

School oflntercultural Studies




Dean: Donald E. Douglas, Ph.D. FACULTY Professors: Cook, Kwast, S. Lingenfelter, Purnell Associate Professors: Chastain , Dollar, Douglas, Hayward, Kraft,J. Lin- genfelter, Purgason Assistant Professor: Steffen Adjunct Faculty: Man~n K. Mayers, Ph.D. OVERVIEW The School of In1erculwral Stud- ies consis ts of two departments. In addi ti on LO its undergraduate offer- ings, the Department of Imercultural Studies offers graduate programs lead- ing lO two master ' s degrees and 1wo doctoral degrees. These programs emp hasize th e soc ial scie nces and the ir relation to interculwral under- standin g, world mission , educatio n and a number of technical specialties related LO these topics. The Department of lntercultural Studies was established: (I) LO prepare missionary recruits from every nation with cross-cultural communica tion ski lls fo r inte rnational service; (2) to provide missions the opportunity to encourage the personal and academic deve lopment of their overseas staff; and (3) to prepare min isters an d Chri stian education professionals fo r the types of cross-cultural (and cross- subcu ltural) ministries they wi ll face in wday's mu lti-ethnic and mu lti - national wo rl d, es peciall y as these impact the local church. The Department of TESOL (Teachi ng Eng lish 10 Speake rs of Othe r Languages) and Appl ied Li n- guistics offers two master ' s degree programs. The graduate program in TESOL provides professional prepara- tion for English language teac hin g among speakers of other languages. The grad uate program in Ap pli ed Linguistics deals with issues in volved in second language learning, analysis, teaching and research.

This degree is also des igned to meet the needs of missionaries who have had three years of Bible school training, extended field expe rience, and who nowdesire graduate leve l training. For students admitted with- out the B.A. or its equivalent , this degree is terminal and may not be used as a stepping stone to th e D.Miss. or Ph.D. This is a 62 unit program wh ich may be reduced, based upon previous study. Doctor of Missiology The Doctor of Missiology degree is designed to prepare professionals for the highest level of sen1ce in missions. More specifica ll y, it seeks: ( I) to develop research professionals in lin- guistics, Bible translation , anthropol- ogy, church growth , etc. , to aid in and support the missionary enterpri se; (2) lO help prepare nationals of eve ry nation for fo rmal education service in thei r own cul ture; and to prepare edu- cators and scholars from every nation at the very highest levels of education to teach in schools of higher learning; and (3 ) 10 train teachers and consul- tants for educational and developmen- tal institutions and agencies, and con- sul tan 1s for both completi ng and checking Bible translati ons. Doctor of Education The Doctor of Education degree is offered in cooperation wi th the Departmelll of Christian Education at Talbot School of Theology. The Ed.D. with a crosscultural emphasis is specifically fo r training professionals working in crosscultural educational programs that may or may not be localized in churches. The program is designed to tr ai n highly competent professionals lO conduct research and teach adul t literacy, TESOL, Theologi- cal Educa ti on by Extension (TEE), Bi ble school and semin ary programs and other formal or non-formal ed u- cational programs 1ha1 are part of crosscul tural ministry. The program places a strong emphasis on crosscul- tural educational research. The facul- ties of the School of In1ercultural Studies and Talbot School of Theo l- ogy support the preparation of the student and th e di rection of disserta- tion research.

All students must meet the follow-

Chair: Donald E. Douglas, Ph.D. FACULTY

ing requirements:

I. All applicanlS must possess a bac- calaureate degree from an accredited coll ege or university with a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) grade poim average. Graduates from approved unaccredited colleges, if accepted , will be granted provisional acce ptance , if GPA is 3.4 or higher. Graduates from approved unaccredited colleges may be req uired LO take cer- tain additional liberal arts course work (no t appli cable toward the graduate degree), if their undergraduate pro- gram did not include these courses. 2. Those without intercultural / missions or Bible/ theology may have additional coursework added LO their program. 3. All app li cants must submit a written statement outlin ing their voca- tional objectives and how the degree will relate IO those ~bjectives. Appli- cants should attach a one- page, type- written letter to the application. 4. All appl icants are required to submit three leuers of references on forms supplied by the school. 5. All applicants are required to submit official transcripts of all previ- ous schools attended. 6. Th e application deadline for the fall is August I and for the spring is .January I. Applications may be sub- mitted afte r th is deadline (late appli- cation fee of $45) , but wi ll be consid- ered and processed onl y if space is ava il able and time allows. Doctor of Missiology An accredited master's degree in lntercul1u ral Studies, or a related field, of wh ich 15 uni ts will be in biblical and theological stud ies, and 18 units in social organ iza tion , intercultural com- munication, cultural change, dynamics of religious experience (or fo lk reli- gions) , theology of mission , and applied anthropology, as described in this catalog. A 3.30 grade poin t average is required for admission. Doctor of Education ·An accredited master 's degree or its equivalent appropriate LO the Ed.D. is required for admi ssion. The stu- dent must have a GPA of 3.3 in their previous graduate st udy. Students may transfer in a maximum of 30 uni ts toward the Doctor of Educa ti on. Three years of min istry experience , or its eq uival ent , are required for entrance to the program.

Professors: Cook , Kwast, S. Lingenfe lter Associate Professors: Dollar, Douglas, Ha)~l'ard, Kraft ,J. Lingenfe lter Assistant Professor: Steffen Adjunct Faculty:Man1n K. Mayers, Ph.D. OBJECTIVES Biola as an ins ti llltion has had a "heart" for Christ ian missions sin ce its in cepti on. The burden for th e bil- lions of non-Christians (more than three billion today; 5 billion projected by the yea r 2,000 ) has been great. There ha been an academic program at Biola su-essi ng mission interests for decades , and this was brought to a high leve l of refinement under the leadership of Dr. Clyde Cook. Biola combines spiritual ministry with a high academic concepwaliza- tion that is real ized through a strong faculty , a growing library facility , and an emphasis on sou nd research LO underlie the teaching program. Stu- den ts ca n enri ch their train ing in Bible, theology and psychology at the School of ln tercultural Studies by tak- ing coursework al Talbot School of Th eo logy and Rosemead School of Psychology. They can also complete a special ization in intercultural studi es and missions within the Talbot degree programs and a specialization in imer- cultural studies within the Rosemead degree program.

DEGREES OFFERED Master of Arts Degree

M.A. in lmercullllral Studies. The Master of Arts in ln tercultural Stud ies is desig ned fo r those an ti cipat in g crosscultural involvement, and who desire training skills of intercul1ural communi cation and sen1ce. 11 is a 42- unit program. M.A. in Missions. The Master of Arts in Missions is a professional degree designed IO meet the needs of candidates or appointees for the mi s- sion fie ld, or other cross-<:ultural min- istries, who already have a BA/ BS, or other professional training , but who need addi ti onal Bibl e/theology, and missio logy/ intercu l1ural train ing. One year of study would normally pre- cede departure fo r such se rYi ce, whi le the second year of studycould be com- pleted during a subsequent furlough.

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