

¼, in most graduate programs in psy- chology, competition is keen and enroll- ment is limited. In order to be admitted to full graduate standing the applicant must complywith the following: ( I ) Po sse ss a bacc alaureate

Admission of International Stu- dents and Resident Aliens

or its representati ve . Arrangements are made by the committee following a preliminary screening of applica- tions. Only those who are finalists in Rosemead 's admissions procedure, determined by the preliminary screen- ing, will be schedul ed for a personal interview. For finali sts from the ge n- eral Southern California area, inter- views are hel d on campus at La Mirada. Arrangements will be made by the chairperson of the Rosemead Admi ss ion Committee for those out- side the Southern Cali fornia area. Interviews are conducted in a number of ci ti es throughout th e country, gen- erally between January 15 and Febru- ary 28. Anon-refund able fee of $50 is due and payable followin g arrange- ments for the intel'\1ew. It is the responsibility of the appli- cant to make sure that all appl ication materials have been received. If there is any doubt , the appli cants should write to the University Admissions

A "UW" indi ca tes an un official withdrawal. Students who regis ter for a class but do not attend it are auto- mati ca ll y give n th e grade of "UW" which will influence the grade average the same as an "F. " A temporary mark of "RD " (Report Delayed) will be used in spe- cial cases of ex treme hardship where an exte nsion is warranted and approved by the dean. A stud ent must appeal for an "RD" grade before the end of the semester. Such a grade incurred in one semes ter must be made up by the end of the first nine (9) weeks of the next semester or the grade will automatica lly become a "W. " A "W" can be made up on ly by repetition of the course. No grade other than an "RD" may be altered once it has been reported to the registrar 's office unless an error was made in grad in g or record in g. These changes can onlybe made upon written approval of the insu-uctor, the registrar and the Committee on Admis- sions and Academic Qualifications. The following grades are also used in Rosemead records with special signifi ca nce for the professiona l aspects of the programs: S Satisfactory 0.00 points AUD Audit 0.00 points R Dissertati on research in progress 0.00 points IP Internship in Progress 0.00 points Professional Standards and Student Conduct The academic programs at Rose- mead are designed to prepare gradu- ates for li censure (on the doctoral leve l) by the professional li ce nsin g boards of the various states. Because of the professional nature of Rosemead's programs , students are required to maintain the standards of the psycho- logical profession as defined by the American Psychological Association , the state of California and the profes- sional psyc hologists who comprise Rosemead's faculty. As a part of Biola University, which serves a broad spec- trum of evange li cal churches , Rose- mead also has both a doctrinal state- ment and a statement of conduct (See ge neral informati on sec tion of cata- log) . Prospective applicants should be fami liar with th e standards. Students who do not abide by these standards or other institutional policies and proce- dures may be subject to probation or dismissal from the program.

See Admission and Registration

and Requirements section. GENERAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION Classification of Students

degree from an accredited college or university with an average grade of at leas t "B" for the junior and senior years , i. e., 3.0 an a 4.0 scale. (2) Prese nt an undergraduate program with either a major in psy- ..!!J

Graduate psychology st ud en ts mee ting all entrance requirements will be classified as regular graduate students. Students who do not fulfill all entran ce requirements may be admitted on a provisional status until they correc t the deficiency. Any such deficiencies must be removed with in one calendar yea r of a stud ent's admission as a provisional student. It is on ly in rare instan ces that a student will be accepted on provisional status. Students will be classified in the program as fo ll ows: First year 30 graduate units or less completed Second year 60 graduate units or less completed

chology or its functional equivalent (30 semester hours of credit in psy- chology). This should include at least one course in: General (introductory) psychology; statistical methods; experi- mental psychology; abnormal psychol- ogy; theories of personali ty; and learn- ing. Developmental psychology is an admissions requirement. If students have not taken the course before they are admitted into the program, they must take it at the undergraduate or graduate level before completion of the doctoral program. Also strongly recommended are courses in measure- ment theory, history of psyc hology; phys iological psychology or a year of biology/ zoology. If possible , under- graduate courses in Old and New Tes- tament survey and hermeneutics will strengthen the student's preparation for Rosemead. (3) Submit scores on the Graduate Record Examination Aptitude Test and Psychology Advanced Test. Informa- tion regarding testing dates and loca- tion may be obtained by writing to the Educational Testing Service, Box 955, Princeton, NewJersey08540. No appli- cant is exempt from submitting GRE scores which must be received prior to the deadline date ofJanuary 15. (4) Submit completed profile (not answer sheet) of the Minnesota Multi- phasic Personality Inventory (MMPI ). This test should be taken at a college testing service or from a licensed psy- chologist. Since this test material is confidential , Rosemead l)' ill not make copies of tests sent for admission pur- poses at any time. Applicants are referred to the course from which the testing was administered if they desire a clinical interpretation . (5) Submit five letters of recom- mendation on forms supplied by the school. Three of these are academic references and two are character ref- erences (pastor and personal friend) . (6) Appear for a personal inter- view with the Admissions Committee

Third year

90 graduate uni ts or less completed 120 graduate units or less completed Class work complete and in ternship in progress

Office for ve rification. Application Deadline

Fourth year

Since enrollment is limited and admission is on selective basi s, appli ca- tions should be made as earlyas possi- ble. The application deadline isJanu- ary 15. Decisions are made only on completed applications. Rosemead currently admits new students for the degree programs only in th e fall semester each year. Applications sub- mitted after the January 15 deadline wi ll rarely be ·considered for the fol-

Fifth year

Dissertation (ABD)

Al l requirements met except for dissertation .

Grading System

Students 1vishing to obtain a grad- uate degree must maintain a consis- tent ly high academic performan ce throughout their program. An overall B average, i.e. , 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, is required for all degrees. Only grades of "A", "B", "C" earn graduate credit. Grad es of all stud ents are recorded in the reg istrar's office. Grading is on the following basis: Grade Grade f1oints A Superior achievement 4.00 A- 3.67 B+Above ave rage achievement 3.33 B Average achievement 3.00 8- Low average achievement 2.67 Ct Minimum passing performance 2.33 C Minimum passing performance 2.00 C- Minimum passing perfonnance 1.67 F Failure 0.00 A "W" indi ca tes an official with- drawal from a course and does not affect the student's grade average.

lowing fall semester. Notice of Decisions

The Admissions Committee wi ll process applications as quickly as pos- sible following the January 15 dead- line, though time must be allowed for comp letion of personal interviews . Certificates of Acceptance will be mailed on or before April I. Informa- tion concern ing the status of an appli- cation will not be given except by let- ter from the Dean of Admin istration following ac ti on by the Admissions Committee. Because of th e large number of app li cants, information cannot be given by telephone. In the event that an applicant has not heard from the committee by May I, written inquiry maybe made.

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