLah** Research Apprent iceship
Researc 1 Apprenticeship
Third Year Histon' and Svstcms
Ncuror5>·chologi~ or Psrchopharmacologi•
Theologi· \' '
SPY/ S BElectives In tegration Elective
SPY/ Sl.B Elcnives
5 3 2
Dissertation Practicum IV
Practicum Ill
Int egration Elec tive
Fourth Year Ethical & Pro fc&sional Issues
6 3 3
SPY Electives SLB Electives
3 3 6 3
Integrat ion Elective
lmegration Elective
SLB Electives Dissenat ion
Filth Year Internship
0 In te rn ship Note: *For student with undergraduate courseivork in socia l and physiological psychology. Students without undergraduate social psychology 11.1ill take RSPY608, Social Psychology. instead of RSPY625 Cross Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology. Students without undergraduate physiological psychology will take RSPY607, Psychophysiological Processes instead of Neuropsy- cho/ogy or Psychopharmacology. These alternative courses will ge11era1/y be taken during the spring ofthe second or third year. *"Second year students elect one of the following psychotherapy lab courses: RSLB6 /3 Psychotherapy with Adolescents, RSLB642 Psychotherapy with Childre11, RSLB6-13 Beh,wior Modification with Children and Parents, or RSLB7 l 7 Gestalt Therapy.
Dissertation Research: 16 units of dissertation researc h are required
of each semester's schedule of courses and supervises the student's progress in the program, For transfer credit, see General Academic In formation, Psychology: Ph.D. students must complete a minimum of 86 semesters hours in psychology in addition to a doctoral dissertation. These 86 units include at least I2 uni ts selected from SLB elec ti ve psychotherapy courses, and 12 units of practicum (whi ch must be taken in res idence). Students may apply up lo six units of graduate coursework from the School of Inter- cul tural Studies toward the total psy-
lion Guidelines in student handbook
two semester , five credit doc tora l research seminar focusing on the criti- cal evaluation and utilization of clini- cal research; (b) a paper involvi ng a criti ca l review of research on a selected, clinically relevant topic; and (c) a proficiency examination evaluat- ing the sllldent's ability to criti cally eva lu ate current clinical resea rch papers, This proficiency exam is taken al the end of the first semester of the doctoral research seminar. Psy. D. stu- dents must either register for five units of credit for dissertation proposal or for the doctoral research seminar.
for further detail.
prior lo gran ting the Ph.D.
(II) Internship
(2) Preliminary Orol Interview
All students are required to com- plete a one-yea r, full-tim e clinical internship prior to graduation. All internships are to be approved in advance by the Clinical Training Com- mittee, For further detail s, refer to the Internship Guidel ines in student handbook. Internsh ip fee 's are listed in the psychology course section (STN
All students have an oral interview with a fac ulty committee to eval uate their progress and potential for suc- cessfu l compl eti on of the doctora l program, This intm~ew is scheduled after the completion of three semes- ters in residence, including at least one practicum assig nment. The results of this interview are reported to faculty which votes to allow the stu- dent to continue, to continue studies wi th a Prelimin ary Oral Interv iew review the following year, or not to all ow the student to continue in the
731 Internship ).
(7) Completion of Training Therapy
All students must receive certifica- tion of completion of training therapy from the director of clini cal training, Aminimum of 50 hours of group ther- apy plus 50 hours on individual ther- apy is required, See Training Therapy
(9) Final Oral Examination
chology hours requirement.
The final examinati on is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral comminee and other invited
'f1U!O/ogy: All students must complete a minor in theology which includes a
doctoral program.
minimum of 17 semester units,
(3) Comprehensive Examinations
Master 's Rmarch: Ph .D. swdents must complete a year-long M.A. level research project (SPY 600) involving literature review, problem conceptual- ization, data ga th er ing and analys is,
All students must pass a set of doc- toral-level comprehensive examina- tions covering the following areas: I) psychological intervention and 2) psy-
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology
Guidelines for further details,
1 I Residen<e ond Coursewon
(8) Dissertation OR Research Consumership
A minimum of four years of resi- dence is required for the doctorate. Whil e the doctorate is not awa rded simply for completion of stated course work, th ere are basic un it require- ments for the degree (133 semester hours). Each student is .assigned a fac- ulty advi sor who assists in the planning
All Psy. D. students must demon- st rate do ctoral-level maste ry of a resea rch area in clinical psychology, This may be done either by a disserta- tion or by a research consumership sequence, The research consumer- sh ip sequence is composed of: (a) a
chology and theology,
and report writing.
These exami nations are given two times annually and serve as the major means of evaluating a student 's su it- ability to continue studies toward the doctorate . The examinati ons may be taken any time after compl etion of
Integration Seminars: All students par- ticipate in a se ries of seminars (14 units) devoted lo the integration of a variety of theological and psychological concepts
in research, theory and practice.
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