


Academic Probation

tion to retu rn to the program. Change of status forms are available from the Registrar's Office. A leave of absence must be renewed by petition each semes ter and may not exceed two consecuti ve semesters. A leave of absence longer than two semesters will require wit h- drawal from the program and a peti- tion for readmission if the student later wishes to regain active staws. The committee responsible for pro- cessi ng readmission reques ts is the Admi ssions and Academic Qualifica- tions Commi ttee. Eac h leave of absence must receive the approval of the studen t's adviso r an d the final

have completed their required units in dissertation research and all pre- internship studen ts must register for three additional units each semester until the dissertation is completed. Transfer Credit Students may transfer up to nine semeste r hours of applicable gradu- ate-level courses from an accredi ted graduate school or theological semi- nat1' toward the master's degree. Doctoral students may transfer up to 30 semester hours of app li cable graduate-level courses in psychology (including the nine hours on the mas- ter 's level) and/ or up to 15 hours of theology and Bible appli cable to Rose- mead's program (i ncluding the nine hours on the master's level) from an accredited graduate school or theol- ogy seminary. Practicum credit in the amo un t equal to one Rosemead practicum of three hours may be transferred with the permission of the director of clini cal training. These hours will be counted toward the 30 hour transfer maximum. Practicum transfer credit will be gran ted only when it is shown as practicum on an official graduate transcript. Ph.D. stu- dents are required to take all 12 practicum hours while in residency. Rosemead wi ll not evaluate non-tradi- tional learning or non-transcripted work exper ience for academ ic or practicum credit. v\~1en students wish to use transfer cred it for a required course in the Rosemead curricu lum , it is their responsibility to provide documen ta- tion assuring the equivalencyof course content. Compe tency exami nations may be given to verify equivalence to Rosemead requ ired courses. Docu- mentation may include catalog descrip- tions , syll abi and ot her supporting materials from the professor of record or department, as deemed necessary. Unofficial Withdrawal A student who fails to register in any given semester without arranging for a leave of absence or fo rmal wi th- drawal is el imin ated from the pro- gram by default. leave o!Absence In ac tive students are th ose who have req ues ted and been granted a leave of absence from their program. A leave of abse nce may be gran ted upon peti tion fo r change of status if there is deemed sufficient reason for in terrupting the program and inten-

A student failing to maintain the minimum grade point ave rage of 3.0 wi ll be placed on academic probation. The following semester, should the stu- dent not meet the minimum cumula- tive grade point average (3.0) , they wi ll automatically be dismissed. A student cannot graduate while on probation. Academic Dismissal A student may only be all owed a combination of two "F''s and/ or two "C''s (understood to include both Ct or C-); a thi rd "C" and/ or "F" brings auto- matic el imination from the program. Credit by Examination and Course Validation No graduate credit in psychology will be given by examina tion or valida- tion. Students who possess an excel- lent but non-transcripted background in an area of study may, with the per- mission of the advisor and chai r of the Committee on Academic Qualifica- tio ns, validate by exam in at ion to receive a waiver for a required course. No unit credit is given fo r such va lida- tion. Successful val idation allows th e student to take additi onal equivalent elective hours in the program. Time limit for Degrees All course and academic require- men ts must be completed within fo ur years for the terminal Master of Arts degree , and wi thin eight years for the Psy.D. and Ph.D. degrees, beginning on the date of the student's first regisu-a- tion for graduate study at Rosemead. Student Academic load The normal full-time load fo r a Rosemead studen t in psychology is 12 to 16 hours per semester, but not less than nine hours. Without the advi- sor 's approval , a student may not cart1' over 16 units in any semester. Part- time registration of less than nine units is permitted only after a studeni has bee n adm itted to candidacy. Rosemead does not admit part-time students to its degree programs. For full statement on satisfartory ara- demir progress see AmdemicStandards sec- tion of ratalog. Pre-Internship and Dissertation Students Pre-internship, imernship and dis- sertation (ABD) status students mu st co ntinu e to register and pay the required fees each semes ter appropri- ate to their status (see fee schedu le). Students in dissertation sta tus who

Cou rses under this designation provide the essential sc ient ifi c and th eo ret ical data base for advanced graduate study in cl inical psychology. SPY SOI Introduction to Psychotherapy (2) An introduction to the theory and tech- niques of psychotherapy. Includes an emphasis on the relationship between mode ls of psyc hopathology and psy- chotherapy, an overview of var ious approaches to psychotherapy, and a dis- cussion of fo undational therapeutic techniques. Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 502 Advanced Statistics (3) Concepts and techniques involved in the analysis and interpretation of clini- cal and research data. Lecture and lab- oratory descriptive and inferential sta- tistics. Major topics include comlation and regression, tests of significance and introduction to analys is of va ri ance. Both parametric and non-parametr ic approaches are covered . Instruct ion assumes undergraduate background in stati stics. Requi red of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY SI OMotivation (3) Physiological , psychological and social basis for motivation. Topics include dri- ves, obesity, sexual motivation, need for achievement and aggression. Elective. SPY S13 Sensation and Per<eption (3) Theory and research regarding the process of sensation and perception and their relation to motivation and learning. Elective. SPY SI S Personalty and Psychopathology I(3) The first of a two course sequence in personality theory and psychopathol- ogy. This course focuses on humani s- tic-existential perspectives, including theories such as Allport, Gend \in , Maslow, May, Rogers and Van Kaam. The course also includes an introduc- tion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DMS-111 ). Required of Psy.D., Ph.D. SPY 530 History and Systems of Psychology (3) An overview of the history of psychol- ogy and classical systems in psychology. The class also considers issues in the philosophy of science relevant to psy- chological sys tems, research, theOf1', and prac tice. Required of Psy.D., Ph .D.


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approval of the dean. Terminated Students

A person who has been termi- nated fromRosemead may make reap- plication to th e program a minimum of two years after te rmination. The reapplication shou ld be in the form of a letter and include a new applica tion form, at least two current references and anydesired supporting materials. The lett er shoul d be addressed to the Rosemead Adm is- sions Committee stating the reasons for requesting readmi ttance as well as an y other issues deemed relevant by the applicant. The letter shou ld directly add ress th e causes fo r dis- missal. The appli cation will be consid- ered with the regular admissions pool. The adm issions committee will review the reques t and may take one of two actions: (A) deny the reques t; or (B) approve the request and refer to faculty for final approval or di sap- proval. The results of the faculty deci- sion will be communi ca ted to the applicant by the Dean. Readmission Procedures Astudent who has attended Biola Uni versity and has dropped ou t for one semester or longer will be required to file an application for readmission and pay a fee of $10. Stu- dents enrolled for any semester, but who fai l to pre-register for the fo ll ow- ing semester, will be charged a S35 reapplication fee should they choose to return for th at semester. Readmission requires the submi s- sion of a formal petition for readmis- sion, action by the Admissionsand Aca- demic Qualifications Committee , and final approval of the dean. This policy is in effect for students in any status, including internship and dissertation.

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