Doctor of Education (1) Residence and Course Work
I) Successfu llycompleted the Preliminary Faculty Interview 2) Passed the comprehens ive examination 3) Completed the fi eld ministry requirement 4) Received approval of the disserta- tion proposal by the Doctoral Committee Upon reaching candidacy a stu- dent must register for a total of eight dissertation units prior to graduation. These units are divided equa ll y between SDS 880 D.Miss. Dissertation Field Research and SDS 88 1 D.Miss. Dissertation. With the consent of the doctora l advisor , dissertation units may be taken at the rate of only one per semester. If the doctoral candi- date has not defended the dissertation by the time the eight dissertation units are compl eted, he or she must con- tinue to be enrolled each semester until graduation . This may be done under SDS 882 D.Miss. Continuation Research. This enrollment carries no cred it, but keeps the student's regis-
anycourse or dissertation work can be resumed, the student must make for- mal ap plicat ion for readmission to both the School of lntercultural Stud- ies Admissions Committee and the Biola University Office of Admissions. (4) Oral Interview and Admission to Doctoral Study All studen ts will ha ve an oral interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for successful completion of the doc- toral program. The interview is sched- uled after one semester in residence, and the completion of at least one sig- nificant piece of wri tten work demon- strating the student's skill in research writing. The results of this interview are reported to the faculty, which votes either to admit, admit wi th con- ditions, or not to admit th e student to doctoral study. (5) Comprehensive Examinations Doctoral students are required to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the field of sn1dyby examination. The content of the comprehensive written exams includes material from the core areas of the cunicttlum and the student's particttlar specia!iz.ation. These exams are nof]Tially taken at the conclusion of all tl1e coursework, but field personnel may nego- tiate the timing of these in consultation
sertation units prior to graduat ion. These units are divided eq uall y between SDS 890 Ed .D. Dissertation Field Research and SDS 891 Ed.D. Dis- sertation. Uni ts are ordinarily taken at th e rate of three or six per term dur- ing tl1e dissertation stage. Under spe- cial circumstances, and with the con- sent of the doctoral ad,~sor, less than three units may be elected per term. If the doctoral candidate has not defended the dissertation by the time the 12 dissertation units are com- pleted, he or she must be enroll ed continuouslyeach semes ter until grad- uation. This may be done at the rate of one unit a semester under SEM 892 Ed.D. Continuation Research. This enrollment carries no credit but keeps the student's registration current. (8) Dissertation The doctoral dissertation will be based upon research conducted in the field of minisLI)', usually over a period of six months to one year. The disser- ta tion must demonstrate high attain- ment in scholarship related to profes- sional missiology. The dissertation topic and proposal must be approved by the candidate 's ad,~SOI)' committee prior to beginning of the stude nt ' s field research. Three weeks prior to expected graduat ion the cand idate must submit to the School of lntercul- tural Studi es dean the original and fou r copies of his dissertation signed by the dissertation committee . (9) Final Oral Examination The final examinati on is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and ot her invited professionals. (10) Graduation Requirements All students must present an accept- abl e dissertation , have satisfac torily passed their comprehensive examina- tions and have completed all required course work 11~ tl1 a minimum 3.00 grade point avernge to qualify for graduation.
The program requires a minimum of 60 units past the appropriate mas- ter's degree, with 48 semester hours of course work and 12 semester hours of dissertation research . If a student has gradua te coursework but no master's degree, or has a master's degree which does not contain the background nec- essary for the Ed.D. program, the total program will be longer than 60 units, and this will be negotiated wi th the director of the program. A faculty advisor wi ll guide each student in plan- ning a program of courses to serve his or her ministry needs. Each student will select a mentor from the graduate faculty to guide his or her dissertation research. The program contains an 18 unit core requirement, plus six hours of research coursework and 12 hours of dissertation research . The remain- der of the program all ows the student to choose from courses across th e Uni- versity curriculum in order to focus on individual minisuy needs. The core requ ir eme nts are as follows: I. DE 801 Historical and Philosophi- cal Thought in Education 2. DE 803 Human Developmen t and Learning 3. DE 804 Organizational Adminis- tra tion in Educational Leadership 4. DE 805 Curriculum Theory and the Practice of Teaching 5. DE 807 Educational Research Design 6. ST 721 Crosscultural Education In additi on to the core require- ments, swdents are expected to take SCL 500 Libra1y Research Skills, SCL 803 Qualitative Research , and SCL 879 Research Design. (2) Time Limit for Degree Completion All course and academic require- ments for the Ed.D. degree should be completed within IO years, beginning on the date of the student 's first regis- tration. Petitions for extension beyond 10 years will be considered on a case by case basis for studen ts who may encounter extensi ve field experi- ence or field research requirements. (3) Unofficial Withdrawal and Read- mission Procedures Astudent who fails to register for one or more semes ters is automati- cally withdrawn from the Ed.D. pro- gram. For reinstatement, and before
tration current. (8) Dissertation
The doctoral dissertation will be ba ed upon research conducted in the field of ministry, usually over a period of six months to one year. The disser- tation must demonstrate high attain- ment in scholarsh ip related to profes- siona l missiology. The dissertation topic and proposal must be approved by the candidate 's advisory committee prior to beginning of the st udent 's field research. Three weeks prior to expected graduat ion the candidate must submit to the School of lntercul- tural Studies dean the origin al and four copies of hi s dissertation signed by the di sse rtati on committee. (9) Final Oral Examination The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the doctoral committee and other invited professionals. (10) Graduation Requirements All stude nts must present an acceptable dissertation, have satisfac- tori ly passed th eir comp rehens ive examinations and have completed all requ ired course work with a minimum 3.30 grade point average to qualify for graduati on.
witl1 tl1e director of the program. (6) Field Ministry and Language Requirement
All students shoul d have at least three years of practical educa ti onal experience in a cross-culLUral setting. It is ass umed that the student has acquired fluency in a language neces- sary for effective ministry and research. (7) Admission to Candidacy Official candidacy for the doctor- ate signifies an advanced stage in the studen t's progress and is character- ized by self-d ir ected research and preparation of a dissertation under th e direction of a facu lty advisor. In order to be admitted to candidacy the studen t must have: a. Successfully completed the Pre- liminal)' Oral Interview b. Passed the comprehensive examinations c. Completed the fi eld mini stI)' requirement d. Received approval of the disserta- tion proposal bythe Doctoral Committee Upon reaching candidacy a stu- dent must register for a total of 12 dis-
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