education byextension, in-sm>ice short courses and di stance education to eval- uate their suitability and effectiveness. SST 863 Area Strategies in Evangelism (3) Intensi ve case study analysis, by socio-geographic areas; of evangelisti c and church plaming strategies. Maybe repeated with differem course coment. Seminars .. SEM 590 Seminar in Practical Mission Training (1-9) (does not apply to a degree program) SPR 690 Practicum (1-6) SEM 760 Seminar in Evangelism (3) SPR 791-792 Field Internship (2, 2) Aprogram designed LO give expe- ri ence in va rious phases of intercul - tural ministry. Field involvemem I 00 hours each semes ter , and regu lar meeting for reporting and discussion. Prerequisite: 48 units of class work. Prescribed for and limited to M.Div. students majoring in mi ssions. SIS 793-794 Independent Study (1-4, 1-4) In-d epth in ves tigati on of a top ic under the guidance of the facu lty , using standard research procedures. Topic selection and co urse enroll- ment byadvisor's approva l. STH 796 Thesis (0) Presc1ibed for Master ofAns in Missions. SEM 810 Seminar inAnthropology (3) SEM 815 Seminar in lntercultural Communication (3) SEM 820 Seminar in linguistics (3) SEM 825 Seminar in Crosscultural Education (3) SEM 830 Seminar in Sociolinguistics (3) Fee: $125. SEM 840 Seminar inEthnotheology (3) SEM 850 Seminar in Theology of Mission (3) SEM 855 Seminar in History of Mi ssions (3) SEM 865 Seminar in Mission Strategy (1-3) Selected topics and issues in mi ssions: Women in Islam: the theoretical and practi cal concerns of Arab women. Women in Missions: the theoreti cal and practica l concerns of women today in the world of missions. Shon Tenn Missions Preparation: 01ien- tation for shon term missions program. SEM 870 Seminar in Bible Translation (3) SOS 880 D.Miss. Dissertation Field Research (1-4) SOS 881 D.Miss. Dissertation (1-4) SOS 882 D.Miss . Continuation
SST 562 Culture Change (3)
will encompass a study of the mi ss ion given to Israe l and to th e Church including some interac tion with con- temporary th eo logies of mi ssion. SHM 752 Acts: Biblical and Missiological (3) This course will focus on the his- torical, cultural and theological con- ten t leading the student toward mas- teq•of the book of Acts. This will be fo llowed by a discussion of cogent mis- siological themes, such as evange lism, powe r encounter, contex tuali za tion and the supernatural in missions. Society Technology and Missions SST 530 Seminar: Topics in lntercul- tural Health Care (3) May be repeated with different fo cus. Topics include: Crossrult11m/ !-lea/th Care Deliver. Theories and skill s related 10 health teaching, physical assessment , prepa- ration and utilizati on of indigenous health care. Pmonal /-Ira/th 1\1/aintenanre A&road. Preparation for living overseas: healthy lifestyle. prevention of disease, mental and spiritual burnout. initial treatment where there is no doctor. Anthropology of Crossrultural Health [are. The an th ropologica l study of problems of illn ess and health with emphasis on th e cultural contest of health care programs. Management Strategies in Crossrul- turcil Health Care. Preparation for serv- ing organizations inrnlved in planning and impl ementing health care systems at the district and village level. lntrrrultural C/inirnl Prartirnm. SST 558 Peasant and Tribal Cultures (3) Analysis of th e cultural in stitu- tions and va lues in tribal, peasant and newly emerging economi es, with spe- cial consideration as to their openness or resistance to change. SST 560 Urban Research and Ministry (3) The use of social science techniques to lea rn about the people, needs and opportunities for evange lism in the city. SST 561 Topics in Applied Cultural Anthropology (3) Appli ca tion of anthropologica l in sights to crosscultura l probl ems. Emphasis on: marriage customs, lead- ership patterns , pol iti ca l relations, indigenous movements, cultur e chan ge, wo rldvi ew , etc. May be repeated with different course content. Prerequisite: SCI. 300 or SHM 640.
curren tl y). RN licensure or consent of instructor. SST 680 The Local Church and World Missions (3) Designed to integrate principles of crossculmral communication and the- ology and strategy of missions 11>ithin a total conceptual framework LO aid the local church in mission invo lvement. SST 691-692 Tutorial (3 , 3) A se lf-st udy course for ex peri- enced fi eld workers, under direction of a faculty mentor, in th e subject area of the D.Miss. core requirement. This course is limited to D.Miss. m1dents who can demonstrate prior know- ledge and competence in the subject area of the required core. SST 721 Crosscultural Education (3) Expl oratio n of socio-cultural factors that affect teaching and learn- ing strategies in educa tion both here and abroad. SST 722 Spiritual Conflicts in Cross- cultural Context (3) Reviews the hi stori cal and con- temporary wor ldview beliefs in the existe nce and ac tivity of sp iritual beings or forces often encountered by the crosscultural worker. A theology of spiri ts is developed to help establish theoretical and pract ica l guidelin es for appropriate understanding of and response to spiritual beliefs and potemial conflicts encountered in var- ious crosscultural setting. SPR 760 Urban Practicum Internship (3, 6) Aprogram of crosscultural imern- ships in th e urban metropolitan area of L.A. Bypermission of insu-uctor onl y. SST 765 Leadership (3) Cross-cultural study of leadership including diverse pauerns of author- ity, legi timacy, public support, leader- ship recruitmem, and training as they affect communication, church growth and development worldwide. SSST 850 Crosscultural Implications in Theology (3) The applications of crosscultural communi cation prin cipl es to the studyof theology, cri tique and evalua- tion of such theologies and the design and implementation of culture spe- cific theologies for various cultures. SST 861 Alternative Delivery Systems in Education (3) Contemporary technologi es and travel ease offer new possibilities for training nationals. Thi s course will examine such sys tems as theological
The studyof how cultures change, the dynamics and processes of change, the place of change agen ts an d the speed and intensity of change. Impli- ca tions of such processes are exam- ined in social, political, economic and religious aspects of society. SST 563 Sex Roles in Society (3) The dynamics of male and female roles in Western, non-Western and biblical cultures. Focus on responsi- biliti es, ob ligati ons, ex pectat ions, leaderships and inter-relationships as th ey relate to the society as a whole. SST 565 Leadership Emergent Patterns (3) Astudy of the principles and pat- tern s used byGod as He raises up lead- ers for His work. This study \\111 include a discussion of the 1>ital place of spirimal formation in leadership development. SST 570 Introduction to Bible Translation (2 or 3) An introduct ion to the principles and problems of interculmral commu- ni ca ti on with special emp ha sis on transla ting the Bibl e into indige- nous languages. SST 571 Technology and Missions Topics (3) SST 575 Multicultural Education (3) Experiential approach to crosscul- tural differences in the classroom as they affect teaching and lea rnin g. Focus of aue nti on is primarily the United States. SST 661 Introduction to Church Growth (3) A basic understanding of church growth concepts as related both to the local congregations and LO the task of worldwide evangelization, with due emphasis on th e Church Grow th school of thought. SST 662 Mission in Political Context (3) Consideration of modern political ideo log ies and movements as they affect the church and its mission in selected national contex ts. SST 667 Technology in Community Development (3) Exam in es th e wo rldwid e eco- nomic pressures of populati on growth and food shortages, and focuses on appropriate developmem projects for
Christian holistic ministq'. SST 676 lntercultural Clinical Practicum (3-6)
Supervised crosscultural clinical health care expe1ience. Prerequisites: SCL 520, 622, 675 (may be taken con-
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